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Re: The Frosty Castle ~ Referral Contest - Win 20k!

Posted: Jan 14th, '13, 02:42
by Oracle of Ice
Sorry for my absence. orz I got a little bit busy with my uni app and stuff, and ended up leaving all the work to Blaze.

@Meags: Hello there.The thread is doing better, I think. Honestly, I'm glad Blaze is doing this with me. How's your day?

@Banal Octopus: Thank you for your question. And don't worry, you do have a valid point and we need to consider this before any misunderstanding occurs. :)

I suppose one way we could solve this problem is that if you're unhappy with your prizes, we could make some arrangements based on the items on your wishlist. However, with the raffle, I guess the thrill lies in the fact that the participants won't know which items they will actually win, it may not be plausible for us to do so. In the case of the second event, the rewards for each round will be announced beforehand, which will give the participants a chance to decide whether or not to make an effort.

Anyhow, the games have yet to begin, so in the meantime, we will try to come up with the most acceptable solution asap. :D

Also, since we both may be using this account, I'll write my post in this colour to avoid the confusion. :D

Re: The Frosty Castle ~ Referral Contest - Win 20k!

Posted: Jan 14th, '13, 04:14
by Banal Octopus
Thank you for the reply and thank you again for considering my question! ^^) I look forward to participating soon then, once my two weeks have passed. (:

Good luck with university and the like! I'll keep dropping by for updates (as I'm rather busy myself). :mccute:

Re: The Frosty Castle ~ Referral Contest - Win 20k!

Posted: Jan 14th, '13, 04:53
by Kailzee
I'm going to be MIA for a few days while my laptop is getting fixed... Sorry guys. uwu

Kuuki wrote:If you think about it, Europe is quite big as well and while I live in an area near a few borders it isn't that way for everyone, so I'm pretty lucky.
Also, since there are a lot of different countries, it gives a lot of excuses for school trips.

I meant exactly that!
And it's not only the rural areas, your cities are bigger too, we just can't compare.

Apparently my situation is going to settle down a bit, I didn't expect it at all, but if all turns out well, I'll finally be able to plan things.

That is true.
There are some people in the USA too who can't travel to too many different states within 7 hours.
So I guess I'm kind of lucky too.
I can imagine! Especially with each one having their own unique culture!

You do have a point there...
Though I think the cities in Europe have much nicer architecture. xD

Oh, that's great to hear!
I really hope you're able to! :D

Meags wrote:How's it going today? :qh:

Pretty good! How about yourself?

Banal Octopus wrote:Hello there! It's really kind of you to be holding this charity! :mcglee:

I do have a question though, regarding the resale of items. I'm rather picky with items myself, and thus there's a lot out there that I wouldn't ever think of using. Now, I understand that beggars can be choosers, but if I am given a random item that I have no use for, is it wrong of me to sell it so I could buy something I'd use (and in turn provide someone with an item they would use), or would I have to allow it to sit in my inventory?

Of course, this wouldn't apply to a gift that was sentimental and thought-out, such as a wishlist item. Something specifically chosen for the recipient. However, where do you draw the line between a freebie and a gift?

I hope this doesn't come off as rude or flippant; it's just that I'd love to participate in the charity except the no resale rule hinders me greatly.
>_<;;;;; I am very businessy.

I really love your username!

Anyways... I know my friend all ready addressed this...
But I thought I would add on to it a bit since that is a really good question.

In the case of the raffle, since you're automatically entered if you haven't won a prize yet, you can message us asking to be omitted from the current drawing if you really don't like the item, that way it can go to someone who really does want it, and you'll get carried over to the next one that will hopefully be for an item you do like. Which I meant to add this to the raffle post, but I guess I forgot. orz

And you aren't coming off as rude, no worries! :3
I hope to see you back when you're eligible!

Re: The Frosty Castle ~ Referral Contest - Win 20k!

Posted: Jan 14th, '13, 20:18
by Meags
I'm still needing to get into that Newbie Forum. I've been so busy feeding and playing with Knuffels. :mcblush: I just can't help myself! :mcwink:

Re: The Frosty Castle ~ Referral Contest - Win 20k!

Posted: Jan 15th, '13, 00:34
by Oracle of Ice
@Banal Octopus: No worries. And thanks. :)

With the fetching game, you won't need to participate in every round to play the next round. As long as you're on the list, you're free to participate whenever you wish.

Winners can sell their prizes, but we do hope that it's not done repeatedly. :)

@Meags: The Knuffels are lovely, aren't they? XD What's your favorite?

Re: The Frosty Castle ~ Referral Contest - Win 20k!

Posted: Jan 16th, '13, 21:52
by Kuuki
You do have a point there...
Though I think the cities in Europe have much nicer architecture. xD

It's not so much that it's nicer, it's more, I don't know, typical?
I mean, it's easier to distinguish between cities than it is in the US. There are only a few of them you can recognize just by seeing a few buildings, doing that is easier in Europe, even for smaller cities.

Re: The Frosty Castle ~ Referral Contest - Win 20k!

Posted: Jan 22nd, '13, 19:24
by Meags
I couldn't possibly pick a favourite. I truly adore them all. But I really, really love the Darkness Gen 13. What about you? Do you have a favourite? :mcwink:

Re: The Frosty Castle ~ Referral Contest - Win 20k!

Posted: Jan 24th, '13, 01:21
by Oracle of Ice
@Meags: XD Yeah, it's really hard to decide. Each knuffel always seems to have something cute. I love the face and expression of the Darkness Gen 13. I guess if I have to pick though... Darkness Gen 6 and 12 would probably be my favourite Darkness Knuffels, and it's really hard to compare them with my other favourites in different types. x__X

Re: The Frosty Castle ~ Referral Contest - Win 20k!

Posted: Jan 25th, '13, 21:39
by Meags
I really can't wait to finish my collection. I truly want them all. At least one of each, anyway. :mclaugh:

Re: The Frosty Castle ~ Referral Contest - Win 20k!

Posted: Jan 27th, '13, 22:56
by Kuuki
You're crazy, I couldn't take care of them all and then I'd feel sad.

But I'm really happy I was already there to get the first Gens.