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*⁂* ℭonfetti ℜain *⁂*

Posted: Jul 7th, '17, 23:21
by memoriam
*⁂*ℳake it ℜain!*⁂* :qc:

⁂ Everyone is welcome! Whether you're an old friend or only just joined the community, don't be shy! Just say hi and join the current conversation! If you have nothing to say on that particular topic, go ahead and just say Hi, we'll take it from there for you :qw:
⁂ You can talk about whatever you want, just make sure to keep it civil and respectful to others, and to follow all KofK rules. I will not accept any meanies in my threads.
⁂ Whenever you share something positive in here, be ready for a happy confetti rain. Whether you're getting married or only managed to get up and finally dress up after three days of hanging in your PJ's, I'll be happy to provide you with my sweet, sweet confetti rains. :qh: :qh: :qh:
⁂ Have fun and make it rain, ducklings! :mclove:
:qstar: *⁂* Hits the Golden Buzzer *⁂* :qstar:
Gold confetti, kittens! :mcargh:
Warning! This thread contains ginormous amounts of *⁂*happy confetti*⁂* of all shapes sizes and forms! You enter at your own risk!

Re: ⁂*ℭonfetti ℜain*⁂

Posted: Jul 7th, '17, 23:22
by memoriam
⁂ Get free avatar/room items & knuffels here! ⁂

⁂ Buy or get free materials here! ⁂

Re: ⁂*ℭonfetti ℜain*⁂

Posted: Jul 7th, '17, 23:25
by memoriam
Aw yeah, kitten, I made a hangout of my own. :mccool: And guess what...

wait for it....

.... wait for iiiiiiit....
⁂*ℭonfetti ℜain*⁂ :mcargh:

Re: ⁂*ℭonfetti ℜain*⁂

Posted: Jul 7th, '17, 23:42
by Haze
*dances in the confetti rain*
Hope there are more of this!

Re: ⁂*ℭonfetti ℜain*⁂

Posted: Jul 7th, '17, 23:46
by memoriam
Yay, first guest!!! *confetti rain*

And it's Haze! *double confetti rain*

your wish is my command :qsmr:

Re: ⁂*ℭonfetti ℜain*⁂

Posted: Jul 7th, '17, 23:59
by Dream-Baby

Still alive. Just had a bad month, that i forced in a way to make me not lose my head completely. And I've been working on some projects. :}

Re: ⁂*ℭonfetti ℜain*⁂

Posted: Jul 8th, '17, 00:02
by memoriam
Dream is back! :qg: *hits the golden buzzer* *gold confetti rain*!

But you're better now? :qwor:
Ooh, what kind of projects? :qo:

Re: ⁂*ℭonfetti ℜain*⁂

Posted: Jul 8th, '17, 00:06
by Dream-Baby
*stares at the golden confetti, tries not to cry -fails-*

I'm doing better.
My depression was just getting the better of me, and when my cat died... well it was horrid. Complete lethargy.
So I forced myself to do something I knew I always loved doing, and it worked to get my processes working again.

I'm working on a story commission for a friend over on Tumblr.
Today I finished a 7000+ word story for a SidLink fanbook
I am part of a art exchange, and got paired with 8 people for whom I am going to make art.
And for the same exchange I'm working on a 6000+ story.

So busy, and doing better. :}

Re: ⁂*ℭonfetti ℜain*⁂

Posted: Jul 8th, '17, 00:12
by memoriam
Awww, I hope it's happy tears *huggles*

I can imagine it was super tough :qf: But I'm super glad you decided to break the cycle and, kitten, I'm proud of you :qh: *huggles more* *proud confetti rain*

Wooooow so many words! :qwhee: I'm jealous xD I've been trying to convince myself to start writing again this week as I got sick and had lots of free time. But I failed and wasted all my time :qhehe: It's wonderful you have so much to do, and at least it's something you like and want to do :qcute: And I'm happy it makes you feel better, that's the most important :qh:

Re: ⁂*ℭonfetti ℜain*⁂

Posted: Jul 8th, '17, 00:17
by Dream-Baby
They are happy tears. I missed talking to you. But with the way I was feeling I just convinced myself I would just be a burden.
I know that was the depression speaking but it had a very strong voice this time around.

Yeah, my leg really hurt from sitting down and typing them though, so when I did end up going out for dinner. Lord, the cramp. :}