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Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Oct 18th, '23, 23:21
by AutobotDen
I don't recall her ever saying that, but I do recall she said there's a rhythm you have to get into with a treadle that seems a bit counter-intuitive at times. I could absolutely be wrong, too.

That seems fitting for a Denver, tbph.

Meanwhile, I got burnt out on my main costume, so I'm working on my backup instead.

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Oct 21st, '23, 00:35
by Tam I am
Hmmm. It was SOMEONE around her video.

Roz finally asked her cat where he'd like to live, and the cat gave dragon Denver his sister's address. Turns out those turkey grunes are sentient.

Now Waterbaby won't let Denver play with her own cat. It's BABY's.

Awww. I don't have burnout, but my hands and shoulder are hurting. I forgot that making a biggest size mushroom sprite from fat yarn gets painful.

And Lumen and Legacy have moved back to the Backwater. ...And Lumen razzed me.

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Oct 23rd, '23, 06:29
by AutobotDen
dorks. the lot of 'em.

well, my first costume has a LOT of details. my backup, not nearly the amount... I still need to finish making the kazoo (got a part to seal and then it's paint time), style the wig, and make the shirt.

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Oct 24th, '23, 03:26
by Tam I am
Yeah. They seem pretty determined, most of them, to move into my brain and just carrying on with the bonkers.

Ahhhhh. Youcandoit!

It snowed all day. With surprised gulls flying through it and wondering if they missed a memo. We don't usually get snow til hollowbean night, and that's usually just slush that doesn't stay. LOL Wow, that's the doll I sent you, but I don't remember a lot of those accessories.

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Oct 30th, '23, 00:27
by AutobotDen
i got the kazoo done, at least. and the fangs, and I should probably repaint my pointy ear tips... still got the wig to do (tonight's project) and the shirt to finish, along with the gloves.

It snowed at some point today, but because the ground's too warm, it didn't stick.

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Oct 30th, '23, 07:47
by Tam I am
You go!

I'm sick. blah

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Nov 4th, '23, 00:41
by AutobotDen
showed the person who made the character, and he absolutely loved the cosplay.

So now that it's not Halloween season anymore... *dives back into the big cosplay project*

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Nov 5th, '23, 05:00
by Tam I am

Was feeling great, so I tried to crochet today and wound up shaking and nearly blind from tiredness. o.O

And then the neighbour started sharing the smoke.

My head is doing strange things as I sit here.

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Nov 5th, '23, 05:54
by AutobotDen
maybe get some more rest, some hydration, and some soup into you?

Rude neighbor. not everyone wants to smoke with you.

I'm bouncing between several projects. scrapghan, my skirt, my knitting project (Octopus!), and the cosplay bits. Also trying not to freeze, because I've just been so dang COLD as of late.

Re: Kitsune's Haven *private*

Posted: Nov 5th, '23, 18:27
by Tam I am
Yeah, did that. Though my eyes are making lights again as I sit here.

I've noticed that when it comes to weed, people really don't care who gets caught in the backlash or is allergic. I got hit with the smell at seven thirty this morning while trying to sleep. Just really grateful it wasn't happening when I was really sick and needed to sleep in the bedroom at all hours.

OKAPUS! Nice. I think I've heard that lots of being cold can be nutrient related too?

Aaaaand I see that we're great minding again when it comes to the dress we put on our avatars. If you were dressed first I apologize for not noticing.