Knuffel FAQ
What are Knuffel?
Knuffel are interactive and changing pets you can put in your signature on Kingdom Of Knuffel, as well as on other forum, social networking sites, personal homepage, and so on. They can assist you in battle, help you dig for material for your quests as well as clothes for your avatar or help you earn food.
How do I get a Knuffel?
You can adopt a regular Knuffel for 1900 food points at Knufftropolis. During events you may find event Knuffel for different prices.
Is the number of Knuffel I can get limited?
No, you can get as many as you like.
What are Knuffel generations?
Knuffel are released in generations. At one time, there is only one generation of each element available and the number of Knuffel in each generation is limited. Once all the Knuffel in a generation are adopted, they are replaced by the next generation of Knuffel of the same element.
How can I get Knuffel that are not in Knufftropolis?
Knuffel that are not currently offered in Knufftropolis are Knuffel from past generations. Users can give up their old Knuffel back for adoption and other users have the chance to re-adopt them from Knufftropolis. Old Knuffel are often re-adopted in a matter of seconds, so you have to keep an eye on Knufftropolis for a chance to get one.
How do I access my Knuffel?
Click on the Knuffel link in the linkbar. It will lead you to the so called "Quick Feed Page" of your Knuffel where all your Knuffel are listed, can be sorted and fed and played with. To feed your Knuffel and play with it, simply click on the food or toy icon on the right side of the Knuffel. To go to each individual Knuffel's page simply click on the Knuffel. On the Knuffel's individual page you can look up and change its status, change its name, or give it up for adoption.
How do I level up my Knuffel?
Every Knuffel has experience, shown as X/Y. Once the Knuffels experience (X) reaches Y, it will level up. Experience is gained by feeding, playing and digging, or by putting them in daycare. When a Knuffel levels, you should choose an element to increase the digging chance in one of the elements. This chance determines how often you find something in the area of that element. Note that it is possible to increase this number above 100%, which then does not affect the probability of finding material, but increases the rate at which rarer materials are found.
How long do I have to wait between each feed/play?
You have to wait 20 seconds.
The bars are full, can I feed my Knuffels more?
No, you cannot. You need to wait until they deplete again before feeding and playing with your Knuffel again. However you can still put your Knuffel into daycare.
What are Knuffel elements good for?
Each Knuffel element corresponds to a digging area. Your Knuffel starts out with a bigger chance of finding items/material in that area.
Each location on Candy Island is associated with an element and your Knuffel has a higher chance of finding something in this location the higher its Digging Statistics for that element are.
What are fighting bonuses?
Once the fighting system is implemented, you will be able to take a number of Knuffel with you when you fight. During the fight, you will get their bonuses.
How do I dig with my Knuffel?
By digging on Candy Island, your Knuffel can find quest material, food or avatar items for you. What material or items your Knuffel finds depends on the element of the location you let your Knuffel dig, and the avatar items that can be found change every year.
First you have to make sure your Knuffel is ready to dig, which is when its energy and happiness bars are blue and it has at least one dig left. Then you have to go to the digging area, which you can find in the quest interface. Choose your Knuffel's name in the dropdown menu and click the area you want to dig in. How often you can dig with your Knuffel depends on how many digs it has per day. The number of digs raise the higher your Knuffel's level is. Once you have used up all digs you have to wait for the next day (server time) in order to dig again.
Can I see who interacted with my Knuffel?
You can find out who fed your Knuffel by clicking the link at the top left of you Knuffel list or the link on the individual Knuffel page. This will prompt a pop up which will tell you who fed your Knuffel.
How can I post my Knuffel in my signature?
While viewing a Knuffel you can click the 'Get Code' button just below the Knuffel's image. Then all you need is to copy and paste the appropriate code. Most forum signatures (including KOfK) use BBCode.
How can I post my Knuffel outside of KOfK?
By pasting the right code given through the 'Get Code' option.
How can I delete my Knuffel?
If you want to get rid of a Knuffel you can give it up for adoption again. Simply click on the X on the upper right side of your Knuffel. You will be rewarded with a breeders fee of 100 Food Points per level.

Wild Knuffel FAQ
What are Wild Knuffel?
Wild Knuffel are Knuffel drawn by the members of our community.
Where do I get a Wild Knuffel?
You can adopt a Wild Knuffel on the Wild Knuffel page under the Knuffel drop-down menu.
How much do these Knuffel cost?
Every Wild Knuffel starts with 2500 as price when they are released. The price rises and falls according to the Knuffel popularity.
Are Wild Knuffel limited?
Yes, they are released in the number of 100 and stay available for adoption for a month. After the Knuffel retires, however, the creator can re-release it with a limited number for a reasonable FP fee.
How do they evolve?
Wild Knuffel gain one experience point for every interaction. You can also use the Knufftroplis Daycare to let your Knuffel gain experience. The number of experience they need to come to the next level rises with every level they gain. Every 25th level your Wild Knuffel will change their appearance to the next stage.
Do Wild Knuffel dig?
No, they don't.
Do they have elements like regular Knuffel?
Wild Knuffel don't have any elements.
Do Wild Knuffel give Food Points while evolving?
No, they don't give food. Instead, they give you Wild Knuffel items every 10th level they gain.
Can I delete my Wild Knuffel?
Yes, you can click on the X in the upper right corner of your Knuffel image. Unlike with regular Knuffel you won't get any Food Points for releasing a Wild Knuffel, and it will not become available for adoption again.
Can everyone draw a Wild Knuffel?
Yes, every registered member of the community can draw and submit a Wild Knuffel.
How do I draw and submit my Wild Knuffel?
You should go to the Wild Knuffel page and choose the "Create your Wild Knuffel" link. There you will see the instructions and the criteria. For better success you should consult the Knuffel sub-forum for more helpful details.
Do I get anything when another user adopts the Wild Knuffel I've drawn?
Yes, you get half of his price. E.g. if your Wild Knuffel gets adopted when it costs 2000 Food Points, you get 1000. If it costed 1200 - you get 600.
Can I give a stages preview of my Wild Knuffel?
If you want other users to see the evolution of your Wild Knuffel, just put a tick to allow the preview while submitting it. You can also post full size spoilers in certain threads of the Knuffel sub forum.
What are Wild Knuffel items?
These are items designed after Wild Knuffel. While submitting one, the artist can allow KofK to adapt their design. This means that the items you see on the Wild Knuffel may be turned into wearable avatar items.
How do I get Wild Knuffel items?
You will get one every time your Wild Knuffel reaches every tenth level.
Can I control which items I get?
No, the items you get do not depend on the Wild Knuffel you have or their level. It's completely random. So you don't have to buy a specific Wild Knuffel to get specific items.
Are Wild Knuffel items limited?
No, you can always get the items of every release.

Knuffel Daycare FAQ
What is Knuffel Daycare?
Knuffel Daycare is a system that helps you care for your Knuffel instead of you doing it manually. After a Daycare program your Knuffel will have maximum happiness and energy bars, as well as will get the amount of experience depending on the program you chose. You can use Daycare for both your Knufftropolis Knuffel and your Wild Knuffel.
What are the Daycare programs?
There are five programs to choose from; each of them gives your Knuffel a certain number of experience points, lasts for a set period of time and costs a fixed number of Food Points or Fairy Coins. You choose one program for one Knuffel at a time.
Can I dig with a Knuffel that is currently in Daycare?
No, you can neither feed/play, nor dig with your Knuffel if the Daycare program in in progress. However, you can interact with other Knuffel, as the program affects only the Knuffel it was applied to.
How do I put my Knuffel into Daycare?
First you need to select a Knuffel you want to be taken care of. There are various sorting options available for you to make finding the right Knuffel easier. Once you've chosen a Knuffel you click either the 'Buy' button, if you want to pay with Food Points or Fairy Coins, or the 'Use' button if you want to use a Daycare Coupon.
Can I put more than one Knuffel for a program?
You can use Daycare for as many Knuffel as you like, and they can all be put there for the same or different programs, but you have to do it one-by-one. There is no "bulk" option for this.
Can I take my Knuffel out of Daycare before the program is over?
Yes. If you want to remove a Knuffel from Daycare, click 'Withdraw now' right under the remaining time. The Knuffel will be taken out of Daycare without getting any experience, happiness or energy points. The program does not get refunded, so withdrawing a Knuffel is something you do at your own risk. Once you click 'Withdraw now' the window will appear asking you if you are sure about your decision.
What are Daycare Coupons?
These are tokens that let you use Daycare without using your funds. There are four types of Coupons, connected to their respective programs. For instance, you can only use Standard Care Coupon for Standard Care Program. There are no Coupons available for Premium Care. Coupons are tradable and you can sell them at the Market or send to other users. They can be found in your Wardrobe under the Quest Material section.
How do I get Coupons?
A Daycare Coupon may be granted to you when you post in the forums. It is completely random what type of Coupon you get. You don't get any in the Spam subforum and Word Games subforum.
I want to buy Coupons at the Market, how do I find them?
The easiest would be to choose the 'Material only' category and insert 'daycare' into the 'Search for item' field.
How do I find Daycare?
Knuffel Daycare is available in the drop-down menu under 'Knuffel' branch.
Can my Knuffel level up while they are in Daycare?
Yes, if it happens that your Knuffel gets a level while a Daycare program is active you will get a normal pop-up once the program is over and you click on your Knuffel. So you will be able to pick Elements or Fighting Bonuses for your Knufftropolis Knuffel quite normally. If your Wild Knuffel levels up you will get the pop-up only at levels 10, 20, 30, etc, so you will be able to claim the item(s).
What if my Wild Knuffel has reached 20 or more levels? Do I get all the items?
Yes, you just get several pop-ups in a row when you go to that Knuffel's page.
Do I get Food Points when my Knuffel levels up in Daycare?
Yes, you get the same amount of Food Points you would if you levelled up your Knuffel manually.

Food Points FAQ
What is food?
Food is the currency of the Kingdom of Knuffel (measured in Food Points, FP), which you can spend in the shops on items for your avatar, in Knufftropolis to adopt Knuffel, in the custom shops forum on art and other custom services offered by other users as well as in the market and the selling forums.
The current amount of FP in your possession is displayed on the first line of the info box, next to the cake icon (

How do I earn food?
There are several ways to earn food:
Posting: Each time you post or create a new thread you earn food. Please remember that all threads and posts created solely for the purpose of earning food belong in the Spam forum. The number of food given to you for your posts is random and does not depend on the length of your post or any other factor.
Voting: You can earn food by voting in the polls people have set up in their threads.
Games: You can earn food by playing the Kingdom of Knuffel Games and submitting a highscore. The amount of food you get depends on your score. You can only earn Food by submitting a highscore once a day.
Digging with your Knuffel: While digging on Candy Island with your Knuffel, your Knuffel can, among material for quests and items for your avatar, dig up food.
Leveling your Knuffel: Every tenth level your Knuffel levels up to, you earn 1000 FP. Make sure to post your Knuffel wherever you can to increase the experience your Knuffel gets. You do not have to be logged in and the person feeding your Knuffel doesn't require to have a Kingdom Of Knuffel account to give your Knuffel experience.
Selling your items: You can sell limited items obtained through events or bought with Fairy Coins to other Kingdom Of Knuffel users who do not have the possibility to donate to this site or who have missed past events in the Selling Offers forum or in the market.
Selling art or other services: You can use your skills to earn food by selling your art, poetry, banners, or other services to other users in the Custom Shops forum.
Submitting your art to the art gallery: Each time someone rates your art you get food. The amount you get depends on how good your rating is.
Rating and commenting art: Each time you rate or comment someone's art in the art gallery, you earn food.
Creating Wild Knuffel: Each time someone adopts a Wild Knuffel you created, you earn half the adoption fee.

Troth Tokens FAQ
What are Troth Tokens?
Troth Tokens (TT) are a reward for regular members. With Troth Tokens you can buy exclusive items in the Troth Tent.
The current amount of TT in your possession is displayed on the first line of the info box, next to the token icon (

How can I get Troth Tokens?
Troth Tokens can be claimed daily. The longer you come to Kingdom Of Knuffel for several days in a row, the more Troth Tokens you can claim per day:
Day 1-7: 1 Troth Token
Day 8-14: 2 Troth Tokens
Day 15-21: 4 Troth Tokens
Day 22-28: 8 Troth Tokens
Day 29+: 10 Troth Tokens
Once you don't claim your Troth Tokens for a day your count goes back to 1 Troth Token.
New Troth Tokens can be claimed each day at midnight Server Time.
What happens when I miss a day?
You miss that day's amount of Troth Tokens, and the number of Troth Tokens you can claim resets back to 1.
Will the items in Troth Tent become unavailable at some point?
No. Like the food shops, items in Troth Tent will be available forever.
Can I trade my Troth Tokens with other users?
No. You cannot trade or sell Troth Tokens. You may, however, trade and sell the items you buy in Troth Tent.

Donation FAQ
Why does Kingdom Of Knuffel need donations?
Running Kingdom Of Knuffel requires not only a massive amount of time, but also money to pay for things like server costs, working material or advertisement. Without donations from its users, Kingdom Of Knuffel cannot exist.
What are Fairy Coins?
Fairy coins are a gift to show appreciation for donating to the site. You can use them to buy items at the Treasure Trove, and some items at the market.
What are Monthly Treasures?
A Monthly Treasure is a set of 8 items that is available for only one month each and can be obtained with Fairy Coins. All 8 items are single items that can be worn together, separated and traded individually. You do not need to obtain multiple sets to wear all items at once.
What donation methods are there?
You can donate in three different ways: Paypal, Credit Transfer or sending money by letter.
How does donating with PayPal work?
A: Go to the Donate page using the link in the linkbar.
PayPal donations can be sent both in US$ and €.
Each US$ 2.50 gives you 1 Fairy Coin.
Each € 1.90 gives you 1 Fairy Coin.
How does donating with Credit Tranfer work?
Go to the Donate page using the link in the linkbar.
If you are the owner of a bank account and live within the European Union you can transfer money within the EU for the same conditions as in your own country.
Each € 1.60 gives you 1 Fairy Coin.
Please contact Firn via Private Message for IBAN and BIC codes needed for this transaction.
Don't forget to give your username as reference on the transfer.
How does donating with letters work?
Go to the Donate page using the link in the linkbar.
We accept cash donations sent through the post.
We can only accept € (Euro) as currency. The minimum amount is € 5.00, giving you 3 Fairy coins.
We are not responsible for any losses in the post and advise to send cash via registered mail only.
Please don't send coins, but bills folded into a paper with your username written on it. We do not accept checks.
Send cash donations to:
Monika Baumbach
Am Petrus 3
69221 Dossenheim
Why are the rates for a Fairy Coin different depending on what method I pick?
PayPal takes fees for using their services. Therefore the amount you need to donate in order to get a Fairy Coin is higher than the amount you need when donating via bank transfer or letter, as we do not need to cover any fees when accepting money like this.
We kindly ask you to put your donations together in as little bigger sums as possible, instead of making multiple small donations through the month when using PayPal or Onebip, since they take additional fees for each single transaction.

Shops FAQ
How do I access shops?
You can access shops by clicking the shops button in the linkbar and then clicking the shop you wish to enter. You can go from shop to shop by either clicking on the back button of your browser and clicking on a different shop, or by simply clicking on the tiny shop icons in each shop, located left and right to the page index.
What shops are there and what do they sell?
There are several shops:
Bananarama: This shop provides you with a selection of all kinds of different clothes for a small, affordable price.
Lunatic Fringe: This shop specializes on Gothic Lolita, punk, Goth and other fancy clothes. Obtaining these clothes might take some saving up.
Purikura: This store sells you all kinds of backgrounds, borders and frames and other decorative elements for your avatar's surrounding.
The Cutting Crew: Here you can buy hairstyles for your avatar. Hairstyles obtained in the Cutting Crew are permanent changes and can't be stored in your wardrobe. Hairstyles obtained from the other stores, events or quests are wigs and can be kept in your wardrobe.
The Family Jewels: This store sells all kinds of jewelry, from earrings, brooches to necklaces.
Rikashitsu: Here you can buy body parts like wings or horns, as well as change your eye shape and color or skintone. This shop is divided into two sections: Permanent changes and Body Part Items. Permanent changes cannot be stored in your wardrobe, while you get to keep Body part items.
Troth Tent: This is the place to spend your Troth Tokens.
Treasure Trove: Here you can buy limited items for Fairy Coins only. Remember that these items are only available for a limited period of time.
How can I sort items in stores?
You can sort items in stores by choosing the sort order in the dropdown menu above the shopkeeper. By default, the items in shops are sorted from newest to oldest. You can also sort them by name or price.
How do I buy items in stores?
To buy an item, first you have to click on it and, if the item is available in multiple colors, pick the desired color. Once you do this, you need to click the Buy button. You will then be asked to confirm your choice. Once you do, the item will appear in your wardrobe.

Market FAQ
What is the KOfK Market?
The KOfK Market is a place were you can sell, auction and buy avatar items, material and fairy coins from or to other users.
How do I search for items in the market?
In the top left, under the market logo, there is a search box. You can also use the dropdown menus below it to refine and sort your search. This lets you sort items by price, auction only, buy now only, or lets you select either items for your avatar to wear or material only.
How do I add items in the market to my watchlist?
When you view an item, on the right there is a button saying 'Add to Watchlist'. Clicking that will put that object on your watchlist.
How do I buy items?
When the item has a buy now price, you can buy it with either Food Points or Fairy Coins (whichever the seller made possible). You cannot buy the item with both Food Points and Fairy Coins, but sometimes you may choose which. Remember to check the listed store price before buying an item that is also available in the shops, so you don't buy items for more than their regular price.
How do I bid on items?
When the item has a 'highest bid' it means it's on auction. When viewing the item, you can find the option to bid on it in the bottom left. In order to be able to check what items you have bid on, simply put the item in your watchlist. You will be notified by PM if someone outbids on.
How do I sell items?
On the left in the market interface there is a 'Sell Item' button, clicking it will show your wardrobe. After selecting the item you wish to sell, fill in the buyout price (in either food points or fairy coins or both). You can also auction it at the same time.
How do I auction off items?
On the left in the market interface there is a 'Sell Item' button, clicking it will show your wardrobe. After selecting the item you wish to auction, fill in the starting bid and the minimum bid increase. You can also fill in a buy now price.
Where can I see my market purchases?
You can see them in your Activity Log, accessible from the left side of the market interface.
How can I disable/enable my market PM notifications?
You can find the option in 'My Account' -> 'Profile' -> 'Edit Profile', at the bottom.
How do I sell and buy items without the market?
You can sell avatar items in the Selling Offers Forum, you can ask for items in the Buying Requests Forum, and you can trade material in the Material Trades Forum. In these you make a deal with another user and trade the item via the trade system.

Trading System FAQ
How can I access trades?
The link to the trades is in the dropline menu when you hover over 'Shopping' with your cursor. Through it, you will enter the Vault where you can view and manage all your trades.
How do I start a trade?
There are two ways to start a trade.
1. Go to the vault and click 'Start a new trade'. Type the username, or a part of it, of the user you wish to trade with into the search box and click the search button. You will be presented with a list of possible users. Pick the one you wish to trade with and start the trade.
2. On every user's profile page and under their posts in threads, there's a button that says 'Trade'. Clicking it will start a trade with the them.
How do I add items to a trade?
Once you start the trade, you will see two item lists below the main screen, the top one for avatar items and the bottom one for quest material. Click on the item you want to trade, change the number if necessary and click 'add to trade'. You can also fill in a number of food points and fairy coins.
How do I confirm a trade?
Click 'confirm trade' and fill in your password.
Can I see my trade history?
Yes, the list of past transactions is listed under the list of your active trades.

Dressing Up FAQ
Where can I dress up my avatar?
You can dress up your avatar in your wardrobe. You can go there by clicking the link in the linkbar.
Where can I get items to dress my avatar?
You can buy items for your avatar in the shops, other users' threads in the Selling Offers forum and in the market. You can also obtain clothes for your avatar through quests, events, or by digging with your Knuffel on Candy Island, or by levelling up Wild Knuffel.
How is my wardrobe organized?
The items in your wardrobe are divided by type: clothing, heagear, accessories, hand items, body parts, animals and background. There is also a section for materials, which aren't wearable. You can access each section by clicking the appropriate button at the top of your wardrobe.
How can I sort and search items in my wardrobe?
You can sort each section of your wardrobe in multiple ways by picking the suitable option from the dropdown menu above your wardrobe. By default, the items are sorted by name. You can sort them by name, color or quantity. To search for a specific item, you can type its name into the search box next to the menu.
How do I dress and undress my avatar?
You dress your avatar by clicking on an item you want it to wear. To take off an item, you can either click it again or find it on the currently worn items list located under your avatar and click the remove item button. To undress all the items, you can click the undress all link underneath. Once you are happy with how your avatar looks, you can click the save avatar button at the bottom of the button list to make the new look show in the forums. The Undo Changes button will undo all the changes made since the last time you saved your avatar.
How can I save outfits in my wardrobe?
You can save outfits you created in your wardrobe for later use. To save outfits in your wardrobe you need to click the save button, enter a name for the style and click okay. Once you have saved a style, you can load, overwrite or delete it from your wardrobe anytime by clicking the appropriate button. You cannot, however, load a style if any of the items worn are not available in your wardrobe anymore.

Dream Avatar Generator FAQ
How can I access the Dream Avatar Creator?
On the top left of your wardrobe, there's a button saying 'Dream Avatar Creator'. There is also a shortcut link in the dropline menu when you hover over 'Avatar' with your cursor.
How can I see all items available on KOfK in the Dream Avatar Creator?
The items are divided into the same sections as in your wardrobe. Unlike in your wardrobe, however, because of the amount of the items, each section in the dream avatar creator is divided into pages. To see all the items, you will have to go through a few different pages. The page number is shown at the bottom.
How can I save a dream avatar?
You can save a dream avatar in the same way you can save a style in your wardrobe. Click on the save dream avatar button, enter a name and press ok. You can then load it from the list of saved dream avatars. Once you do that, you can click 'Get Image URL' on the left side. (Note: you can only get URLs of avatars on the list.) This will get you a direct link and a BBCode to the image, which you can then save into your disk or show off on the forums.
How can I see which items I need for my dream avatar?
By clicking the 'Get Item List' on the left side of the interface.

Avatar Contest FAQ
What is the Official Monthly Avatar Contest?
Official Monthly Avatar Contest is a competition where you can submit you avatar to be judged by the other users and possibly get awarded with the Avatar Contest Medal. Each month, three top winners get this unique item which is changed every year.
How do I submit my avatar to the contest?
Create an avatar in your wardrobe, save it, go to the 'Avatar Contest' page and press the submit your avatar to the contest button. Fill in the title and description and, once you're done, submit your entry.
How many entries can I submit to the contest?
Up to 3 entries. If all your entries get the highest rating, the one with the most votes wins. Others won't count so that the other users can also get rewards.
How does the avatar contest rating system work?
Each avatar can be rated 0-5. The more you like the avatar, the higher a rating you should give. The sum of all votes is divided by the number of voters in order to find out the average rating. When the contest is over three users with the highest average score win.
Why can I not see any usernames and ratings in the contest?
Unfortunately we had to hide ratings and usernames, because users would cheat with mules to users they did not like down and rate their own avatars up.

Official Quests FAQ
What are official quests?
Official Quests are given out by NPCs. To finish a quest, you need to collect a set number of certain materials, which will then be turned by the Alchemist into an object desired by the NPC who gave you the quest. Upon fulfilling a quest, you get an item for your avatar as reward.
How do I access quests?
NPCs can be found in the Castle. Use the 'Go to the Castle' button on the Quests page to reach it, then select the icon of the NPC who's quests you want to look at.
Can I accept multiple quests at once?
No. You can only accept one quest at a time.
There are quests I cannot access. Why?
Certain quests have specific requirements. You may need to fulfill a small number of other quests, or one specific quest before you can access the special ones.
What are quest difficulties?
Quest difficulties are shown as small stars in the quest description. A quest with no full stars is very easy. A quest with 5 full stars is quite difficult and can take a lot of time and effort to fulfill.
Where can I find the Alchemist?
You can find your way to the Alchemist on the lower part of the Quests page. Click the big button that says: 'Go to the Alchemist'.
How do I get the material the Alchemist is asking for?
You can find materials while browsing through the Kingdom. When you do, a small graphic will pop up and you will have to click on the item it asks for to verify that you are not a bot. If you get it right, you will get a material item.
If you own a Knuffel, you will also be able to dig up materials on Candy Island with them. For more information about digging with your Knuffel, see the Knuffel FAQ.
Where can I see what material I have collected?
You can find it in your Wardrobe's last section: Quest Material.
I have all the material the Alchemist asked me for, what do I do now?
Visit the Alchemist again and use the 'I have collected all the material needed and want to have it turned into an object' button.
I got the quest object from the Alchemist, what do I do now?
Usually the Alchemist leads you to the Castle after turning your materials into an item. If you left his page, just go to the Castle and return to the NPC who gave you the quest by yourself to finish the quest.

Random Fairy FAQ
What are random fairies?
While browsing KOfK, there is a chance that a fairy will 'pop up'. Clicking the pop up makes you catch the fairy, and you will gain a fairy item as a reward for doing so.
How rare are they?
Very, it may be possible to go on a year without finding any. However, it is also completely random, so it might also be possible to find more than one in a day.
Does my pop-up blocker disable fairies?
No, it does not. Common browser's pop-up blockers will not disable any of Kingdom Of Knuffel's fairy- or event pop-ups.

Art Gallery FAQ
What is the art gallery?
Art Gallery is a place where you can submit your original artwork and have it rated and commented on as well as simply enjoyed by other users. There are several sub-galleries you can choose from: Photography, Traditional Media, Computer Graphics and Pixel Art. You also get food for submitting art, rating and getting your art rated.
How do I submit art to the art gallery?
You need to upload your artwork to a host such as Photobucket, TinyPic or your own server. Make sure your image host allows direct linking. Your image needs to be less than 650 pixels wide and 650 pixels high. Then click 'Art' on the linkbar and select 'Submit Art' at the bottom of the scroll. Just follow the instructions you see afterwards. You will gain food points for submitting as well as for every time another user rates your piece. Remember, however, to upload only your own artworks!
How can I delete my art from the art gallery?
Find the artwork you wish to delete from your gallery. Click the [x] icon in the upper right corner, and you'll get to the screen asking whether you really want to delete it. Confirm the operation, and it's done.
How can I comment on art?
Find the artwork you want to comment upon. Click 'Post a Comment' under it. Write your text and click 'Submit'. Done! Commenting earns you food points.
How do I rate art?
Above the piece of art there are groups of stars. Decide how many stars is the artwork worth - the more stars, the higher the rating - and click the respective group. Done! This will earn you as well as the artist some food points.

Games FAQ
What games are there?
The games are listed under 'Games' in the linkbar. So far the only games are 'Whack a Wuffel' and 'Memory'. The rules are explained in the games themselves, click the 'Help' button.
Why can I only submit my score and earn food once a day?
Letting users submit scores as often as possible would lead to a enormous food inflation. Therefore you can only submit your score once per day (reset at server time), but you can still play the game as often as you like.

Forum FAQ
What are bookmarks and what are subscriptions?
Bookmarks and subscriptions help you keep track of important threads. The difference between bookmarks and subscriptions is that once you subscribe a thread, you will be notified by e-mail whenever someone posts in it. With bookmarks, this is not the case.
How can I manage my bookmarks and subscriptions?
To subscribe or bookmark a topic, you need to click the 'Subscribe/Bookmark topic' link, which can be found on the left of the yellow linkbar below the thread's title. Go to 'My Account' -> 'Overview' -> 'Manage bookmarks/subscriptions' to see your bookmarked/subscribed threads. To remove a thread from your bookmarks/subscriptions, select the checkbox and press the remove marked bookmarks/subscriptions button, which can be found under the list of bookmarked/subscribed threads.
Why and how long do I have to wait between my posts?
You need to wait 50 seconds between your posts. Unfortunately we currently cannot minimize the waiting time due to server capacity.
Can I bump my threads?
Yes, but only if they fall off the first page. The only exception is the spam forum, in which you can bump as often as you wish.
Can I edit my posts?
Yes, you can edit your posts. To do that, click the 'edit' button under your post.
Can I delete my posts?
Yes, but only if the post you want to delete is the last post in the topic. Once someone, yourself included, posts, you lose the possibility to delete your previous message. You can still edit it, however.
How do I report posts?
To report a post, click the '!' button at the bottom of the message you wish to report. You will be asked to fill out a short form. Once you're done, press the submit button.

Account FAQ
How do I edit my forum signature?
To edit your forum signature, click on 'My Account' in the linkbar and then select 'Signature'. Remember that your signature can have a maximum of 1024 characters and must never be wider than 500x600 pixel!
How can I change my password?
To change your password, go to go to Account Settings -> Profile -> Edit account settings. You will need to confirm your old password to change it.
How can I change my e-mail address?
To change your e-mail address, go to go to Account Settings -> Profile -> Edit account settings. Please make sure to enter a valid e-mail address as a confirmation mail will be sent to your new mail. If you cannot verify the new address your account will be set to 'inactive' and might be possibly deleted.
Can I change my avatar's gender?
Yes. To change it, go to My Account -> Change Gender and press the Change Gender button. Each Gender change costs a fee of 100 Food Points. Please be aware that you might not be able to use some of your saved avatars in your wardrobe once you have changed your avatar's gender.
Can I change my username?
No, your username cannot be changed.
Can I delete my account?
You cannot delete your account yourself, however, should you have an account with only a very small number of posts you can PM Firn and she will delete the account for you. You must PM from the account you want to have deleted. Unfortunately accounts with many posts cannot be deleted as it is causing major server lags for the whole community.
How do I manage my friends?
To manage friends My Account -> Friends. To add someone to your Friend list, type their username into the add friends search box at the bottom of the page and press submit. You can also add friends by going to their profile and clicking on the 'Change state' button under 'Friendship state'.
You can unfriend users by going to your friendlist and clicking on their avatar.
If you wish to go to your friends' profiles, you need to access your friendlist through your own profile.
How can I hide/show my friends list on my profile?
Go to My Account, then click on Profile. There, you will find an option to show friends list. Choosing 'yes' will show the friends list on your profile, and choosing 'no' will hide it.
How can I disable the monthly newsletter?
To disable the newsletter go to Account Settings -> Board preferences and set 'Administrators can e-mail me information' to 'no'.

Miscellaneous FAQ
I have a question that is not listed in the FAQ. What do I do?
Please post your question in the Support forum. Do not PM an administrator or moderator with your question unless it is something that cannot be discussed in public. Most often other users might be able to help you, or other users might have a similar problem. Instead of having to answer each question separately in a PM, a moderator or administrator can answer it in the forum, where it is visible to everyone.
I have found a glitch or bug. Where do I report it?
You can report glitches and bugs in the Support forum. If it is an exploitable glitch, meaning one that users can gain food or items from that they should not be able to get this way, please PM starkad or Firn directly.
How do I suggest an item for KOfK avatars?
If you have an item to suggest, you can do so in the Avatar Item Suggestions and Requests thread, which is located in the Feedback & Requests forum.
How do I suggest a feature for KOfK?
If you have a suggestion for the site, you can post it in the Feature Requests thread, which is located in the Feedback & Requests forum.
How can I become a moderator?
The Kingdom Of Knuffel is always grateful for people willing to help, but please understand that we cannot grant the power to moderate or administrate this site to people we don't know and can't trust. To become a moderator you have to be an active member of this site who has shown to be reliable and helpful in the past. There is no official application, but users will be approached by our current moderators should we be in need of new staff members.
To become an administrator you need to have extraordinary artistic or programming skills that can be of help to us. Please understand that it takes far more than 'a bit of html knowledge' to run this site. All administrators' and moderators' work is voluntary and unpaid.

Terminology and abbreviations FAQ
Monthly Treasure. Set of items released each month available through the Treasure Trove shop.
Food Poins. The currency on KOfK.
Fairy Coins. A currency handed out for donations to the site, used to shop in the exclusive Treasure Trove shop.
Troth Tokens. A currency that can be claimed daily (see Troth Tokens FAQ for details) and spent in the Troth Tent shop.
Secondary user account. Don't forget to follow Kingdom Of Knuffel's Mule rules.
Non Player Character. In this case, Kingdom Of Knuffel characters like the shop owners.
Server Reset
A misleading term used by many users and referring to a day change according to Server Time. This is also the time when you can claim new Troth Tokens and your Knuffel's digs get reset.
Knuffel Drop
Term used by users when older Knuffel are given up for adoption and become available in Knufftropolis again.
Server Time
Our server is located in europe, and day-based limits (Knuffel digging, troth token claiming etc.) reset at 12:00 AM UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). The current server time is displayed along with the time in your timezone below the info box.