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 Post subject: Re: Swapping for quests updated: 4/25/2023
Posted: Apr 27th, '23, 16:27    


Joined: Mar 18th, '11, 18:00
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Aww thank you! Any help is appreciated. I burned through about half of the mushroom quests before i got this one that is holding me up. My goal is then to work through another character and just bring down the quest list a bit even if I don't want the items.

Thank you! If I get extras of the ones you want I'll send them your way as well. If the items switch before I get everything I want, It think Hortola and Mem both have extras of a bunch of items so I might hit either of them up.

Executive function is brutal so I'm trying my best to give myself fun thing in between. I'm also trying to trick my brain into producing dopamine by making a list and crossing things off once they're done. I just finished one of my papers this morning and turned it in so I got to delete it from the list and feel good for a second. I am so bad at prioritizing things so I have to trick my brain. I'm so close to the end. I have 1 more paper due tomorrow and 2 more due next week.

I was learning how to make the zuppa toscana from olive garden. I love copycat recipes! beef stew sounds so nice right now. Its cloudy and gloomy today so it is 100% a beef stew day.

I just checked my inventory because I never remember the names of items and I don't have those ones. Sorry. Yeah there are not a lot of horns that are small. I've seen a few but they are rare.

YAY! I'm so happy that you are feeling better. Its no joke that the US is toxic. The train derailment that happened a few months ago caused acid rain all over the area and water that's bottle from that area had to be pulled from shelves at grocery stores. The gross cloud of toxins passed over us in NY for a few days and the US government didn't even issue a warning. Your brain is super important to you and I'm so happy you have it back! You were the queen of 5 minute thesis because you could pull up a random topic and just talk about it and the info would be accurate and everything. It was impressive AF. Plus healthcare in most of the countries you re visiting is probably so much better. That might aid to your recovery.

I had to give up as a child on getting milotic in the main line games. I didn't have that kind of dedication. Yeah it weird that we can't trade over wifi, but I also understand that they don't want people just trading region locked pokemon without actually meeting each other. It would make the game too easy, but it would also give me the 2 pokemon left in my gen 3 dex that i'm very bitter about not having.

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Real talk for a moment: Can we Go back to that month that Pokemon Go was released. Everyone was so happy and the only people down my throat were old men at work who complained about a cell phone app kids were playing. Can we have that? Please.
I have a hangout now but its rather lonely. Wanna come in and read a story?
We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside...
I'm an artwhore: x-broken-wish-x Silly Chu

 Post subject: Re: Swapping for quests updated: 4/25/2023
Posted: Apr 27th, '23, 18:01    


Joined: May 31st, '09, 14:54
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I was only able to find one Green Candle today, but I sent it your way. <3 C woke up with a low grade fever today, so we had to bail on Matka Canyon, so I had time to dig. ^^

Look at you, actually doing all of the quests! I'm sure Fungus appreciates it! I only ever do the quests whose rewards I want, so it's mostly Lord Wuffel "The Hooded Stranger's" quests. ;P

Mem is a lifesaver when it comes to event or limited items you've missed! I've definitely been in her selling forum too many times to count! And she's so sweet too, which is a plus!

Oh, the checklist thing is VITAL for me! I write lists for everything. Usually on my phone, so I don't waste the paper (bc I have chronic guilt issues). It's SO satisfying to be able to delete that task from existence, and my memory, once it's done. :mccool: Whoohoo!!! You're on the final stretch!!!! You can do it!!!! :mclaugh:

Ooh, I love Zuppa Toscana! It's, like, the only thing from Olive Garden that I like. Def send me the recipe if it came out well - I would LOVE to know how to make it on my own!

It's been raining here off and on all month. We've actually been trying to go to Matka Canyon since our anniversary....on the 12th! But every day was either raining, something happened (one of us was sick, C didn't sleep the night before, etc.). C's pretty disappointed - it was one of the few things he really wanted to do in Skopje, and we are gonna miss it. It was actually suppose to be our anniversary date! But ah well, can't help being sick. This happened in Sofia, too - last two weeks it rained pretty much constantly. The last day before we left it was sunny, so we had planned on going to the big church that I had wanted to see, as well as a nearby church that had a wishing well that was suppose to grant miracles, then go pack shopping since C's pack died. C woke up sick. :mccry: I ended up going pack shopping alone, then spent the rest of the day packing up and getting the house ready for move out, and taking care of C. Poor kid feels horrible, but what can you do? We've been getting sick a LOT lately. I think our bodies don't have the immunities to what they've got over here, since one of us is sick at least once a week with either a stomach bug or a cold of some variety. It's been exhausting. It was like this when we first started traveling, too, but our immune system slowly adapted. But it's been a couple of years living in the US, and we haven't spent any time in the Balkans before, so we've been having a rough time of it. Neither of us have appendixes, so our immune systems are shot. ; A;

Yeah, Firn doesn't seem really fond of tiny horns. Which partially makes sense, because she often makes very big, elaborate hairstyles where the horns would either get lost or layer weird - nothing like a glitch where your horns clip through your bangs! But with how many updo's she has, I wish we had more tiny horns that didn't hide the pretty hair designs.

Did that train derailment affect your area of NY? I heard about it (mostly through memes, actually - nothing says "I live in a country where my government doesn't care about me" quite like hearing about ecological disasters through the memes people create to cope with the anxiety surrounding them, rather than an actual news report), but I wasn't sure where you were located in comparison.

Yeah, but that's exactly why there SHOULD be wifi trading! There are so many species that are region locked! And yeah, you're suppose to get outside and talk to people, but not everyone has the ability to fly halfway across the world to fill out their pokedex! I would understand if they limited it to Best Friends, so that people didn't spam trade from across the world. But imho there should be SOME way to trade without having to walk up to strangers and be like "BE MY FRIEND ON THIS GAME". X'D Haven't you learned by now that nerds don't always have friends outside of the internet, Nintendo??? Well, I guess this is Niantic, but same difference. I'm actually particularly salty about it rn bc I'm working through a piece of field research that requires a trade to move on to the next step, but C doesn't have Pokemon Go on his phone, so I'm just...stuck on that quest with no way to proceed. >:(

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x 21x Groundselx

 Post subject: Re: Swapping for quests updated: 4/25/2023
Posted: Apr 28th, '23, 18:51    


Joined: Mar 18th, '11, 18:00
Posts: 9561
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Mood: I can hear the wires pullin'
That's okay! Anything helps. I also realized that i'm an idiot and looked at the wrong location when I was putting in the quantity of green candles needed. I actually need 26. I need to update that on the front page. I also goofed with the crowns and only needed 4 so the 4 you sent were perfect. The end of the semester is starting to affect my reading skills I guess. The hooded stranger and the queen have the best quests!

I've been running my list on my computer too! I have it with me so often that its super convenient. Also I can send you the link to the recipe. Beware it makes a lot of soup, like a whole gallon of soup so I'd either cut the recipe in half or make it when you're in a location where you can freeze it or store it for a few days. I ended up giving some to two of my classmates to help get rid of it because my brain didn't put 2 and 2 together when the recipe called for 6 cups of chicken broth and another 2 of heavy cream.

Oh no I'm sorry the rain and your health has been getting in the way of things. I know how important its been for you to experience the cool sites around the world while traveling. If possible you might want to get your hands on a probiotic or something while traveling because it will help your gut flora a bit since you both don't have appendixes. Also I'm assuming you've already done it because you are actually smart, but get vaccinated for local diseases if possible, and that also includes getting a covid booster if possible! Covid still is no joke in some areas and can leave you open to acquiring other pathogens. Not to sound like a mom too much, but make sure to get some rest!

It makes sense because the tiny horns would just disappear under some styles. I have the teg knuffel horns which are a medium pair of horns centered over the eyes and then has another smaller pair on the outside of the main horns and the little ones often get covered by hair styles.

We were a few miles out of the 100mile radius from the train derailment site. So we weren't actively notified about anything because they're were like "I think you're far enough away" but we still got the acid rain and the smoke cloud was tracked by the national weather association (i think it was them), and it went over us at one point before it was considered dissipated enough to not cause problems. So yeah we live in a dystopian hell. Also that railway company still operates regularly.

Wifi trading with Best friends would actually be kind of cool because its not like you can do that over night and people are less likely to become best friends with someone that they just got a friend code from online because you would have to be exchanging gifts everyday. The other option is they can set up wifi trades only between lucky friends because becoming a lucky friend is random and only lasts one trade. Oh no you are stuck in research hell like I am. I have one task that's taking forever because I need to be level 40.

(0) (0)
Real talk for a moment: Can we Go back to that month that Pokemon Go was released. Everyone was so happy and the only people down my throat were old men at work who complained about a cell phone app kids were playing. Can we have that? Please.
I have a hangout now but its rather lonely. Wanna come in and read a story?
We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside...
I'm an artwhore: x-broken-wish-x Silly Chu

 Post subject: Re: Swapping for quests updated: 4/25/2023
Posted: Apr 30th, '23, 01:19    


Joined: Mar 18th, '11, 18:00
Posts: 9561
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Mood: I can hear the wires pullin'
Thanks to you fire and mem for the material! I finished all of fungus's quests!

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Real talk for a moment: Can we Go back to that month that Pokemon Go was released. Everyone was so happy and the only people down my throat were old men at work who complained about a cell phone app kids were playing. Can we have that? Please.
I have a hangout now but its rather lonely. Wanna come in and read a story?
We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside...
I'm an artwhore: x-broken-wish-x Silly Chu

 Post subject: Re: Swapping for quests updated: 4/25/2023
Posted: Apr 30th, '23, 19:19    


Joined: May 31st, '09, 14:54
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Congrats on finishing all of Fungus' quests!!!!
Lucky for you, I JUST finished slaying a four-eyed dragon on my way over here. :mcsmirk: I sent you over his eyes, so that you can turn them in for that sweet, sweet bounty. ;3

What quests are you going to move on to now that Fungus is satisfied?

That is VERY good to know! I love zuppa toscana, but I don't exactly think I need an entire GALLON of it! X'D I'm sure your classmates were thrilled!

That's actually a good idea on the probiotics. I will just have to figure out how to ask for that in Macedonian at the pharmacy! X'D Sometimes I hate that European countries only sell otc meds at the pharmacy behind the counter - sometimes I just need to pick up something simple, like ibuprofen or vitamin d and don't want to go through the twenty minute back-and-forth because I don't speak this language. >.<

C and I both got the original boosters, but haven't had the opportunity to get the omnicron booster yet. It's complicated when traveling, since you have to find a doctor who accepts out-of-country, no insurance patients, who speak english, and use scheduling software in english, and will take cash, and don't have a very long wait time for appointments, and are a reputable hospital with good practices....etc etc etc. For example, most businesses in North Macedonia don't have websites, so if we get sick here I have absolutely no idea how we'd even find a doctor. x.x Some countries are easier than others.

I love the Tegg horns! I actually have five pairs atm. X'D I'm a bit obsessed with WK items. I'm actually bummed, because I'm almost out of WK to level up, but it seems like people very rarely post new WK in the shop anymore. :mccry: I'm going to be sad when my supply of WK items dries up. It's crazy, because I actually was worried that I'd never level all of them up because I bought FAR too many at one point. And yet here I am, worried about running out now!

Well, I'm glad you were outside of the immediate danger zone. But that's scary as shit! The US is a hellhole, and I am so happy to not be there anymore. It scares the piss out of me that all of my loved ones are still there.
We could have had fully-automated gay luxury space communism! Who the HELL voted for the dystopia option??? :mcshout:

Right?? Wifi trading with Best Friends would be fine. Make it something you have to work for! Even if it was a further level up, like Ultra Best Friends, or something equally ridiculous sounding. Just let it be possible.

UGH! I've been on the countdown to level 50 for what feels like forever because there's a jacket I want to unlock. But I'm only at 33, so it's going to be awhile. I'm actually really sad, there isn't a pokemon stop or gym near my apartment, and with my international roaming data turned off, I can't really play unless I can play from home. So I'll have to wait and see if I lucked out on the placement of my apartment next month. ; ^; Boo.

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x 21x Groundselx

 Post subject: Re: Swapping for quests updated: 4/25/2023
Posted: Apr 30th, '23, 22:35    


Joined: Mar 18th, '11, 18:00
Posts: 9561
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Thanks! I'm doing another hooded stranger quest for the lilac fairy wings, and then I'm probably going to pick a person at random and start doing more quests until they run out too. I started with fungus because most of their quests were easy.

According to google translate (I know I shouldn't put too much faith in it) "do you have probiotics?" translates to "dali imate probiotici" or "дали имате пробиотици" which is cool. You may have to google translate and struggle. Sorry.

With those stipulations it might be impossible to get the booster because now that i'm thinking about it, they have to register it the shot and I don't think the US system is compatible with anyone else. With the whole doctor situation being rough, please be careful!

I have only one pair but I lucked out by getting the midnight purple ones. Oh no! I never thought of that as an issue because I take an eternity to level up knuffel but now that i'm thinking about it, that's a solid issue for anyone who goes at a normal pace and actually pays attention to their knuffel.

Yeah the US is going down hill fast. Even Boston's dealing with homophobes and bullshit and we're the Gay State. The current generation in office needs to retire like right now in large numbers because they do not represent the people. Also I'm still mad about losing my reproductive freedom!

Oh no! That's unfortunate because its only a matter of time before you run out of items and eggs. I can keep sending you gifts though because at least those will give you pokeballs and stardust.

(0) (0)
Real talk for a moment: Can we Go back to that month that Pokemon Go was released. Everyone was so happy and the only people down my throat were old men at work who complained about a cell phone app kids were playing. Can we have that? Please.
I have a hangout now but its rather lonely. Wanna come in and read a story?
We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside...
I'm an artwhore: x-broken-wish-x Silly Chu

 Post subject: Re: Swapping for quests updated: 5/7/2023
Posted: May 20th, '23, 16:52    


Joined: May 31st, '09, 14:54
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I sent over the yellow balloons and earth rings you needed. :qh: Apparently my knuffels like helping you with your quests much more than they like helping me with mine. :mcmeh: Traitors.

Looks like I was right about the digging items updating soon. :mccry: I'm missing so many of the past set. Which is a bummer, because I think the only item I will ever use from the new digging set are the Darkness and Water Check Designs. :< Oh well. Maybe I can trade some of the newer designs for the past ones I've missed.

Oh! That's a good point! I hadn't even thought about the fact that I wouldn't have a record of the any booster I got abroad in the US system. And I doubt they'd even write it on my US vaccine card. Or if that'd even be a good idea! ; A; Ah well, guess the best I can do is wear masks and try to be careful. I stick out like a sore thumb here because I'm the only one who wears them (literally haven't seen a single person wear a mask my entire month in Ohrid, and only saw one person in Skopje and one person in Sofia x.x ), but I'd rather be awkward and weird than unable to breathe, so? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The only silver lining is that the Boomers are quickly dying off, and Gen X was never big enough to make a huge difference in the polls, so soon Millennials will have a real pull in making legislative decisions soon. Let's just hope we can keep what rights we have until then!

Yeah, looks like I won't be near any pokestops or gyms next month either. Our airbnb in Vlore, Albania fell through last minute, so instead of trying to scramble to find another place for way more expensive we decided to stay in Ohrid for another month. But the place we are staying is on the ass end of town, so no way we'll be near anything. I'm actually kinda bummed, bc Airbnb doesn't show you exactly where the house is until you book for "security reasons", just a wide radius of about where it is, and it turns out it's kinda far from the nearest grocery. Which is a bummer, since we have to buy all of our own water here, because the tap water makes us sick. Which is going to mean a lot of lugging heavy ass groceries AND water a few kilometers probably every day or every other day, since I can only carry so much at a time. :< Bummer.

By the way, shouldn't your semester be coming to an end soon? When are you off for the summer? (Well, "off".) When do you start up at the pharmacy? Do you get a little break in-between to recoop after finals?

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x 21x Groundselx

 Post subject: Re: Swapping for quests updated: 5/7/2023
Posted: Jun 9th, '23, 23:22    


Joined: Mar 18th, '11, 18:00
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Hey sorry for the disappearance, the last 3 weeks have been crazy with work and my internship!

Thank you so much for the rings and balloons! I have only one knuffel that likes to dig up yellow balloons for some reason. The rest like all of the other colors of the rainbow. Let me know if you need anything. I'm going to start digging again now that I have 5 seconds of freedom.

Damn I'm missing so many too. I'm missing most of the air ones and I really wanted them. I did manage to get all of the darkness items though just before they changed up. Trading sounds like the best option. I also have an extra kimono for fire or earth (i have to check) and I might be able to use that to bargain or I can sell it because the new MT is awesome and I don't have any FCs right now.

Yeah the vaccine system is kind of a mess when you consider documentation over country boarders. We have too many different systems that were all put in place as soon as possible because of the pandemic so not everything talks to each other. I would also rather you be awkward rather than dead I suggest wearing the mask. Also speaking of not being able to breath, the sky was orange and gross for a few days here due to wildfires and people still wouldn't wear masks outside.

Goodbye boomers and please don't spread your homophobic ideas as you leave!

I can still send you gifts if you need items. You can still receive gifts even if you aren't sending them.

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Real talk for a moment: Can we Go back to that month that Pokemon Go was released. Everyone was so happy and the only people down my throat were old men at work who complained about a cell phone app kids were playing. Can we have that? Please.
I have a hangout now but its rather lonely. Wanna come in and read a story?
We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside...
I'm an artwhore: x-broken-wish-x Silly Chu

 Post subject: Re: Swapping for quests updated: 5/7/2023
Posted: Jul 7th, '23, 20:38    


Joined: Jun 7th, '09, 06:28
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I just came back to KofK after a long hiatus and I've no idea what the reward for my current quest is, but I've been collecting air rings for the last two weeks now xP

I need 95 and I'm finally up to 78 :mcheh:

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Looking for: Halloween 2018 Knuffel. PM me!

 Post subject: Re: Swapping for quests updated: 5/7/2023
Posted: Aug 21st, '23, 15:59    


Joined: Mar 18th, '11, 18:00
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Mood: I can hear the wires pullin'
I can send you those last 17 rings. Do you happen to have any green candles? I'm 20 short for my current quest (i didn't update my front page because I thought with a bunch of earth knuffels this would be quick but I was wrong).

(0) (0)
Real talk for a moment: Can we Go back to that month that Pokemon Go was released. Everyone was so happy and the only people down my throat were old men at work who complained about a cell phone app kids were playing. Can we have that? Please.
I have a hangout now but its rather lonely. Wanna come in and read a story?
We're All a Little Bit Insane Inside...
I'm an artwhore: x-broken-wish-x Silly Chu

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