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 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 07:58    

Beautiful Disaster

Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 21:30
Posts: 1023
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You have hugged Beautiful Disaster!

Mood: Yeet
Location: My house
Phantom turned his attention back to Angeline, slipping easily back into his usual confident smirk, as if nothing had happened at all. "No, nothing's wrong. You're probably imagining things." He said casually. When they reached the table, he stepped around her and pulled her chair out, bowing dramatically as he did so. "After you, my dear. Now, why don't you tell me a little more about yourself?"

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May those who love us love us And those who don't love us May God turn their hearts, And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping.

Questing: 1 x Gold Bullion, 1 x Pearl, 2 x Pink Diamond, 4 x Silver Ore, 8 x Red Rose, 15 x Sparrow Egg

 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 08:06    


Joined: Apr 30th, '18, 02:12
Posts: 120
Hugs: 1898
Angeline couldn't help but smile, her thoughts echoing the word, Sure. She sat in her seat as he offered it to her, humming a bit at his question. "More about myself? Well, I'm not really an interesting human. I have a lot of dark lore books at home, my mother used to cast dark magic when I was still a baby, dad's been dead for years. Um....let's see....oh! I have a wild snake as a companion. He doesn't like to be called a pet." She smiled lightly. "But, how about you eh? I don't expect you to tell me much about yourself, but I already know that you play instruments, like coffee, and have a killer look going for you. So, what's a little more information on you? Maybe, what you see yourself as personality wise?"

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 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 08:17    

Beautiful Disaster

Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 21:30
Posts: 1023
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Mood: Yeet
Location: My house
Once she was seated, Phantom moved to sit across from her. "Wait, back up a second. Your mother used to cast dark magic, and you're friends with a snake that doesn't like to be called a pet? And you're trying to tell me you're not interesting? I think perhaps you don't fully grasp what the word interesting means." He smirked a bit at her compliment. "What do you mean, personality wise? I'm afraid I don't understand the question."

(1) (0)
May those who love us love us And those who don't love us May God turn their hearts, And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping.

Questing: 1 x Gold Bullion, 1 x Pearl, 2 x Pink Diamond, 4 x Silver Ore, 8 x Red Rose, 15 x Sparrow Egg

 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 08:24    


Joined: Apr 30th, '18, 02:12
Posts: 120
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"Well, my mom used to cast. She stopped after it actually got someone killed. And yeah, Archie. He's a viper, often sleeping under the house. He eats all he wants just as long as he doesn't attack the people in my home. He's a cutie." She listened to his question and smiled. "Well, what are your likes, dislikes, pet peeves, you know...what makes you...you. I mean I'm sure I could ask you all about your powers and how oh so rich and famous you're going to make me~" She made an obviously fake dramatic voice as she set the back of her hand on her forehead, giggling. "But, I'm a lot more interested in you. The real you."

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 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 08:36    

Beautiful Disaster

Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 21:30
Posts: 1023
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Mood: Yeet
Location: My house
Phantom was silent as he processed the question, his smirk slipping away. No one had ever asked him about himself. He wasn't entirely sure how to respond. "The real me... that's a pretty loaded request." Truthfully, he had been putting on an act for so long he no longer remembered what he was really like. He had forgotten how to be real. Everything was a show, a mask, and the mask had become so natural that he couldn't figure out where the act ended and he began. "There really isn't much to tell. I'm a demon. I make contracts. What you see is what you get."

(1) (0)
May those who love us love us And those who don't love us May God turn their hearts, And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping.

Questing: 1 x Gold Bullion, 1 x Pearl, 2 x Pink Diamond, 4 x Silver Ore, 8 x Red Rose, 15 x Sparrow Egg

 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 08:42    


Joined: Apr 30th, '18, 02:12
Posts: 120
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Angeline smiled softly, reading his eyes, his facial expression. She found herself acting quite the same as him when she was younger. "I don't believe that." She smiled making eye contact with him. "You like coffee. You have your own likes. You have your own dislikes. How about, this isn't part of the contract or anything. But...how about, while you're helping me, I can help you figure out what you like. You could come with me, experience things for yourself." The male barista came over and gave the two the drinks. "Thank you~" She smiled friendly, the barista blushed and nodded before walking off. Her drink had a heart designed on the top with whipped cream and chocolate syrup.

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 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 08:51    

Beautiful Disaster

Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 21:30
Posts: 1023
Hugs: 23188
Mood: Yeet
Location: My house
Again, Phantom found himself speechless. Being what he was, his first instinct was to distrust her. He questioned her motives. What was she trying to get from him? Was she trying to gain his trust? Find his weakness? His expression closed off and became defensive. His mood was only worsened when the barista from before appeared and set down her coffee, complete with a sappy heart design. He felt disgusted and enraged at the same time. "Are you aware that that man is hitting on you?" He asked.

(1) (0)
May those who love us love us And those who don't love us May God turn their hearts, And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping.

Questing: 1 x Gold Bullion, 1 x Pearl, 2 x Pink Diamond, 4 x Silver Ore, 8 x Red Rose, 15 x Sparrow Egg

 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 08:59    


Joined: Apr 30th, '18, 02:12
Posts: 120
Hugs: 1898
Angeline blinked and turned towards Phantom. "What?" She looked to her cocoa and blinked. "....Oh dear...not again." She sighed, placing her hand on her forehead. "....okay, I don't know how else to explain this to him." She sighed and looked to her cocoa, and then back to the barista. "I'll be right back." She slowly got up, walking over to the cashier and quietly explaining something to her. The cashier started to apologize to Angeline, who smiles and nods softly. She comes back and sighs, small signs of stress appearing. "....that's my ex best friend." She mumbled, smiling weakly. "He confessed his love to me like, a few years ago, and I told him I didn't feel the same. He angrily abandoned me, and now he pretends he didn't do anything wrong. The heart was out of line." She took a straw and stirred the heart into the cocoa, making it disappear.

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 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 09:10    

Beautiful Disaster

Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 21:30
Posts: 1023
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Mood: Yeet
Location: My house
Phantom had to work very hard to keep the murderous look off his face. "He has no claim to you if he abandoned you. One cannot force someone to return their feelings. Getting upset to that degree is childish, but harassing you afterwards is unacceptable." He said coldly. Mentally, he was memorizing the face of the barista. The human man wouldn't live to see the next sunrise.

(1) (0)
May those who love us love us And those who don't love us May God turn their hearts, And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping.

Questing: 1 x Gold Bullion, 1 x Pearl, 2 x Pink Diamond, 4 x Silver Ore, 8 x Red Rose, 15 x Sparrow Egg

 Post subject: Re: Bethany and Disaster private rp
Posted: May 7th, '18, 09:15    


Joined: Apr 30th, '18, 02:12
Posts: 120
Hugs: 1898
Angeline glanced up at Phantom, her eyes widening as she noticed his eyes. They looked....furious. She sat up, looking at hims rather surprised. "Phantom...?" She could tell who he was staring at, she wasn't an idiot. She set her hand on his arm, gripping gently. "Hey, look at me." She spoke softly, looking into his eyes. She smiled softly. "Thank you, you don't have to do this. You are though, and you might pull away and tell me you have no idea what I'm talking about, or I misreading something, but I'm an actress, I have to read facial expressions and emotions in eyes. So, thank you~" She gave him a kind calm smile again, before letting him go and drinking her coffee.

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