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 Post subject: Re: anyone else seeking refuge from modern day social media?
Posted: Oct 12th, '23, 02:06    

Carrot Cake

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Oh I only seen people say DV a lot and when I asked what they were talking about they said it was dappervolk lol

Have you tried it? I tried it for like 1 week and it confused me.

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 Post subject: Re: anyone else seeking refuge from modern day social media?
Posted: Oct 12th, '23, 02:39    


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You have hugged lunar_eclipse66!

Mood: I can hear the wires pullin'
No I have not tried it all. Is it like Gaia or is it less like a forum site and more like something like club penguin.

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Real talk for a moment: Can we Go back to that month that Pokemon Go was released. Everyone was so happy and the only people down my throat were old men at work who complained about a cell phone app kids were playing. Can we have that? Please.
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 Post subject: Re: anyone else seeking refuge from modern day social media?
Posted: Oct 12th, '23, 16:21    


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I am very active on Discord and Facebook.

I admin a couple FFXIV groups on discord.

On Facebook, I run my neighborhood group, my local Buy Nothing group, and a local gardening group. I post a lot of articles there about native plants. And I'm a licensed wildlife rehabber, so I'm in a lot of rehabber groups to connect with and share info with other rehabbers. And I have a lot of local animal people friended, so that comes in handy when I need to ask for help with something like transporting an animal.

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 Post subject: Re: anyone else seeking refuge from modern day social media?
Posted: Oct 16th, '23, 01:25    


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EEP i forgot i posted and the couple times i hopped over here since, didn't realize i didn't get notifs when there's updates here :mcheh: OOPS it's been a busy month OTL

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 Post subject: Re: anyone else seeking refuge from modern day social media?
Posted: Oct 16th, '23, 01:28    


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lunar_eclipse66 wrote: Sep 24th, '23, 18:22 Hi!

I also came back to this place after a long absence so I get you.

I've been super busy lately because I decided to go back to school and get my Pharmacy degree.
yea, the state of socials right now is so bleak. ; - ; although, i was pretty resistant to joining bluesky and my partner gave me an invite and since i've been there PEOPLE HAVE BEEN SO NICE AND I'VE GOTTEN TO CHAT WITH SO MANY ARTISTS AND VTUBERS IT'S SO NICE ; - ;

oh, grats! wishing the best for your degree getting!

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 Post subject: Re: anyone else seeking refuge from modern day social media?
Posted: Oct 16th, '23, 01:31    


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Mokona wrote: Oct 2nd, '23, 11:33 hi! i know exactly what you mean. forums and blogs continue to be my favourite ways to socialise. apart from avatar forum games like kofk, i'm also on dreamwidth (it's similar to old-school blogging platforms) and i'm happy with my online social life right now.
gods, i miss forum socializing. XD it was always so comfy to me and i hate that everything is just like, instant communication now. it gives me so much anxiety that i can't respond to chats and things right away cos some days are brain fuzzy.

i've not heard of that one before! my hs friend and i used to roam around any and every forum/avatar dress-up sites back in the day that i've heard of/been on a lot xD glad you're able to find comfy online social interactions, tho!

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 Post subject: Re: anyone else seeking refuge from modern day social media?
Posted: Oct 16th, '23, 01:33    


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Carrot Cake wrote: Oct 5th, '23, 03:28 I actually have a love and hate relationship with modern social media. I love how I closely I keep ties with people through it but then I go down a weird para social rabbit hole.

Also tiktoks take up too much of my time :mcsweat:
yea, that's totally fair. unfortunately, i feel that's just how they are: love/hate. it kinda sucks cos like a lot of people i know/follow have kinda had to suck it up and join socials that they would otherwise be uncomfy with just cos of the environment, just to like. make connections for whatever reason. OTL wish it wasn't that way.

oh man, yea.. i had to leave tiktok a few years ago bc it would either suck of all my free time or i would just get doom scrolly on it. i fear it's not improved in my absence. i really miss when it was musically and most content i saw was silly skits, cosplay, art.. like lots of fun stuff. :c (i only slightly wanna get back into it to connect with other vtubers but;;)

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 Post subject: Re: anyone else seeking refuge from modern day social media?
Posted: Oct 16th, '23, 01:39    


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AsheSkyler wrote: Oct 8th, '23, 16:35 This is the only forum I'm still active on. I used to be on several webcomic ones, but all of them have shut down and migrated to Discord or sites like Tapas or Instagram. I'm so old I still call it "Tapastic". *shakes fist at rebranding* I keep a complimentary presence on social media for my art stuff, but it's so hollow and empty.
really, if you can find a niche cozy place to be, nothing wrong with making that the main source of social interaction ^^ (i think many are afraid to be in niche spaces these days and it's so weird to me cos it's like even for small business, you can def thrive in niche space)

oh! i didn't know there was forums for web comics! gosh, i miss web comics. i was always so terrible at keeping up with them, tho. waiting for updates, my poor lil adhd brain would forget to check back and read more. OTL there's so many talented people making them, tho. (also, i really hate everything going to discord, too. i'm not much of a fan of private 'forum-like' spaces. but also even just for like every video game, discord is like their support/help center and i hate it LOL i don't wanna join a server for every video game i play to have access to info..)

i get that, too. i made a comment on bluesky the other day about how hollow twitter feels compared to even the less populated bsky app but PEOPLE ARE CHATTY AND ADORABLE. i've never had that on literally any established social OR any of the newer ones thus far. it's been so refreshing

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 Post subject: Re: anyone else seeking refuge from modern day social media?
Posted: Oct 16th, '23, 01:41    


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Carrot Cake wrote: Oct 9th, '23, 01:26 Yea I have no social media. I used to have a discord but I dont like how it feels. Its just to chat. and yea I guess you could get bots in there to do other stuff but idk. Its weird
nothing wrong with that. ^^ i know some like them to keep up with people, which is fine. but everything is so toxic anymore. i, also, am not the biggest fan of discord. it's mostly a DM to people i know app. (and also bc i just have not had the best experiences in people's servers when i did join to try and socialize, one instant ending in a LOT of trauma for being bullied by a group who i thought were my friends..)

the bot things can be cool but again. eh

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 Post subject: Re: anyone else seeking refuge from modern day social media?
Posted: Oct 16th, '23, 01:44    


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Yokuutsu wrote: Oct 9th, '23, 03:59 Still on twitter and facebook, trying to get more active on tumblr (failing)

I'm not very active anywhere anymore. (No one really interacts with my posts that much so....-shrugs-)
i never really had a facebook? sort of? i mean i had one or two for games back when games were the Thing but i never used it as a social. and tumblr can take a lil bit to get into using. i just figured out following tag topics this past year or so XD; it'd be helpful if staff wasn't actively ruining it (and being overall awful to the users), too.

that's totally fine, too. ^^ and kinda same LOL i just shout into the void in places for the heck of it. XD

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