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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Jan 21st, '16, 07:13    


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You have hugged SerinaNight!

Helena's voice rose, and her temper started to flare, but it was when she tried to leave that Kyle finally did something. Reaching forward he grabbed her, perhaps a little more roughly then he intended, but she was obviously against it so he'd had little choice. He pulled her back from the door, spinning her around so they were now standing in opposite places. His hands didn't leave her arms, after all, like as not she would simply try and run when he removed them. For a moment, his eyes flashed again, that face that he didn't want to show her. Trying to calm down, though only partially succeeding, he looked down at her.

"If we're going to do this, I should be the one who leaves." He slowly released his hands, standing up to his full height and heading for the door. Glancing over his shoulder he added, "We're not at home anymore. I can only keep you so safe away from my own walls." Kyle pauses, his hair obscuring his eyes, though their red glint still seems to shine through. "Especially with... present company." Glancing at her he heads for the door again, pausing before it, seeming to think. Quiet for a few moments he speaks rather suddenly, the tone in his voice a bit harsher than normal.

"Are you aware of why nobles covet the powered so much? I doubt you've been told, after all, it's a rather well kept secret." He glances over, his gaze a bit cold. "Powers don't run in noble blood. In fact, they show up most often amongst those of the lowest class, the caste-less, and the wanderers. You really never wondered why those nobles who prided themselves on their pure blood never had powers? Why it's always the bastards, like me, who inherit it? I get them from my father of course." As he speaks, he seems to fade from his harsh tone, though his distaste is still apparent. After another moment, he speaks again, his tone once more changes, this time softer, more understanding.

"Despite my seemly gilded life, I do understand. My mother loves me only as a reminder of her lost lover, what with our apparent similarities. My father accepts me as his heir only because he knows the advantages of having a powered in his bloodline, though cares little for me personally. My brother hates me because despite him being the oldest son my appearance means all he deserved was stolen right from under him by, to use his words, a half breed bastard who's only defining feature is the powers granted to him by that dirty blood." His eyes drift over to Helena, holding hers for a moment before he continues.

"The same brother who not only tries to kill my wife, but will kill my child as well, unless I kill him first, whether directly or indirectly." Kyle pauses, his hand reaching for the door. He glances back. "If you are responsible for your brother's death, as you say you are, then I am guilty for the death of mine as well. And the death of our child, though it will not come to pass. I am guilty for the pain you've enduring having to suffer the visions of such an event your entire life. For without my powers, I would not have stolen my parent's love, and thus caused my brother to go to such lengths to regain it." Kyle pauses again. "A familiar story, it seems." He seems sad for a moment. "Think on it." Kyle reaches for the door again. "Your hands are not as bloody as you think." Pausing for a moment, he mutters something to himself, barely even a breath. "I wish I could say the same of myself." Opening the door, he steps outside, closing it behind him.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Jan 21st, '16, 10:57    


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Helena glared at him. "Let go of me!" She screamed as she was grabbed. She tried to get free, but wasmoved away from the door. His gril on her hurt. When she loked at him his face was scary, and she tried getting away, but his hand hadn't let go of her. She was scared and wanted to run, but there was nowhere to go. Her head snapped back to Kyle, as he started speaking. She didn't know what to say. She froze inside.

What was he saying? Mutation came from castless? "I'm not ... I'm a ...." she may not be part of the noble family, but her family wasn't castless. She was born with great powers and from an acceptable family. What was this!? She wanted to say something, but Kyle had already turned and left. She yanked the door open. "You are not leaving after dumping that on me!" She yelled as anger raised in her. What did he think whe was?

"So what?! You think it's fun, huh?! Leaving me every single time you throw a bomb in my face! You think it's hilarious?" She grabbed his shirt and yanked him down to her eye level. "I'm telling you to get off your fucking high horse." She said through her grittted teeth. "You don't have to be born noble to act like one!" Her parents were good examples. "My mother smiled in joy! Fucking danced and hugged me when my Brother was killed! And what?! You tell me that he might not even be my real brother!? Is that what I'm suppose to get out of that!"

Her eyes turned a dangerous red. Then she continued in a mocking tone. "It's okay, Helena. He wasn't really your brother, no need to feel bad." He eyes went back on Kyle. "You're right! My hands are clean compared to you!" She pointed at him. "At least I value other lives than myself!!" She slapped him. "Don't you dare tell me he wasn't my brother you sick fuck! My brother loved me! He did! He mocked me about my powers, said I was lying, but he loved me!"

Shd raised her hand again. "You just go back to your stupid heartless family!" She gave him a bitter and hateful smile. "After all, you have sooo much in common, do you not?" A bitter laugh came out of her, before continuing. "At least they don't have a heart you can shatter!!" She turned around. "I'm done with you." She said in the coldest tone she could muster. "Thought you'd be different." She whispered, before glaring. "Don't want to see you before we have to leave this stupid place." She said and headed inside. "Good bye, Kyle." And she meant that as a final.

she closed the door and just stood there at the door for a bit, before running into the connected bathroom and locking the door. She felt tear running down her face. Castless? Was she ... was that really ... and Kyle. She had thought that he was different, but he was just like the others. Just like every other noble she had met. Castless was people too! Her brother had been a living being. What did it matter that her number was smallrr than Kyle's. That wasn't what mattered. Killing few, or killing many. You stilled caused death. She cried. "Brother, help me." She whispered. She had no one now. She had let Kyle in. She hadn't meant to, but he had been allowed. And this! She glared at her hands. This was the reward. "I hate this place." She whispered.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Feb 13th, '16, 01:40    


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Kyle was surprised when she followed him out of the room, and even more surprised by the rest of what she was saying. Surprised enough he didn't even resist as she pulled him around, yanking him to her height, despite the discomfort of the position. It took him a while to even realize what she was talking about, until she began talking about her brother's death once more. His own eyes began to flash their own shade of red, but unlike the girl before him, he had a much stronger control over his emotions. Obviously she had misunderstood, or simply not heard, some of what he'd said. He could see why she'd be upset, thinking that was the revelation he'd been bestowing on her.

What came next, however, was more then just a misunderstanding. Is this how she really viewed him? The kind of person to say something like that? Her mocking tone was obviously meant to mimic him, and he bit his lip. Though enhanced by her anger and vampiric strength the slap affected him little, it was his own teeth, already clenched into his lip, that caused the real damage. His fangs, designed for just this purpose, easily slid through his flesh. He twitched slightly, and though the wound initially didn't bleed, it soon began to, the blood slowly beginning to well up. Her hand was raised as though to slap him again, but she choose to use her words to try and hurt him this time.

It wasn't the first time she'd said something like that, it was the last thing, the goodbye the hurt the most. And that was something he wouldn't tolerate. His teeth gritted, grinding together rather violently, as he tried to pull himself back. He'd managed to snag them on the same spot on his lip, causing the blood to flow more freely. Slowly licking it from his lips before it could drip down his chin, he tried to calm himself, to little avail. His fist slammed into the door frame, leaving it slightly tilted. It hadn't cracked only due to the rather solid craftsmanship. Helena's footsteps could be heard from behind the door as she bolted to the bathroom. He tried to avoid accidentally catching his lip with his fangs again, though the location and his current mood made that difficult. If he didn't stop, the wound wouldn't heal, not that that mattered all that much.

It took him a while to finally pull himself together enough to enter the room, and by this point Helena was already crying in the bathroom. Walking up to the door he began to speak, his tone rather flat, and he was obviously still angry. "Helena, I'm going to explain a few things, because you're obviously not understanding. I never said that powers are only found among the caste-less, caste families can still have them. The only vampires who never have powers are the pure-bloods. Pure-blood noble vampire families. Of which you, and your brother, are not a part of. Do you get it now?" His last words where spoken with a growl, which he quickly pulled back.

"I doubt your brother isn't truly your blood, such affairs are the privilege of families such as mine. Non-nobles are rarely able to engage in such... activities." A rather long pause followed. "As for the rest of what you said-" His teeth clenched again, once again stopping the wounds healing process, and he cursed under his breath for a moment before trying to pull himself together enough to speak.







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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Feb 13th, '16, 02:47    


Joined: Jan 12th, '11, 17:10
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Helena tensed as she heard the door open. She put her hands over her ears. She didn't want to hear it. She didn't want him to lure her in again. She didn't want to ... "Shut up!" She shouted, her hysterica being completely evident in her voice. She knew he could hear she was crying. She didn't care.

"I don't want to hear it, okay?" She said. She hated him. This was what she had to remember. She didn't like this guy. She hated his guts. "I don't ... " she did hear him, though. She heard everything, yet. She shook her head. "Go away." She said pitifully.

He had been about to leave her after that huge amount of news he had just dropped in her face like it was nothing. He always left her when she needed him. And now that she didn't want him ... She sniffled. But did she really not want him? She glared at herself in the mirror. She shook her head.

There was one way to know. "You still want to save your brother, though?" She asked almost hesitant. She opened the door, after drying off her tears, giving him a blank, and completely emotionless look. "You want to save him, right? Want me to be hurt by him and kill the child I'm carrying?" She said. Then she closed her eyes for a bit. "How am I going to interprete that?" then she closed her eyes. "I'm going to be fertile in a week from now." She told him simply.

Vampires went into a somewhat heat, where their fertility skyrocketed. They were almost assured to get pregnant during this time of the month. They didn't get aggressive, just ... A tad more horny than normal. Helena had started to have them half a year ago. "I will give you two choices." She said. "Either you let your brother be killed. Or you fuck me in a week time." She gave him a look.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Feb 13th, '16, 07:37    


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Kyle was confused by her question. "What?" He asked, a bit more venom then he normally would have had in his tone, due to the blood boiling beneath his skin, though his voice showed mostly confusion. She exited the bathroom, clarifying her statement and his fist slammed into the wall, his fangs digging deeply into the flesh of his lips, the previous cut now flowing fresh with blood. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" He growled, his eyes burning a pure, bright red. Despite being thicker then the door frame, the wall had not survived the brunt of his force any better, being indented, though only slightly, where his fist had landed.

It was one thing to be told he was noble scum, to be told he'd hurt her, to be told goodbye. All of those things she'd said before, and some of them were true. After all, this wasn't exactly something he was versed in handling, and he always seemed to pick the wrong option. But this? Did she know him so little as to assume he'd desire something like that? Her next comment however, took him a little off guard. While men didn't suffer heat the same why women did, they were affected by it, as the pheromones female vampires released during that time made them much more tempting to any males nearby. Younger men often struggled with it, as did younger women, which was why young vampires (at least of noble, or caste birth) were required to have a chaperon when interacting during that time.

Kyle and Helena had not needed one, as Kyle was to old to fall prey to such things, and Helena had originally been to young for it to matter. It had only started about half way through them living together, and even then they had never interacted, so he'd never really needed to worry about it. Even if they had, his control was good enough he could resist any... urges that came his way. Now, that control was rather lacking, as evidenced by his rather blatant displays of anger. It would take very little to push him over the edge. Helena then gave him an ultimatum. One which in that instant, caused his burning blood, and his anger, to turn rather quickly into something... else. His teeth dug deeper into his lips, the blood dripping down his face having long been ignored. He forced himself to turn away.

"Helena." His voice held a different tone now. Primal, violent... and stimulating. "You are aware what that kind of threat is supposed to encourage, right?" He turned back around, leaning down to look her straight in the eyes, his gaze likely sending a shiver down her spine. That look, it held something intense, something hungry. "Generally, when a woman threatens a man with such a thing, she wants him to choose that second option." His hand touched her hair, holding it lightly in his hand, running his fingers through it before looking at her once more. "I'd kill him with my own bare hands before I let him hurt you." He stood up rather suddenly as he spoke, obviously struggling, but succeeding, to rein himself in. "I just didn't want you to be involved if you didn't need to be."

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Feb 13th, '16, 11:41    


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Helena took a step back. He looked rather deadly. She didn't like this. She wanted to escape. He seemed so angry. What had she done? It was how he felt right? He wanted to ... He hadn't said that he'd let his brother get killed. She was sure she hadn't forgotten to hear that throughout the arguments.

Then he said her name in a tone that made her freeze up. Suppose to encourage? What was he trying to say? She couldn't look away from his eyes, but she knew she must look scared. God, he looked like he wanted to eat her. She wasn't having her heat yet, and he looked like he wouldn't be able to keep his hands off her.

She flinched as his hand moved in close to touch her hair. "I ... " would he pick the second option? She bit her lower lip and looked down. She had said that one because she just had wanted it to be over with. Have a heat, get pregnant and lose it in an accident. With his stupid brother alive, she didn't want to wait around and get attached to the baby which was going to die. Didn't want to get attached to Kyle either. "I'm always involved." She said. "I have the power to see the future." She looked up at him. "I'm going to be involved far more than you will be." She looked at him. He was so much taller than her. Felt really intimidating.

She could still remember the taste of his blood from the one time he had let her bite his neck. It had been good. She didn't often get to drink from people, having never been on the hunts the caste families did once every half year. Nobles didn't do that. She looked at the blood on his chin, that was running down his neck.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Feb 14th, '16, 02:16    


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Kyle could feel his blood pulsing beneath his skin but ignored it. Based on her confused look she obviously hadn't realized what he was talking about, which in and of itself was a bit annoying. He almost wanted to roll his eyes. How sheltered could one be? Then again, that had been some of what drew him to her in the first place. No pretense. She said exactly what she meant. Not that that made this situation any easier. Damn, it just had to happen here, when he was already worked up, already struggling.

He'd probably scared her rather badly, even ignoring his outburst earlier. He glanced at the wall, the dent was noticeable if you were looking straight at it, but luckily his families house was old, and well built. Walls meant to house vampires, and account for their strength, or potential enemies. Thicker walls meant it was harder to break through them, whether that was the intention or not. At least his power was still under control. Well, to an extent. Ironically his shift in focus had made it almost... easier to close himself off, though he could feel her presence behind him so keenly it was almost unnerving.

And rather distracting, but that was something he was doing his best to ignore. Luckily he'd spent practically his whole life learning to control himself, a side effect of mastering his power, so he was managing. Unfortunately, once boiling, it was difficult to cool vampiric blood without some kind of outlet. All vampires had this problem, it was a part of their naturally violent nature. All vampires had that same primal rage, or lust, lying beneath their pale features, some were just better at hiding it then others. Normally, he would be one of those, but right now, well...

"Just because something is true doesn't mean we want it to be." Kyle said a bit flatly in response to Helena finally speaking. He seemed as though he was going to say something else, but when he turned back around he seemed to raise an eyebrow upon seeing Helena's face and grinned, though it was more a smirk then anything else. Leaning down slowly, he spoke, his voice almost a purr, and strangely inviting. "Helena... if you keep staring at me with such a hungry look, I might just stop holding back." As much as his words implied a joke, his tone showed it clearly wasn't. It was hard enough controlling himself without her looking so... enticing.

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Feb 14th, '16, 03:20    


Joined: Jan 12th, '11, 17:10
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Helena looked up as he spoke. Just because something is true, doesn't mean we want it to be, huh? she thought. Like she didn't know that. She didn't want half of the visions she saw to be true, which was why she thought so hard to change them. Then he spoke again. The tone so inviting and luring. Like she was pray.

Her eyes landed on the bloody lips, and for a second she thought ... She shook her head. Then she glared at him. "You are just pissy." She muttered.she folded her arms over her chest and looked away. "Like you'd ever do anything anyway. You are just words." She said and huffed.

"I know you by now. You don't actually make real of your little threats. You act all tough, but in reality you are always so cautious." She stuck out her tongue. That's right, he had been teasing her throughout the whole year they had been living together. Every chance he could get had been a teasing one, and never once had any of the thing he had said he'd do been done. He was all talk.

She put her hand on her hips. What was he going to do with that? She looked at him. He had the eyes of a hunter, but he wouldn't really ... Right? "Wasn't you going to leave?" She asked. She kind of felt nervous around him. That, and she had just called him a wuss that never backed up his threats. She wasn't entirely sure she wanted him to back up this one, but at the same time ...

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 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Feb 14th, '16, 04:55    


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Kyle watched, amused, as she seemed to contemplate what she wanted to do, her eyes drifting to his lips. He slowly licked them, almost absentmindedly, though she quickly changed the subject. Her insults were more cute then hurtful, especially with her pouting. Kyle couldn't help but grin, his smirk leaving his fangs rather exposed. It was rather tempting to actually follow through with it this time. "What, do you want me to?" He asked, teasing. Helena was obviously squirming under his gaze, and she quickly brought up his departure.

He sighed softly, smirking a bit as he stood. "I was." He tilted his head slightly, looking thoughtful, his expression still rather hungry. It wouldn't be a bad thing for him to leave, honestly, it might be a better idea. This sort of game wasn't bad, but right now... well, his control wasn't exactly the best. He needed a way to get rid of this energy anyway, and it was unlikely he'd find a method in this room. Well, one he was going to take. He sighed again, cracking his neck before heading into the bathroom to wash the blood off of him. Even his stance seemed different from normal, he was obviously much more relaxed, but there was something else. Despite his apparent relaxed state, he moved more like a hunter stalking his prey.

"Maybe I'll ask Harold to spar with me." Kyle paused, seeming amused. "Not that I'll win, but it should work well enough." Harold had much more experience in such things then he did, after all, the man had fought in the noble wars, something which in and of itself spoke to his age. They were long enough ago most considered them ancient history, even the families who's ancestors had once been involved. Then again, most who had fought in the wars had either died, or, like Harold, cared little for sharing such stories. The only real references were the war ballads from the noble families histories, but those often held little truth, the different families tales often directly contradicting each other.

Finishing cleaning the blood from his face he glanced down at the shirt he was wearing, which now had a rather large spot of blood on it from the wound which was now nearly closed on his lip. He glanced at himself in the mirror, his eyes glinting brightly in the light before running his wet hands through his hair to pull it back and wiping them on his shirt. Walking over to the dresser where their clothes had been unpacked he removed his shirt, laying it on the top and opening up the drawer that his shirts should be in. Rummaging through them for a moment he finally settled on one and pulled it on, glancing over at Helena before smirking and heading over to the exit to the room.

He reached the door, glancing at the door frame contemplatively. It wasn't affecting the door much, but it would be good to make sure it was supported properly. After all, even a small tilt could eventually cause the whole door to warp, making it difficult or impossible to properly close. Harold could take care of it, without the attention of his parents, which would be for the best. No reason he'd need to explain that to them. Opening the door he headed out into the hallway, pausing for a moment to see which direction Harold was in, and using that to determine his likely location in the huge house before heading off to find the old butler.

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Hana-chan | Saokymo

 Post subject: Re: An Unlikely Arrangement (Lluvia X SerinaNight)
Posted: Feb 14th, '16, 08:08    


Joined: Jan 12th, '11, 17:10
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Helena looked at him as he seemed calmer. She didn't know what that meant. She didn't know what any of it, meant. She was just confused now, and let Kyle pass her into the bathroom. she moved into the bedroom, and sat herself on the bed. She looked at him with slightly annoyed eyes. That guy was just running away from her again.

Kind of pissed her off. She was frustrated too. Still, she bit her tongue and kept it to herself. Even if she was mad at him, she didn't want his anger to be facing her. She was scared of making him seriously mad. She was just glad he'd be leaving. At least she told herself that.

Once he was outside and gone. She started to wonder a few things. Like if he'd come back? Or he'd really let her be alone. She had said she didn't want to see him again until they had to go home. She bit her lip. What now? She got under the covers and stared up at the ceiling. Today had been so weird. She didn't want to think about it anymore.

She closed her eyes for a few seconds. Visions of death and tragedies playing behind her lids. Another sigh left her. Tonight would be full of nightmares again. She rolled onto her side to get as comfortable as possible. Then she closed her eyes and tried to get some sleep

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