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On parents and OCs:
They have a living mom.  10%  [ 10 ]
They have a living dad.  8%  [ 8 ]
Their dad is dead.  9%  [ 9 ]
Their mom is dead.  6%  [ 6 ]
One of their parents is dying/in a coma, etc.  9%  [ 9 ]
It's all mixed.  25%  [ 25 ]
Mika, your polls are weird. ._.  34%  [ 35 ]
Total votes : 102
 Post subject: Re: U/C
Posted: Apr 9th, '11, 11:01    

Mikael Hart

Joined: Apr 16th, '07, 05:34
Posts: 18419
Hugs: 195457

You have hugged Mikael Hart!

Mood: Hugs are death squeezes.
Website: http://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/mikael-hart/6844374/
Location: Lordship of Wuffel
→ ραsт тσριcs ←

This is where you can find past topics that have been discussed in this thread.

-Do you ever use themes for anything regarding your OCs? Some influences may be in their names, appearance, or personality.

-What sort of symbolism do you use in your stories or in relations to your characters? (This could be something as simple as a name given to represent some trait your character possesses, or a place that seems to have some physical representation of its inhabitants, or numbers in the story that were chosen for a specific meaning, etc.)

-What influences you when it comes to OC creation? Do you get inspired by movies/books you've watched/read, or do you look for outfit ideas in fashion magazines; do you read personality books or take quizzes and memes to gather ideas? How do you go about creating your OCs? If possible, please also list specific fandoms that have influenced you.

-Some flaws are more relevant to a character, some flaws are less relevant. What do you think a flaw is, and what purpose do you think they serve for your OC? What flaw does your OC have that draws out a sense of insecurity, what is something that they don't like about themselves, and what is something that people don't like about them? What makes them defensive?

Here's a helpful list of different types of flaws to look into a keep in mind: ineptitude/incompetence in a relevant skill, bad habits, personality, physical, emotional, psychological, and intellectual flaws, low self-esteem, immaturity.

How does your character's flaws impact their life or influence who they are?

Helpful links: [01] [02]

-How do you personally feel about [Mary Sue Litmus Tests] --do you think they are accurate in their scoring? If you've taken the test, have you been tempted change some of your answers to better fit the desired results? Why do you think your character scored as they did?

What is your definition of a Mary-Sue? Could you give me some examples of what you think are Sue-ish traits?

I once had a friend that said every character has a Sue-ish trait in them. Would you agree? What trait would your OC have that might be considered Sue-ish?

-What type of story/genre/theme do you like to write about? (eg. Medieval, steampunk, fandom, action, romance...) Are there any stories/genres/themes that you dislike or aren't interested in writing about?

-What type of characters do you like to make? What type of characters do you think are easiest for you to write about/role-play/draw? Do they give off any stereotypical impressions or labels? Why do you like these type of characters; what makes you comfortable with writing about/role-playing/drawing them?

-If you have a favorite drawing or bit of writing that you'd like to share, feel free to post them in this thread! (Topic suggested by Errisa.)

-"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet," is a popular quote from Romeo and Juliet, but could the same be said about your characters?

How do you think your name suits your characters, and how do you go about naming them? Do you use a generator or a name site? Do you look up meanings or lean towards certain genres of names? Are there names you dislike --names you'd never use for your OCs?

At what point of character creation do you start deciding on a name for your character?

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 Post subject: Re: ↓ → qυιℓℓ & cαиvαs 【 αи σc нαиgσυт 】 ← ↑
Posted: Apr 9th, '11, 11:15    

Mikael Hart

Joined: Apr 16th, '07, 05:34
Posts: 18419
Hugs: 195457
Mood: Hugs are death squeezes.
Website: http://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/mikael-hart/6844374/
Location: Lordship of Wuffel
→ ραsт єvєит ←

The Return of Q&C Event!

After a three-year hiatus, this hangout is once again up and running! Let's have a little celebration for it then, shall we? :)


Choose an OC, and then use five icons to complete the following meme as your OC. Briefly explain/describe your selections. If you don't have an OC, feel free to submit an entry about yourself.


List five items that your OC would always carry with them. What five items does your OC never leave home without? What items do they tend to carry around with them regularly?


Code: Select all

[align=center][b]Five Objects that [url=insert image link if available][insert OC][/url] Would Never Leave Home Without[/b][/align]

1. [img][/img]

2. [img][/img]

3. [img][/img]

4. [img][/img]

5. [img][/img]

Credits: Give credits to your icons, yo!




The prizes are 5k FPs, 3k FPs, 1k FP, and will be awarded randomly via generator to qualified participants.


-No mules during this event.
-Multiple entries allowed [because it's fun], however, each entrant will only be counted once for the generated prizes [to give everyone an equal chance].
-Event ends on Aug. 23rd, after midnight on Sunday night. Winners will be announced and prizes distributed in the following week.
-I reserve the right to award additional prizes as I see fit.


100th Page Event


Anyone who has posted at least once between pages 100 and 110 may be eligible to win a digging item. However, your post is only valid if you have posted at least once prior to the 100th page.

Here's how it works: I'm going to randomly assign people who've posted between pages 100 and 110 with at least one of my knuffels at the end of page 110. The exact number of knuffels assigned will depend on the number of people who've entered. Members will be assigned to one of higher level knuffels (consider it a benefit of membership), but the exact level will be random. After page 110, I will dig with my knuffels, and the knuffel that digs up an item will give it to the person who has been assigned to it. >>b The whole digging process shouldn't take longer than 3 days.

Note: Sorry to everyone who can't enter this event; we will probably have more similar events in the future, so feel free to stick around! :D


-No mules during this event. (Though I've kept track of that, so there's no prob.)
-Your name will only be counted once, no matter how many times you've posted.
-No member points will be given for this event (as it does not pertain to the thread's theme.)

Image Image Image Image Image

The internet is full of resources and mediums we can use for some pretty awesome
world-building and character development. A few months back, I met an RPer who
showed me the wonders of creating Pinterest boards for my OCs, and I'd like to
share that with you!

(You don't need a Pinterest account to enter this event. If you would prefer not to
create or share a Pinterest account, you can still post your entry in this thread under
a spoiler cut, adding the requested content as appropriate. You don't need to have
an OC to enter either. If you prefer, you can always fill out an entry about yourself.)


Create a post or Pinterest board for your OC, then complete the category/categories
for the day. (Don't forget to link back with your board if you're using Pinterest.)

I'll use the RNG to determine a winner for the current category/categories at 2AM
(PST) every night until the CC is out of town. (You may win multiple times. There
are no cooldowns.)

Current Categories:

● Hobbies/Interests: Post (at least) three images that are related to your character's
hobbies or interests.

Past Categories:

● Quotes: Post (at least) three quotes that best represents or describes your character.
(On Pinterest, this can be any image with text on it.)

● Food: Post (at least) three different food (or drink) items that your character would like.

(( PINTEREST EXAMPLE ))Post Example:


01. "We are born in one day. We die in one day. We can change in one day. And we can fall in love in one day.
Anything can happen in just one day." ― Gayle Forman, Just One Day

02. "Why are we embarrassed by silence? What comfort do we find in all the noise?" -Mitch Albom

03. "I'm doing this for me."


01. Chicken Pot Pie
02. Lox Pizza
03. Avocados


- Up to 20 Image worth of items from the CC for each current category. New
categories are released after the last winner is announced. ((If you are a
winner, let me know which item(s) you'd like.))

- Bonus: All members who enter will receive up to 10 Image worth of items from the
CC for participating. ((This applies only once per member. You don't have to fill out
every category to be eligible, just one. Let me know which item(s) you'd like.))

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 Post subject: Re: ↓ → qυιℓℓ & cαиvαs 【 αи σc нαиgσυт 】 ← ↑
Posted: Apr 9th, '11, 11:35    

Mikael Hart

Joined: Apr 16th, '07, 05:34
Posts: 18419
Hugs: 195457
Mood: Hugs are death squeezes.
Website: http://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/mikael-hart/6844374/
Location: Lordship of Wuffel
→ ραsт мємєs ←

This is where you can find past memes that have been discussed in this thread.

- [Seasonal Wear Meme], by rikurep.
- [The "Character Age" Meme], by nozomi-sama.
- [Different Yous Meme], by freakzter.
- [How Well Do You Know Your OC Meme], by Renacido.
- [OC Meme], by Feliane.

Writing Memes:

1. Introduce your OC.
2. Your OC's first love.
3. Your OC's family.
4. What your OC would eat on an average day.
5. Your OC's definition of love.

1. Your OC's average day.
2. Your OC's best friend(s).
3. A memorable moment your OC had.
4. Your OC's beliefs.
5. What your OC would generally wear.

1. Your OC's siblings, if they have any.
2. What does your OC generally carry around?
3. Your OC's week (either notable or average.)
4. The worse/most peculiar outfit your OC ever wore.
5. What are your OC's dreams and goals?

1. Your OC's first kiss.
2. Your OC's favorite birthday celebration.
3. A regret your OC has.
4. Something that has upset your OC before.
5. Something that makes your OC feel better.

1. Your OC's guilty pleasure.
2. Something that inspires them.
3. What they imagine paradise to be like.
4. A thank you letter to someone who has changed their life.
5. A memory that never fails to make them laugh.

1. How long is your longest short story?
2. What is your best short story about?
3. Have you ever gotten a short story published?
4. Write a short story describing with as much detail as possible your favorite season.
5. What is your definition of the length of a short story?

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 Post subject: Re: ↓ → qυιℓℓ & cαиvαs 【 αи σc нαиgσυт 】 ← ↑
Posted: Apr 9th, '11, 11:42    

Mikael Hart

Joined: Apr 16th, '07, 05:34
Posts: 18419
Hugs: 195457
Mood: Hugs are death squeezes.
Website: http://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/mikael-hart/6844374/
Location: Lordship of Wuffel
→ яєsєяvє∂ ←

Nothing here yet.

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 Post subject: Re: ↓ → qυιℓℓ & cαиvαs 【 αи σc нαиgσυт 】 ← ↑
Posted: Apr 9th, '11, 11:44    

Mikael Hart

Joined: Apr 16th, '07, 05:34
Posts: 18419
Hugs: 195457
Mood: Hugs are death squeezes.
Website: http://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/mikael-hart/6844374/
Location: Lordship of Wuffel
→ яєsєяvє∂ ←

Nothing here yet.

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 Post subject: Re: ↓ → qυιℓℓ & cαиvαs 【 αи σc нαиgσυт 】 ← ↑
Posted: Apr 9th, '11, 11:51    

Mikael Hart

Joined: Apr 16th, '07, 05:34
Posts: 18419
Hugs: 195457
Mood: Hugs are death squeezes.
Website: http://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/mikael-hart/6844374/
Location: Lordship of Wuffel
→ яєsєяvє∂ ←

Nothing here yet.

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 Post subject: Re: ↓ → qυιℓℓ & cαиvαs 【 αи σc нαиgσυт 】 ← ↑
Posted: Apr 9th, '11, 12:24    

Mikael Hart

Joined: Apr 16th, '07, 05:34
Posts: 18419
Hugs: 195457
Mood: Hugs are death squeezes.
Website: http://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/mikael-hart/6844374/
Location: Lordship of Wuffel
→ яєsєяvє∂ ←

Nothing here yet.

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 Post subject: Re: ↓ → qυιℓℓ & cαиvαs 【 αи σc нαиgσυт 】 ← ↑
Posted: Apr 9th, '11, 12:33    

Mikael Hart

Joined: Apr 16th, '07, 05:34
Posts: 18419
Hugs: 195457
Mood: Hugs are death squeezes.
Website: http://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/mikael-hart/6844374/
Location: Lordship of Wuffel
→ яєsєяvє∂ ←

Nothing here yet.

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 Post subject: Re: ↓ → qυιℓℓ & cαиvαs 【 αи σc нαиgσυт 】 EVENT! ← ↑
Posted: Apr 9th, '11, 13:44    

Mikael Hart

Joined: Apr 16th, '07, 05:34
Posts: 18419
Hugs: 195457
Mood: Hugs are death squeezes.
Website: http://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/mikael-hart/6844374/
Location: Lordship of Wuffel
→ σℓ∂ мємвєяs ℓιsт ←

Username: Mikael Hart
Interests: Reading, writing, monster-folk, among many things.

Username: Aerimyth
Interests: Asian food, anime, books (fiction (young adult) mostly), history, mythology, languages, role-play, computer games, Twizzlers, vegetables
Works: [Fiction Press]

Username: AliceON
Interests: literature and languages, music and dance, theatre, photography and drawing, cooking, wolves, dogs, horses.
Works: [DA]
OCs: [Jasem], Renah, several other without names and pictures yet

Username: BiisuMonster
Interests: Drawing, Art, Videogames, Zombies and Fantasy
Works: [x] [x] [url][x][/url] [url][x][/url] [url][x][/url]
OCs: Henley Daisy

Username: Celestial Wolf
Interests: drawing, listening to music, reading, writing, anime and manga, working on my current story, role-playing...
Works: [Deviant Art]
OCs: Over three hundred imaginary people, hurray. Eh. I do not have actual profiles. Just pictures. Look at my dA. One day... *shakes fist*... I WILL come up with a decent, informative OC profile...

Username: Featherquill
Interests: Reading, writing, listening to music, anime.

Username: Ha Ru
Interests: Pixel Art
Works: [X]

Username: kityu
Interests: K-pop, visual/oshare kei music, drawing doodles, tragic/dark/mystery manga XD , yaoi o_o , tea and domo
Works: [DA]
OCs: [X] at the moment i don't have actual profiles @_@

Username: koh
Interests: music, art, anime, manga, video games, MMORPGs, RPGs, J-rock/pop, Victorian, Edwardian, 1800's.
Works: [DA]; [Blogger] (A bit unorganized atm, most stories are by me.)
OCs: [Art Request]; there are more inside the "All" directory. Profile links are included next to their galleries.

Username: Lan-neko
Interests: anime, manga, books [especially fantasy/scifi], most Fox TV shows, DS games, 中文 [雖然我的中文不是那麼好 XD]
Works: [DA]
OCs: Lura Crane, Cassie, Tam. I'm still working on refs and profiles for them. >o>;

Username: LilChaosKitten
Interests: video games, art, karaoke, kitties, jammin' out~! <3
Works: [DA]
OCs: [Iris Night, Troy, Guianna, Rin Lotus Tao, & Nefritity Nazareth.]

Username: Lunar Night Twilight
Interests: drawing, painting, writing, fantasy, surrealism, celestial things <3
Works: [DA]

Username: Mayli (but somehow i love to be called Eve ~)
Interests: role-playing, WoW, drawing, chatting, and my school =3
Works: [You need to click on the single blue dots, those are links to some of my stories. =) ]

Username: Nari
Interests: anime, manga, laughter, drawing, muffins, & Music!
Works: [DA]
OCs: [Characters] are mine unless specified otherwise. All of the ones in this folder, though, are a part of the same story.

Username: Nuke
Interests: art, writing, Japanese, reading: speculative fiction, music: Daft Punk, Gorillaz, techno/trance/dance..., video games

Username: Oceannist
Interests: archery, dragons, drawing, explosive muffins, fantasy, half-breeds, manga, mythology, nature, OCs, reading, Squall-looking guys, sweets, the ocean, vanilla-flavored foods.
Works: [DA].
OCs: [My OCs]; [Art Requests].

Username: + P o p p e t +
Interests: creating of all kinds, gore, horror, macabre, nature.

Username: webkinzfan12
Interests: Avatar: tLA, anime/manga, drawing, Flyleaf, other music, fairies, astronomy, Professor Layton OwO <3<3<3.
Works: [DA] [Fan-fiction]
OCs: [Lillian Hope Layton], [Alura and Tezz (drawn by Moi)] The others don't have a ref.

Username: Xaevan
Interests: sleep, food, drawing, books (ranging from science fiction to mystery), manga, anime (to a lesser extent), dragons, weapons, food, comics (DC!)
Works: [DA]
OCs: [Xaevan] || [Hazariyu] || [Varuale] || [Avr and Arte] || [Zeruel] || [Xī Wàng]

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 Post subject: Re: U/C
Posted: Apr 9th, '11, 14:58    


Joined: Oct 2nd, '10, 08:33
Posts: 824
Hugs: 20009
Mood: I need sleep..
Website: http://lunarmysteries.deviantart.com
Location: On the other coast

1. Image Glass marbles - really just one in particular that she carries with her, transparent, with a hint of red coloring.
2. Image Anything in sea green.
3. Image People with interesting handwriting.
4. Image The Offspring, and other such music.
5. Image Autumn, specifically because of all the dead leaves.

All icons cropped from images obtained through Google search.

Yay for event! :mcglee:
And now I'm reminded that I should probably clean up my inbox too.

Her ref image is so embarrassingly old. D'X

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