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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel
Posted: Dec 4th, '17, 02:46    


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Strange. I guess most people don't have enough money to spend on themselves as they're spending more money on presents.

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel
Posted: Dec 4th, '17, 10:35    

Raine Seryn

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right? I opened pagedoll commissions hoping to draw in people buying art gifts, but I only got one commission. Which feels weird considering how many people have been hounding me to open any sort of commission.

=_= I was hoping to make a little $$ to bake cookies as gifts for family. But I might have to dig into the savings a little bit. ;_;

LOLOL I won't turn into a drawing gargoyle XD hahahah. I make sure to get up and walk around here and there. Sleeping is just always a problem. >_< Lately I only sleep for like 2-3 hours. But I know by next week I will be sleeping 13 hours at a time hahha. :qhehe: :qsl:

;__; I need to get into a workout routine... I feel really fat and gross from all the holiday foods. I can't stop eating sweets. My weakness! DX
I feel kinda left behind with kyle lately. He's doing all these things to better himself, like buying new clothes (which he needed because his had holes,
but normally I have to fight him to do it and this time he did it without even telling me first) and he's going to take a yoga class with a friend. And I'm here.. being a goblin by myself lol. XD
I mean I've been working on myself, but trying to get a handle on anxiety is a lot less showy so I feel like I'm not doing anything. @_@

hheheeeee he said I can wake him up at 5am to go for walks with me tho.
>:) he's going to regret that lol.

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel
Posted: Dec 4th, '17, 15:33    


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@Raine: Wow, your sleeping habits are totes messed up ;___;

About working out, if you're having a lot of trouble getting motivated, I can really recommend working out with Blogilates. The instructor (Cassey Ho) is hella positive (she actually does infect you with her positivity, once you stop being mad at her smiling all the time XD), she has tons of different series on her channel, like for beginners, 5 minute workouts, 10 minute workouts, apartment friendly, 5 moves to perfect [body part] and stuff like that. She's really awesome because:
1) when she says just 4 more reps, she'll only make you do 4 more.
2) she motivates you like hell
3) she distracts you with her talking
4) her goal is to make you feel good in your body (and soul) and doesn't force you to "lose that ugly fat" or whatever, she cares about your mental health as well, (it's been a good complement for my therapy actually)
5) she also does stretches, so you can start with just that :mcargh:
Lol, sorry for that, I've been obsessed with her lately, because I'm working out with her for a bit over the month now and I already see the effects. And when you start working out regularly, you actually stop craving the sweet/unhealthy stuff. Especially when you stop eating sugar (almost) at all. After some time just fruits are sweet enough, no chocolate/cookies needed XD At least that's how it is for me and Ash. I get 2 teaspoons of sugar daily AT MOST. 1 lately, I stopped making omlettes. That reminds me I should go buy eggs ;>_>
Plus, if Kyle's taking yoga, maybe you could take a class of, Idunno, belly dancing or something. You could meet new people, so that's (hopefully) a plus ^^ (I'd actually gladly go with you, but we're like on the opposite sides of the globe XD;)

I'd kill anyone who'd wake me up at such ungodly hour... We have a language school downstairs. A month or so ago they began vacuuming their place at 4:30 to 5:30 am. I was bloodthirsty... ;>_> Frist time Ash said I'm overreacting (of course, how typical of him to say so), but next week he began having trouble sleeping and after a few night he was so pissed off he actually went there and asked them to start vacuuming at normaln hours. They did, luckily.
/irrelevant story, woohoo! XD

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel
Posted: Dec 5th, '17, 23:50    

Raine Seryn

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Ahhh thank you for the recommendation! I will look into it for sure. I've been having a hard time finding something I like and that's part of the problem for me. One time I found a yoga routine I really loved, but it got taken off the tv before I remembered to write down the name and I haven't been able to find it again. >_< Other than that the only other thing I liked doing was using an elliptical. But I don't have room or money for one and I am not going to the gym lol.
But I'm happy that she's more into your health and not fat burning. I'm doing it more to help my anxiety and less to lose weight. Though the weight would be nice for sure.

Kyle and I decided to cut down on sugar and to cut out super bad food together.
Like I am cutting out soda completely since I don't really like it anyway (i just get myself all addicted to the caffeine and end up with headaches without it.
so my willpower is so small with cutting it out lol). I drink mostly water anyway and I've been cutting way down on the soda anyway so I think I'll be able to cut it out soon ;u;

I wish I could get myself to take a class or something. But I am very very shy and my self esteem is like -2 lately so I would NEED someone I know and trust to go with me. Plus I don't drive so I'd have to make sure the time lines up with when kyle is available to take me. I'd go to a class with my mom because she drives and I think it'd be nice to do something with her... but she's unreliable in that sense so we'd end up 20 minutes late the first day and then she'd cancel the next one. XD (too bad we can't go together lol. would be fun!)

LOL I like being up super early. Ideally I like waking up at about 4am. Gives me peaceful quiet time since it's about the only time everyone in my house is sleeping. =u= Plus it just feels nice to me.
We went for our walk this morning and it made my mood SO good. Kyle told me I get like this when I do something active in the early morning so I might have to do my workout at like 6am and see if it helps keep me to it. He did offer to walk with me every morning at 5am, but he seemed very regretful this morning so I am hoping if I find a workout I like I can let him sleep. ^^;

Man I'd be so mad about vacuuming at that hour though. D: That is so rude,
what were they thinking?! @_@

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel
Posted: Dec 6th, '17, 13:57    


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I think Blogilates might be good for you (unless you'll get annoyed at her positivity and quit after a week -> that's me the first time I tried XD), she really motivates you to keep going, but it's not like she doesn't give you the right to take a break if you really feel you need it. So it's, like respectful but still motivational (that a word? my brain died for a sec, lol). Anyways, you shouldn't feel forced unless you really want to push yourself. She encourages to do it, of course, but it's still up to you (advantages of your instructor being a video XD). In case of anxiety I can tell you that this vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxF4DWUn-VE is probably the best to start with. I don't know about the intensity, but the message is great, as well as in other videos of that series. You don't necessarily need to workout, you can also just listen and that's totally fine :) It may be things you already know, but it's a bit different when a stranger says all that XD Lol, I actually did that video today for warm up XD
I love elliptical! We have one at the outside gym nearby! Ash hates that thing, I think he just fails at using it correctly :qg: Is there a chance you also have some outside gyms somewhere near? That way you could go work out there, without any other people watching (because, excuse me, but you're crazy for getting up so early ;>_> still love you <3) and maybe get Kyle to go with you (at least a few times until the poor thing quits, lol)

Aw, yay, *confetti rain*! It's super hard to cut it out completely, but it's good to start with something you're not entirely fond of. So thumbs up and keep going! ^3^b
I caved this month and bought a bunch of unhealthy stuff: chocolate, chips, pepsi... But kept on exercising, so at least that XD

I would still try and ask your mom if I were you. There's no harm in asking and maybe trying :)

Ah, yeah, I get it, the quiet me-time :qt: For that I should probably stop being a lazy ass in the morning and not get into bed after making Ash's sandwiches for work x.x But I can't help myself, I just can't get up that early and stay up. But maybe I should try.
Lol, yeah, it would be good to keep yourself in the good mood from the early morning but not let Kyle be too tired/grumpy (after a while) because of that :qhehe:

Right? They probably changed the cleaning service, because it started suddenly and maybe that was the time the guy could do it and coordinate between his other night jobs? Idk, but damn, there's something like quiet hours, ever heard of that? x.x I mean, it would be totally acceptable if it was a full office building, but there's people living here and when everyone goes to sleep and it's quiet, every noise gets louder than ever, and that vacuum cleaner really sounded like it was coming from upstairs, not downstairs (Ash had to go outside and check to see no one had had their lights on besides the language school). So the sound was literally crawling up the walls and to our ceiling. Crazy.

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Dec 21st/22nd 2016, R.I.P. Tila. We'll miss you, you cuddly little stinker <3
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Nov 27th 2022, R.I.P. Strzałka. You will be missed, lazy ball.
Jan 5th 2023, R.I.P. Iskra. Spark until the end.
Jan 26th 2024, R.I.P. Mocha. You can fool around now, baby <3
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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel
Posted: Dec 6th, '17, 19:11    

Raine Seryn

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Ohhh! thank you for the link! I watched about 30 seconds so far and I'm very excited to try it. I think stretches sound like a good starting place for today. I'm very much beginner level haha. I'm excited to look through the videos to pick something for tomorrow. Kyle said he'd do it with me in the morning. Better than the walk since it was 14f outside yesterday morning.
@_@ It'll be much nicer to get exercise in the warmth. Kyle's not a morning person, but he likes waking up in the mornings. XD He picks work shifts that start as early as possible. So he's up at 6am every day anyway. 5 isn't too bad for him. I'm trying to talk him into 5:30 since I'm not working out for a full hour.

Outside gym? O.o
We have gyms nearby. One I went to with a friend several years ago and another is much larger and open 24 hours. But I had a hard time getting myself to go when I was more confident in myself, I can't even think about going right now. the thought of people seeing me lol. Nope. I'll start out working out at home and see where it takes me.

I'm a bit excited. He also said we can buy some new clothes with the art money I transferred to the bank today. I need a new bra so bad. >_< Mine is tearing in the middle part so I feel like my boobs are drifting apart from each other LOL

It is. I know the first few weeks are the hardest part. I've cut out soda before and it was hell for a few weeks and then I didn't even care. I don't even remember why I started drinking it again. @_@
LOL I ate a donut for breakfast, but because I didn't buy it XD but I had a very small cup of coffee for the caffeine and used a tiny bit of milk instead of my usual cream. so... baby steps hahaha.

I think I will ask her after the holidays are done. I know she's waaayy too busy right now. But it sounds nice so I'd like to try.

Ahhh that would make sense. Still though, they should have thought about the poor sleeping people! @_@ That's crazy that the sound traveled up to you like that. I can't imagine how mad I'd be in the wee hours of the morning.
My brother used to blast the bass on his stereo at all hours of the day a night though. So I can kinda understand the frustration.

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel
Posted: Dec 6th, '17, 20:31    


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I'm glad you liked it so far and feel excited about it! And that Kyle's also in it with you :qcute: I think in the whole "Pop pilates for beginners" series Cassey actually explains every move and shows easier versions (she practically mentions them in most of her videos tho, in case a beginner got stray or in case you're too tired and don't feel like pushing yourself, you can perform the exercise in its easier version, it's cool. I learned that after watching her for a while tho :P).
Yeah, with that temp, you rather workout indoors x.x

Yup, outside gyms. We have these all over Warsaw (I believe), promotion of healthy lifestyle, or something like that. I can't find a photo that would show it properly, but if you browse around here, you should get the idea of what it looks like: https://www.google.pl/search?q=si%C5%82 ... 33#imgrc=_
I've never been to a typical gym, I think I'd feel stared at x.x Even tho I know technically people have their own business and workouts to do, but still. Besides, I'm clueless about the equipment XD Starting at home is a good idea.

*confetti rain* for new clothes! That bra doesn't sound good, lol. How did it even get to that condition? x.x

Haha. Luckily baby steps also count XD I hope I won't develop another addiction after all the things I've eaten during this pms. I'm still waiting for my period, 1 day late so far, I'm nervous tho x///x

Good luck with asking her then ^^

Lol, I don't think the cleaner ever thought that the sound would travel like that.
I'd probably strangle him if he was my brother tho, like, you better drop dead, son, because I'm not taking your shit. x.x

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel
Posted: Dec 6th, '17, 22:01    

Raine Seryn

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I really liked it! It didn't make me tired or out of breath, but I'm in such bad shape that my poor legs were like jello afterward ^^; *embarrassing*
Yeah I'm going to look through later and find a workout kyle might like to do with me in the morning. <3

WOW! That's soo neat! it's like a playground, but with fitness equipment! Ahhh I am so jealous. XD We should have stuff like that here. Colorado is all about being outside and active.
When I went to a normal gym I would always be worried about people staring..
but honestly I never had that problem at all. ^^; Everyone was always kinda minding their own business. But I can't get it out of my head.
I never used the weights equipment because it kinda confuses me XD But I'd use the stair-stepper, elliptical, and treadmill. But I like the elliptical because it didn't hurt my knees and they faced the tvs so I could just watch a show or 2 and be done.

LOL... well.. ^^; I haven't had much in the way of extra money so every time there was some we got kyle clothes for work so he's more presentable and might get a promotion. So I haven't had a new bra in... a while. @_@ Last time I got a clothing item it was pants because my last good pair got a hole in the thighs. (darn you thick thighs!!!). But I have a decent budget for clothes right now and I'm going to jump on it before some un-forseen bill eats it up.

=\ I never know what my period is doing. It's always been a mess. So there is no 'late' for me haha.
Good luck though! I hope you can get through without gaining a new addiction lol. You can do it!
I've been kind of addicted to chocolates lately. But I only eat like 1-3 every now and then because chocolate makes me feel sick if I eat a lot. And they're tiny chocolates. Like one bite. So I don't feel bad. I'm kinda hoping they might help me cut out fattier sweets like cupcakes and stuff. ^^; It's hard to resist those when it's november/december. @_@

HAHAHA I wish you had been here to yell at my brother when he did that.
XD I'm non-confrontational and really passive so I just silently made his life hell. I'd flip the breaker to his room so all his stuff would turn off... but then I broke it and it took my dad months to find the piece to fix it... we didn't have power in half the basement. ^^;
But he's much better now. He keeps his music at a reasonable volume and doesn't have parties all the time. *thank goodness*

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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel
Posted: Dec 6th, '17, 23:39    


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I'm so happy you liked it! Don't worry about your body being jello, we've all been there, believe me XD (I still get jello body, lol)
Good luck, hope you can find something you both like! <3

Riight? It's cool! Although a lot of times it's mainly elderly working out but hey, at least it encourages someone :qt:
Of course, because it's normal that people just do their thing and don't mind. But your anxieties get the better of you anyways >.<* *kicks the anxieties*

Ah, yeah, that makes sense. Have fun shopping then ^^ And let's hope nothing unexpected comes up to eat your money x.x

I got nervous because we don't really use proper protection and I looked at the statistics of my periods, this year it was always 28 days cycle or less. So I'm like "omg, what if I'm preggers, like in the worst time possible? QAQ" But when I'm trying to reason, it may be caused by the semi-conscious stress over a job/finances, or me keeping a long streak with workouts (over a month, that's the longest so far), but maybe I didn't provide my system with enough calories (doubt it, but who knows, I'm not a doctor...), or it may be anything else that I don't even consider so... I'll just wait, maybe I'll get it at night (pls no TT^TT) or in the morning tomorrow. I'm more concerned about Ash's reaction than actually having that child now, I have a suspicion he'd go crazy and wouldn't even tell me about it x.x
Looool, I've indulged myself and bought a pack of Milkyway's magic stars. Then today, when I finally managed to finish them, grandma gave us two more packs, because it's St. Nicholas Day (or something, Idunno, too lazy to google, I otta make an omlette to feed that boyfriend of mine x.x). So I feel you with the small bites of chocolate, I really do XD

I usually am too, but sometimes when someone (especially someone who's closer, like in family range) does something that triggers me, I'll feel brave enough to speak my mind. I'd talk your brother's ear off, for sure :qlol:
It's good he's better now, tho. I guess he matured a bit?

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Dec 21st/22nd 2016, R.I.P. Tila. We'll miss you, you cuddly little stinker <3
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Jan 5th 2023, R.I.P. Iskra. Spark until the end.
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 Post subject: Re: Raine's Wild Knuffel
Posted: Dec 7th, '17, 20:20    

Raine Seryn

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I'm hoping I can stick with it ;u; <33 Thank you again!

Aww well I am glad that at least it gets someone out there working out. I'm sure the elderly appreciate it. XD Plus it must be good to get that sunshine.

D: oh boy. Well good luck mem. That sounds stressful as heck. I hope it's just something else messing you up and you don't have to deal with the stress of an unexpected pregnancy. @_@ Sometimes stress makes mine stay away for a long while so it could be that.

Ahhhh hahaha. Sweet gifts from people are so hard to refuse. It would be rude to really. XD But it sucks when you're trying to be good. ^^;
I ran out of chocolates last night because kyle ate the rest. >_< but he said he'd buy me more.

I can sort of confront people I'm close to. But it's still very tame and if they push back even a little I totally crumble. ;__; I'll be like 'don't do this, it sucks!!' and they'll reply like 'grrrr something-or-other' and I'll cry lol. I don't like being yelled at or talked to in an aggressive way at all.

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