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Kingdom of Knuffel Rules

We may change the rules at any time and we'll do our utmost in informing you, though it would be prudent to review this regularly yourself as your continued usage of Kingdom of Knuffel after changes mean you agree to be legally bound by these terms as they are updated and/or amended.


You agree not to post any abusive, violent, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, or any other material that may violate any laws be it of your country, the country where Kingdom of Knuffel is hosted or International Law.

Always keep in mind that there are real people behind the avatars that deserve to be treated with respect.
Anyone found harassing other members will be warned or banned depending on the gravity of their actions.

You are not allowed to post any spam threads or posts (= meaningless junk posts) for the sole purpose of earning Food in any other area aside from the Spam forum. This includes bumping, which is allowed only to keep your own thread from falling off the first forum page. You are not allowed to stretch the page by putting more letters or words in a row than necessary or by posting images wider than 500 pixel. Please report spam threads or stretched threads (in the case of the latter by PMing the thread page to an administrator or moderator). Breaking the rules will result in an official warning. Multiple warnings result in a ban. Posts that stretch the page will be deleted.

Make sure your topic is in the right place. Don't post chat threads outside the Chat forum, don't post music-related threads outside of the Music forum, and so on. Topics that are in the wrong place will be moved, or, depending on how misplaced they are, deleted.

You agree that Kingdom of Knuffel has the right to delete, edit, move or close any topic at any time should we see fit.

Posting links leading to sites outside of KOfK without giving an explanation to where that link leads to or without the context of a conversation that makes it clear for others is forbidden. Posting referral links and advertisements for offsite products and services is not allowed.


As a user you agree to any information you have entered to being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent, Kingdom of Knuffel shall not be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised. Never give out your password. No Kingdom Of Knuffel user, administrator, moderator or NPC will ever need your password. The administrators and moderators can go over your account without knowing your password if necessary.

Report any possible exploits or glitches to an admin or moderator. Profiting from glitches and/or any other kind of possible exploits will lead to an official warning or instant ban depending on the gravity of the exploit.

Don't use auto-refreshers or any other kind of programs or browser plugins, features or add-ons, for feeding your Knuffel, or exploiting any other ways of food earning / item gathering. Not only is it considered cheating to use these programs, but it is also a needless burden on the server.


Your signature mustn't be wider than 500 pixel and higher than 600 pixel.

It is forbidden to place another user's username or any information regarding another user in your signature, unless you have that user's explicit permission to do so.


Mules (additional accounts) are permitted in moderation. This means you may own additional accounts for things like for example item storage or shop managing purposes.
As a guideline: 1-2 Mule accounts are fine, everything beyond that is critical. If in doubt, contact an administrator and ask about the legitimacy of additional accounts.
You may not create accounts with the sole purpose of gaining additional items for your main account, additional votes in KOfK features like polls or contest votings, or any other aspect of the site where having addition accounts will give you any kind of advantage over users with only one account.
Should we determine that your mule accounts are breaking these rules or you created too many accounts, these accounts will get banned or deleted without prior warning and your main account might be hold accountable with warnings or bannings depending on the severity of the case.
All accounts are bound to the rules of The Kingdom Of Knuffel.

Off-Site Trading:

All virtual items on kingdomofknuffel.com are the property of the Kingdom Of Knuffel and mustn't be traded or bought by means of currency from other forums/online communities/games/etc. or with/for real currency.

Breaking the rules may result in an immediate and permanent ban, with notification of your Internet Service Provider if deemed required by us. The IP address of all posts are recorded to aid in enforcing these rules.

Inactive accounts:

We will deactivate user accounts if the last login date lies further back than 1 year. In case you want to start using your account again after it has been deactivated, contact an administrator.



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It is currently Oct 22nd, '24, 13:44
All times are UTC+02:00