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Nine.  39%  [ 176 ]
He really did have his charms.  27%  [ 119 ]
And this is absolutely his most memorable moment.  34%  [ 152 ]
Total votes : 447
 Post subject: [#SHERLOCKLIVES] 221B Baker Street//✈ Allons-y!
Posted: Jun 8th, '12, 19:49    


Joined: Jan 1st, '09, 15:18
Posts: 35670
Hugs: 136120
Mood: Hey doc, I'm not feeling well. I've had the tits all day.

One for sorrow//


Welcome to the Jackdaw's Nest //

Hello there!
I'm Merrymaking. Call me Merry. But most of you already do of course. ;D
After over three years I decided it was time for me to make my own hangout. This decision was partly fueled by the fact that so many hangouts have died and the site is getting really inactive. I really hope I myself can keep this one alive.
But I can't do so without you!

As for the name? Of course I wanted it to be The Magpie's Nest. But faith sent me a jackdaw instead of a magpie... and naturally, the jackdaw disagreed.
Please meet Captain Chesley Burnett Sullenberger, a.k.a. Sully or Sullivan :qh:



//two for joy


(0) (0)

 Post subject: Re: The Magpie's Nest// Setting Up
Posted: Jun 8th, '12, 19:51    


Joined: Jan 1st, '09, 15:18
Posts: 35670
Hugs: 136120
Mood: Hey doc, I'm not feeling well. I've had the tits all day.
Three for a girl//


The Rules //

I am not much of a rule person, but seeing how things tend to get out of hand, I'm gonna take a few precautions. I'm not exactly strict or anything, playfully breaking some of these so-called rules won't get you kicked out of the thread yet or anything... ^_^

- Naturally, follow the ToS. Easy as that.
- Watch out with what you say about magpies!
- Birds and aviation are the most important subjects in the world. Expect them.
- Complaining? Yes please! It's important to get things off your chest sometimes. Complain as much as you like in here, and more important, let others complain as much as they want! :D
- Of course, my complaining is more important than yours.
- Don't. Annoy me. With stupidity.
- No chat speak or anything, please! Try to keep your English as correct as possible! Don't worry if you're not a native speaker, I understand. ;D
- Swearing and stuff is not a problem for me, but you don't have to say 'fuck' after every other word. Please keep things at a normal. Other people may be offended.
- As far as I'm concerned, you can speak English, German and Dutch in here as you see fit. If there are people from other countries around it's probably polite to keep stuff in English, but if they don't mind or if you keep at least some parts in English, it's cool. I especially like German (I'm learning) - but please don't block words out, even if you consider it swearing I probably can't fill it in myself ;D
(and swearing is important for me to learn! :D)
- I tend to say the wrong things, so I piss people off. If you feel offended in any way, please tell me in a normal way so we can figure it out. If you can't do that, please leave before things escalate. I have a hard time letting things go.
- I reserve the right to add and remove as I see fit.


//four for a boy


(0) (0)
僕はできる。分からせて見せる? 僕は生きる。


Is a danger to be trusting one another
One will seldom want to do what other wishes
But unless someday somebody trusts somebody
There'll be nothing left on Earth excepting fishes!


 Post subject: Re: The Magpie's Nest// Setting Up
Posted: Jun 8th, '12, 19:52    


Joined: Jan 1st, '09, 15:18
Posts: 35670
Hugs: 136120
Mood: Hey doc, I'm not feeling well. I've had the tits all day.
Five is for silver //


About me //

[rimg]http://i540.photobucket.com/albums/gg352/Merrymaking_Art/cidaq_fac_chibi.png[/rimg]So about me. Hi, I'm Merry. xD
I'll be editing this soon.

I'll be editing this soon.

I'll be editing this soon.

I'll be editing this soon.


//six is for gold


(0) (0)
僕はできる。分からせて見せる? 僕は生きる。


Is a danger to be trusting one another
One will seldom want to do what other wishes
But unless someday somebody trusts somebody
There'll be nothing left on Earth excepting fishes!


 Post subject: Re: The Magpie's Nest// Setting Up
Posted: Jun 8th, '12, 20:03    


Joined: Jan 1st, '09, 15:18
Posts: 35670
Hugs: 136120
Mood: Hey doc, I'm not feeling well. I've had the tits all day.
Seven for a secret //


My Other Threads //


A Knuffel Showroom - Regulars, Wilds and Own Creations!
I release new Wilds twice a month :)


A Vector Chibi Art Shop!
Having a lot of trouble keeping up with orders though xD


//never to be told


(0) (0)
僕はできる。分からせて見せる? 僕は生きる。


Is a danger to be trusting one another
One will seldom want to do what other wishes
But unless someday somebody trusts somebody
There'll be nothing left on Earth excepting fishes!


 Post subject: Re: The Magpie's Nest// Setting Up
Posted: Jun 8th, '12, 20:04    


Joined: Jan 1st, '09, 15:18
Posts: 35670
Hugs: 136120
Mood: Hey doc, I'm not feeling well. I've had the tits all day.
Eight for a wish //


Photo log //

19-02-2013 // 10's Companions <3

31-01-2013 // I broke. I swear I just died over this.

28-01-2013 // This made me lol.

07-01-2013 // No text needed. x'D

13-12-2012 // Merry Christmas and the like!

01-12-2012 // Now tell me again how corvids are pests.

07-10-2012 // The future is bright. <3


//nine for a kiss


(0) (0)
僕はできる。分からせて見せる? 僕は生きる。


Is a danger to be trusting one another
One will seldom want to do what other wishes
But unless someday somebody trusts somebody
There'll be nothing left on Earth excepting fishes!


 Post subject: Re: The Magpie's Nest// Setting Up
Posted: Jun 8th, '12, 20:06    


Joined: Jan 1st, '09, 15:18
Posts: 35670
Hugs: 136120
Mood: Hey doc, I'm not feeling well. I've had the tits all day.
Ten for a bird //


About the Jackdaw //

[rimg]http://i540.photobucket.com/albums/gg352/Merrymaking_Art/sully-1-2.png[/rimg]Hello! My name is Captain Chesley Burnett Sullenberger. Call me Sully!
I'm a two-month-old jackdaw. Let's say I hatched around the 30st of March. This means I am in the most exciting stage of my life - I'm so full of energy and curiosity! I love to soar around any room I'm in, I can't wait to go outside! And I love to try to test anything for edibility. To my owner's anger, my roommate, Shaw the canary, is definitely on my list...

What I love most? Water! As much water as possible! I like to bathe daily, preferably even twice.
I like to jump into the dog's water bowl, into the shower when my owner's taking one, or just in the sink... Streaming water, what a delightful invention! I can snap at it, I can flap my wings under it, or just cool my head a little. Yes, it makes a big mess, but luckily it's not me who has to clean it up!
And the best part of all splashing and splattering? The cats hate it...

What's that, you think I'm a bit of a bugger? Well... why yes, I might be just that. But somehow, no matter how angry everyone is at me... they still love me, of course! I'm charming like that.


//that you don't want to miss


(0) (0)
僕はできる。分からせて見せる? 僕は生きる。


Is a danger to be trusting one another
One will seldom want to do what other wishes
But unless someday somebody trusts somebody
There'll be nothing left on Earth excepting fishes!


 Post subject: Re: The Magpie's Nest// Setting Up
Posted: Jun 8th, '12, 20:07    


Joined: Jan 1st, '09, 15:18
Posts: 35670
Hugs: 136120
Mood: Hey doc, I'm not feeling well. I've had the tits all day.
Quardle oodle //


You like it. //

Image Image
Image Image
Image Image
Image Image


//ardle wardle doodle


(0) (0)
僕はできる。分からせて見せる? 僕は生きる。


Is a danger to be trusting one another
One will seldom want to do what other wishes
But unless someday somebody trusts somebody
There'll be nothing left on Earth excepting fishes!


 Post subject: Re: The Magpie's Nest// Setting Up
Posted: Jun 8th, '12, 20:14    


Joined: Jan 1st, '09, 15:18
Posts: 35670
Hugs: 136120
Mood: Hey doc, I'm not feeling well. I've had the tits all day.
Quardle oodle //


Reserved //

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eget sagittis urna. Nulla quis libero a nulla malesuada eleifend. Quisque a diam nec orci elementum pretium sit amet vitae leo. Integer ac arcu id magna tincidunt aliquet sed at ante. Fusce eu odio id dolor fringilla dapibus sit amet at ligula. Ut egestas urna sed lorem bibendum quis gravida odio sagittis. Etiam vitae elementum urna. Ut commodo, diam id semper sagittis, magna lorem dignissim diam, eu pretium urna arcu sit amet ligula. Nulla a libero et tortor iaculis tincidunt. Nulla interdum, sem nec ultricies volutpat, nibh odio auctor arcu, a pretium quam magna quis metus. In volutpat sapien quis leo aliquam iaculis. Nullam molestie suscipit libero, et vulputate metus sodales varius. Ut adipiscing suscipit fermentum. Sed dictum augue sed mi malesuada eu mattis magna accumsan. Fusce in enim augue, ut pellentesque tellus.

Suspendisse eget sapien nunc, a vulputate metus. Aenean a enim lacus, a fermentum diam. Nullam vel lectus vel velit dapibus imperdiet. Proin mi nunc, venenatis sed pharetra vel, tempor at eros. Mauris viverra enim vel sem consectetur cursus. Cras cursus tellus et ligula laoreet commodo. Aenean et lectus tellus, ut feugiat urna. Duis nunc mauris, malesuada ac iaculis vel, dignissim nec mauris. Vestibulum volutpat dignissim dignissim. Duis sed lectus risus. Fusce et urna sed orci pellentesque aliquam. Proin vehicula suscipit tellus, quis accumsan dui lobortis sit amet. Aliquam erat volutpat.


//ardle wardle doodle


(0) (0)
僕はできる。分からせて見せる? 僕は生きる。


Is a danger to be trusting one another
One will seldom want to do what other wishes
But unless someday somebody trusts somebody
There'll be nothing left on Earth excepting fishes!


 Post subject: Re: The Magpie's Nest// Setting Up
Posted: Jun 8th, '12, 20:18    


Joined: Jan 1st, '09, 15:18
Posts: 35670
Hugs: 136120
Mood: Hey doc, I'm not feeling well. I've had the tits all day.
Quardle oodle //


Reserved //

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eget sagittis urna. Nulla quis libero a nulla malesuada eleifend. Quisque a diam nec orci elementum pretium sit amet vitae leo. Integer ac arcu id magna tincidunt aliquet sed at ante. Fusce eu odio id dolor fringilla dapibus sit amet at ligula. Ut egestas urna sed lorem bibendum quis gravida odio sagittis. Etiam vitae elementum urna. Ut commodo, diam id semper sagittis, magna lorem dignissim diam, eu pretium urna arcu sit amet ligula. Nulla a libero et tortor iaculis tincidunt. Nulla interdum, sem nec ultricies volutpat, nibh odio auctor arcu, a pretium quam magna quis metus. In volutpat sapien quis leo aliquam iaculis. Nullam molestie suscipit libero, et vulputate metus sodales varius. Ut adipiscing suscipit fermentum. Sed dictum augue sed mi malesuada eu mattis magna accumsan. Fusce in enim augue, ut pellentesque tellus.

Suspendisse eget sapien nunc, a vulputate metus. Aenean a enim lacus, a fermentum diam. Nullam vel lectus vel velit dapibus imperdiet. Proin mi nunc, venenatis sed pharetra vel, tempor at eros. Mauris viverra enim vel sem consectetur cursus. Cras cursus tellus et ligula laoreet commodo. Aenean et lectus tellus, ut feugiat urna. Duis nunc mauris, malesuada ac iaculis vel, dignissim nec mauris. Vestibulum volutpat dignissim dignissim. Duis sed lectus risus. Fusce et urna sed orci pellentesque aliquam. Proin vehicula suscipit tellus, quis accumsan dui lobortis sit amet. Aliquam erat volutpat.


//ardle wardle doodle


(0) (0)
僕はできる。分からせて見せる? 僕は生きる。


Is a danger to be trusting one another
One will seldom want to do what other wishes
But unless someday somebody trusts somebody
There'll be nothing left on Earth excepting fishes!


 Post subject: Re: The Magpie's Nest// Setting Up
Posted: Jun 8th, '12, 20:19    


Joined: Jan 1st, '09, 15:18
Posts: 35670
Hugs: 136120
Mood: Hey doc, I'm not feeling well. I've had the tits all day.
Quardle oodle //


Reserved //

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas eget sagittis urna. Nulla quis libero a nulla malesuada eleifend. Quisque a diam nec orci elementum pretium sit amet vitae leo. Integer ac arcu id magna tincidunt aliquet sed at ante. Fusce eu odio id dolor fringilla dapibus sit amet at ligula. Ut egestas urna sed lorem bibendum quis gravida odio sagittis. Etiam vitae elementum urna. Ut commodo, diam id semper sagittis, magna lorem dignissim diam, eu pretium urna arcu sit amet ligula. Nulla a libero et tortor iaculis tincidunt. Nulla interdum, sem nec ultricies volutpat, nibh odio auctor arcu, a pretium quam magna quis metus. In volutpat sapien quis leo aliquam iaculis. Nullam molestie suscipit libero, et vulputate metus sodales varius. Ut adipiscing suscipit fermentum. Sed dictum augue sed mi malesuada eu mattis magna accumsan. Fusce in enim augue, ut pellentesque tellus.

Suspendisse eget sapien nunc, a vulputate metus. Aenean a enim lacus, a fermentum diam. Nullam vel lectus vel velit dapibus imperdiet. Proin mi nunc, venenatis sed pharetra vel, tempor at eros. Mauris viverra enim vel sem consectetur cursus. Cras cursus tellus et ligula laoreet commodo. Aenean et lectus tellus, ut feugiat urna. Duis nunc mauris, malesuada ac iaculis vel, dignissim nec mauris. Vestibulum volutpat dignissim dignissim. Duis sed lectus risus. Fusce et urna sed orci pellentesque aliquam. Proin vehicula suscipit tellus, quis accumsan dui lobortis sit amet. Aliquam erat volutpat.


//ardle wardle doodle


(0) (0)
僕はできる。分からせて見せる? 僕は生きる。


Is a danger to be trusting one another
One will seldom want to do what other wishes
But unless someday somebody trusts somebody
There'll be nothing left on Earth excepting fishes!


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