Here you have the chance to bid on an unique one-of-a-kind Knuffel.
Currently available Unique Knuffel:
Number available
If you win this auction, you get this many Knuffel of this type. You can name them individually and trade them off if you want.
Bids so far:
Last bid at:
Auction end:
Remaining time:
Current bid:
Bid increase
The bids increase in steps of 1000 FP.
If you enter a higher number, you bid the next highest sum in 1000 FP steps up to that entered number that makes you the highest bidder. Still the full FP are removed from your account, and are returned should you be outbid.
Example: If the current bid is, say, 10000 FP, and you choose to bid 20000 FP, you will be the highest bidder with 11000 FP. If now someone tries to bid 15000 FP, you will stay highest bidder, with 16000 FP. If you win the auction, any remaining FP (4000 in our example) will be returned to your account.
: 1000
You are the highest bidder!
Your current deposit: