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Let's discuss October's Monthly Treasure: Hel

Posted: Oct 9th, '21, 17:45
by Amura
OK, I'll begin by saying I adore this set. I'm looking forward hearing your opinions about it!


What's your favourite item in the set?
(Vote for one, comment for more.)

Have you bought it? Or would you buy it if you had an FC?

Do you think it's unique? Which items in this set are unique?

Would you like to see recolors? Of which items? In which colors?

Feel free to add more discussion subtopics if you wish, these are just conversation starters :mccool:

Re: Let's discuss October's Monthly Treasure: Hel

Posted: Oct 9th, '21, 19:09
by Merrymaking
I'm torn between the skin and the wings. Aesthetically I think I like the wings better, but I think the skin has a more original design. That being said I don't like skeletons and anything that's connected to death, so I don't really feel the need to get this set of recolors thereof, apart from the lingering need to still grab all items available on the site. I don't think I'd wear it, maybe the Amethyst items if I were making an avatar with that color. It fits the October theme nicely, though, and the artwork is pretty as usual.

Re: Let's discuss October's Monthly Treasure: Hel

Posted: Oct 9th, '21, 19:29
by Amura
I love the Blank Eyes and also the Skull. :qh:

But the skin, meh. It's a cool design but I think you can only use it for one type of avatar - very Halloweeny.
The Amethyst colored items (top, hair and eyes) are way more versatile and I'll end up using them for sure.

Re: Let's discuss October's Monthly Treasure: Hel

Posted: Oct 9th, '21, 19:39
by Merrymaking
I'm sure you can use it for goth avatars in general ;)
There was a time in high school where I needed bones and skulls on literally every clothing item I owned. Glad those days are behind me :mcheh:

The Amethyst items are somewhat plain to me, but I guess that with other items you can pimp them up a bit. Somehow they don't really seem to fit the set to me.

Re: Let's discuss October's Monthly Treasure: Hel

Posted: Oct 9th, '21, 20:56
by Amura
Sure you can do goth... but only if you want to go skeleton goth.
Sometimes you want some sweet goth, and this skin would overdo it.

Or maybe it's just that I prefer plain items over very specific ones.
Because I like layering, so plain ones work better. So my preference for the Amethyst ones.

And what do you think of a possible miniset in the future?