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You must:
Write two or more sentences.  29%  [ 37 ]
No short sentences.  6%  [ 8 ]
NO DEATH FATES.  24%  [ 31 ]
It's easier to read the rules first.  41%  [ 53 ]
Total votes : 129
 Post subject: Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....
Posted: Nov 18th, '22, 19:33    


Joined: Dec 28th, '11, 00:22
Posts: 3949
Hugs: 68838
Mood: Chillin' Like a Villain
Location: The Shire
Your fate is to take a young apprentice sou you can pass your knowledge

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 Post subject: Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....
Posted: Nov 19th, '22, 00:22    


Joined: Aug 3rd, '09, 19:21
Posts: 28382
Hugs: 317007
Location: Japan
You're going to come back and rule over the seven seas

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 Post subject: Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....
Posted: Nov 19th, '22, 04:39    

Moon Star

Joined: Oct 22nd, '11, 00:30
Posts: 11606
Hugs: 243209
Mood: Pondering on whether or not I should ponder about pondering...
Location: Good question
You're fated to chase down the wrong creature and turn from being the hunter, to the hunted. >:D

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 Post subject: Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....
Posted: Nov 19th, '22, 10:19    


Joined: Aug 3rd, '09, 19:21
Posts: 28382
Hugs: 317007
Location: Japan
The Queen is going to become one of your fan

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Life in Japan and more at MARCH STORY

 Post subject: Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....
Posted: Nov 19th, '22, 11:36    


Joined: Dec 28th, '11, 00:22
Posts: 3949
Hugs: 68838
Mood: Chillin' Like a Villain
Location: The Shire
You fate is to master of the forest... loved and feared at the same time

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 Post subject: Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....
Posted: Nov 19th, '22, 12:27    


Joined: Aug 3rd, '09, 19:21
Posts: 28382
Hugs: 317007
Location: Japan
You are going to become the Queen of the water world

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Life in Japan and more at MARCH STORY

 Post subject: Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....
Posted: Nov 20th, '22, 00:26    

Moon Star

Joined: Oct 22nd, '11, 00:30
Posts: 11606
Hugs: 243209
Mood: Pondering on whether or not I should ponder about pondering...
Location: Good question
Your fate is to end up in an thousand-year loop of murdering the same person over and over again every day until you decide to let them live, at which point the loop ends.

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 Post subject: Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....
Posted: Nov 20th, '22, 00:32    


Joined: Dec 28th, '11, 00:22
Posts: 3949
Hugs: 68838
Mood: Chillin' Like a Villain
Location: The Shire
Your fate is to play a song that will brake a n evil curse which put whole kingdom under sleeping spell

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 Post subject: Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....
Posted: Nov 20th, '22, 00:38    

Moon Star

Joined: Oct 22nd, '11, 00:30
Posts: 11606
Hugs: 243209
Mood: Pondering on whether or not I should ponder about pondering...
Location: Good question
You are fated to fall in love with a land-dweller and trade in your tentacles for legs, yet have them choose a mermaid over you, the sea witch. :(

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 Post subject: Re: Fate of the Avatar Above You.....
Posted: Nov 20th, '22, 01:51    


Joined: Aug 3rd, '09, 19:21
Posts: 28382
Hugs: 317007
Location: Japan
You are going to move out in space and live alone for a few years

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