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Fandom Rules (Please Read!)

Posted: Jun 17th, '09, 11:10
by Mikael Hart

Please look before making a topic. Repeat topics will be deleted or merged.
Repeat topics are when one person makes a topic and a second person makes the same topic.

Because of recent complaints, the following rule has been added to the forum. This rule applies specifically, but not solely to fandom-related forums such as the Games Talk, Movies, Books, and Comics, Manga & Anime forums.

As common courtesy, please post a clear warning label before posting any spoilers on the forum, and obscure all spoiler-related content when posting. There are many ways to go about this, but what I would suggest is using a spoiler cut:


Finally, here are some definitions of what spoilers are:

According to Wikipedia, a spoiler is, "any element of any summary or description of any piece of fiction that reveals any plot element which will give away the outcome of a dramatic episode within the work of fiction, or the conclusion of the entire work. Because enjoyment of fiction sometimes depends upon the dramatic tension and suspense which arising within it, the external revelation of such plot elements can "spoil" the enjoyment that some consumers of the narrative would otherwise have experienced."

According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, a spoiler is, "information about the plot of a motion picture or TV program that can spoil a viewer's sense of surprise or suspense."

Please keep that in mind, thank you.

Re: Fandom Rules (Please Read!)

Posted: Jul 17th, '09, 15:55
by Demoness
Does this apply to ones posted before this was posted? Because I had some small spoilers in my desciption of 'The Prince and The Hound' when I was descriping it to you guys in that fantasy-fans hangout we were in. (Not sure if you remember it.)

Re: Fandom Rules (Please Read!)

Posted: Jul 18th, '09, 11:37
by Mikael Hart
It would be preferred, if possible, but the mods aren't going to check every thread for spoilers.

Oh, my friend read that book, btw. XD;

Re: Fandom Rules (Please Read!)

Posted: Nov 3rd, '18, 06:47
by MissNikki
I've read and agree to the rules. I hate spoilers! Those are the worst.