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Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Apr 8th, '14, 16:47
by Spirit_of_Auron
Lol, yeah he is, and I know he's really excited too about the registration window. I made him go read the wiki again so he can choose which clan he'll join.

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Apr 8th, '14, 17:01
by ml1201
lol, have you decided yet? When I joined I read all of them, and I liked the colors of some of the other clans, but Wind fit my personality so I went with Wind. XD

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Apr 8th, '14, 18:08
by Sephy-Chan
wait....what site? sounds interesting xD tell me tell me! :mclol:

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Apr 8th, '14, 20:05
by ml1201
lol, the site we're talking about it Flight Rising and is a dragon pet site. You can breed dragons, battle with them, play mini games and push for Dominance if you're interested in that. XD

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Apr 8th, '14, 20:56
by Tam I am
Oooooo! Myrror is in 'Flight Rising'! She and the clan or whatever she's in have even set up a thread to pool to help their members expand their lairs and stuff. I showed her the game, but I'm not really a dragon person, so I was playing UC till it went down the flusher for me, and now I play 'Sylestia' for my big game.

morpheuskitten wrote:*snurfles on tammers*

i'm doing ok. much better than i was this morning =/ last thing i knew, i was watching a movie and texting a friend....and BOOM! 7 hours later, i wake up with my phone unplugged, 6 texts, and when i get up...i feel like someone downed an industrial size bottle of extra strength ny-qil into me. still felt like that at work until i ate something. then it was off and on wooziness. crazy *shakes head* i'm guessing it was just sheer exhaustion though, since my sister and i were re-arranging the living room completely. all i can say about that is...i don't want to ever feel like that again :mccry:

Wow, it sounds like something really slammed your blood sugar out of whack. Or else there was a gas leak somewhere, but that doesn't seem too likely. *big hug for Tsu-fox!*

Also, *hugs for everyone else!* Hi, Spirit! Hi, everyone else!

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Apr 8th, '14, 21:02
by ml1201
Hey Tam. XD I loved the dragons from when I first saw them, so I had to join. x'D I also have a soft spot for dragons. :mcblush:

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Apr 8th, '14, 21:11
by Tam I am
I liked them too. That's why I had to show Myrror, because she's even RPed dragons, and has a crittersona that is one. Her favourite breed is the Guardians. It's really cool how the dragons can be dressed up and actually have the stuff show on them.

Also! Look! I can has crown! Had to take GA's purple wig off for it to show though. LOL

Feels just a bit weird to realize that my avatar finally looks like she belongs here.

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Apr 8th, '14, 21:53
by Spirit_of_Auron
ml1201 wrote:lol, have you decided yet? When I joined I read all of them, and I liked the colors of some of the other clans, but Wind fit my personality so I went with Wind. XD

Light clan is what I decided on.

as ML said it's Flight Rising, I tend to not use other site names out of habit from when I was more active on the Big Fish forums and you weren't allowed to mention sites by name most of the time.

Hey Tam :)

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Apr 8th, '14, 22:37
by Tam I am
Heyya! Sup?

*writing an interactive RP story with a friend. Story has X-gene positive human versions of Transformers*

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Apr 9th, '14, 00:18
by yumekaczorek
*rolls in*
Gave everyone some flowers ^^