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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Jan 12th, '23, 22:23    


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You have hugged Hotarla!

Lol spiders can ZOOM? XD how did that happen like while you’re stationary and a spider just flies towards you or something lol??

Ahh. Well. XD dunno what to say to that lol.

Nopee, i made a new avatar last night. XD now its all pinkish. :>

Yeah the peryton is nice too. I bookmarked the thread so that i know when new posts come out. :> they’re still making their custom thread.

HAHAHAH its adorable lol. Claire has this one really fluffy cat called DD who lovesss to eat bread. XD so sometimes, when she posts vids of her cats and she’s doing shots or something, she’d stuff them in those cute head cones. The names of her cats are so easy to remember, since they’re just like repetitive sounds. Like DD, Lulu, Lala, Nana, TT, Momo….XD

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Jan 12th, '23, 23:54    


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It was crawling so fast it was zooming. Literally look over and my eyes focus on a moving dot and realize it was a spider lol. I don't want flying spiders no effing ty.

Pfft I should go look. I keep forgetting to mess with my avi whenever I get on there. Been doing like the bare minimum for daily quests rn lol. Been lazy.

I should probably do that, but I never do that. I don't ever bookmark threads or watch them or whatever. I just ever go on there and randomly check the forums for stuff.

MY dogs see me get bread out and they think they get some. lol. I like easy names to remember. I find the older I get the more I like plain and fancy sounding names on dogs. Like Kevin, Charlotte, etc. I want to name a girl Charlotte so I can call her Charlie, or Lottie. But omg after Annie, I don't know if I want another female dog, or it will just be a bit longer before I get another.

Oh so I decided to get a Bokksu subscription this year as a "Christmas" present (or I got a really big bonus at work so why the hell should I not spend it on something I really don't need). And I'm kind of excited. And I decided to buy the essential bundle and mystery snack bundle from their marketplace while I was at it. The bundle just shipped and it shows all the items in it. The one thing I'm not sure what I will is for it Chili oil with garlic. I will have to research. OH and funny, I bought a daifuku mochi on the side, and the bundle is coming with the exact same daifuku mochi in it. So hopefully I like it. lol. I mean, I had strawberry daifuku when I was in Japan and I remember it being really good, but this one is mikan, which I believe is similar to or the exact same as mandarin oranges...according to google? (Which is the only orange/tangerine I really like)

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Jan 14th, '23, 05:22    


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oh loooool i was like "spider zoomzoom???" but yeah, please no ty to flying spiders. 8u

yeah same, that's what i usually do, do the bare minimum for dailies and like......monthly quests like pellumi's(?) for this month.

lol i think any pet will be excited when you take out any food. xD
but yeah, Claire names all her cats like that pft, they're all really easy to remember names.

i've never gotten those mystery boxes things. it sounds interesting though. but then again, if i were to get any mystery box type things, it would be a food related one. since i don't want to end up with a lot of small knick knacks and no where to put them. if i can eat everything, all the better because they won't be lying around gathering dust. XD

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Jan 16th, '23, 15:58    


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They could zoomzoom. Some of them are fast little effers when they see you coming to squish them. Oh god. I hate squishing the bigger ones cuz they pop. it's why I always stomp them with a shoe if I can.

Oh crap, isn't that the event area. I keep forgetting to do that. I did get the second set of pets, just need the new items from this year. sigh. will I have enough time if I remember to do it daily?

Annie has been getting bad and will now sniff your food on your plate if you don't stop her. She won't eat it. My dogs won't touch any food if I leave it on their level. Like had a snack plate of food on the couch, went off to do something idk, came back and no one touched the food (granted they followed me to wherever I went.)

Yeah. It's been good so far for what I have tried. So far, the shrimp cracker...things (I swear I've read the description a million times and can never remember) were the only meh things I've tried out of it. Super fishy and not shrimpy. Smelling the bag reminds me of Japan though (which is a good thing I guess lol). The first box is just a bunch of different snacks from different areas of Japan. The next box is Valentine's day themed so I'm kind of excited cuz I'm hoping for more strawberry flavors with it.
I told my friend I feel so fancy cuz I've been only putting a little bit on a plate, make myself a cup of tea, and enjoying them as a before bed snack. Don't know why that makes me feel like I'm fancy. lol.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Jan 22nd, '23, 22:44    


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ewwwwww sounds disgusting. and creeeeeeeepy.

yeah its the event area lol. its not too hard to get the new soll/pellumi items, you can get one from theatre. so you don't have to do it daily. xD;;

i know there's this korean youtuber, he's got this huge samoyed called Milky and he will not eat unless its owner tells him he can. he's very obedient and very big and fluffy, like a mini polar bear lol.

i like those dried fish/squid snacks. xD dunno why but they're so good lol. xD;; but these mystery snack boxes sound pretty good.
you can be fancehhh every daaaaaaay.

BTW, I FINALLY PICKED UP SOME SAKE SNAKE CUSTOMS! i bought a few so would you like one? they're around 200k each when they were put up so i can sell one to you. :>

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Jan 24th, '23, 12:23    


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Yeah luckily I got all the items I needed. haven't really been on. Just. Life is a mess rn. It really really sucks. So it might take me a while to reply. I've gotten barely any sleep the past few days. I literally only got three hours of sleep and I've just been laying on my bed.

Long story short cuz a lot of private details (if you want more idk I can talk to discord. I honestly could use someone else to talk too) but my mom is in the ICU. And my head and heart isn't really with it rn.

Also sake snake, if you can hold one for me. I haven't been on DV lately. Honestly only been on kofk cuz I have a tab open to collect troth tokens..

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Jan 24th, '23, 15:52    


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Omgg i’m so sorry to hear that. D: I hope it gets better soon. If you want to talk about it just to get it off your chest, you can, you have my discord too. Q3Q
I’m sorry to hear about your mom. My mom has high blood pressure so she’s even been admitted to the hospital a few times. So I can relate, a little bit.
But yeah, if you need a sympathetic ear, please don’t hesitate to rant it to me on discord.

Sure thing! I have like four hahaha, might’ve gone a bit overboard but i had no idea if or when i could catch another snake drop. I’ve kept two for myself so I have two left. :>

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Jan 25th, '23, 15:59    


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Okay well, I finally got some sleep so now I'm not going on E for like 4 days now. (barely got any sleep last Friday). I am kind of better emotionally.
Well yeah, I was too exhausted yesterday, but good news is she's doing a little better now. Still in critical. She was so close to dying. Like my step dad listened to my mom, who was completely out of it, like I don't understand how he didn't see that, that my mom wished to not to the hospital. If this wasn't happening the same time around my brother's wedding, we might have been more present then. I saw her thursday night, she was still there and present, complaining about her hip hurting. Saturday I saw her between the wedding and reception and she was barely there. She had no clue what was happening. She forgot who I was for a second there. She would have died if my cousins and aunt didn't come in and called 911 for ambulance. If we waited until the next morning she would have been dead.

Sheet maybe I would like two, but I don't know if I can afford two. Maybe I will through a chest up in the market and see what offers I get for potatoes lol.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Jan 25th, '23, 18:56    


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But what actually happened? Your mom didn’t want to go to the hospital for something but she was actually in a condition where she really needed to go to the hospital? If you’re not comfortable sharing it here, you can discord it to me if you like. Was it similar to like getting close to getting a stroke or something? High blood pressure went too high?
I’m always afraid of that, given my own mom’s condition and how she’s at home alone.

I sold a chest for 800k. XD;; so you could buy two if you like from me. XD or just one. Up to you.

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 Post subject: Re: Dappervolk Intro! ❦
Posted: Jan 26th, '23, 03:28    


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I realized what I wrote probably made no sense. Tomorrow night I'm on night duty with my momma because she doesn't want to be left alone yet. She might feel better now that she's out of the ICU and in a private room.

Ooooh nice. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. Starting to need distractions again. Like today, I actually felt hungry for the first time in days. I haven't really ate much the past 3-4 days. I ate at the hospital cafeteria mostly the past few days. At least there food isn't that bad.

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