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Midnight Rose Set

Posted: Nov 18th, '19, 21:17
by Themis
Hello, Firn
I was just wondering if it would be possible to put the Midnight Rose Top as an undershirt that way you could wear the Midnight Rose Coat over it, like an actual coat?
I've never really understood why it wasn't layered like that once we started to get Undershirts, so I thought I would ask if now it could possibly be done. I think they would look amazing together and are designed to be warn like that.
Thank you for the response either way! :mchappy:

Re: Midnight Rose Set

Posted: Nov 18th, '19, 23:17
by Firn
Unfortunately only skin-tight shirts work as undershirts or they will cause trouple when layered with other shirts, so this is not possible.

Re: Midnight Rose Set

Posted: Nov 18th, '19, 23:23
by Themis
Ah, so the neck part of puffy shoulders would cause a layering issues. Well that's a bummer I've always wanted to wear them together.
Thank you for responding and letting me know why it would not work, I appreciate it :mcglee: