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 Post subject: Re: KofK Book Club [American Gods By Neil Gaiman]
Posted: Oct 31st, '17, 06:32    

Mikael Hart

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It's a reality show about some strangers living together.

Aha, I hope I like it too. But it's Neil Gaiman! He's gotta deliver! D:

How've you been, btw?

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 Post subject: Re: KofK Book Club [American Gods By Neil Gaiman]
Posted: Oct 31st, '17, 06:36    


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I havent read a book by him but I know my brother liked to read books by him and he liked them so Im hoping I will too.

That show sounds ridiculous xD

Ive been okay. Ive been stressed out and it could be better.
How are you?

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 Post subject: Re: KofK Book Club [American Gods By Neil Gaiman]
Posted: Oct 31st, '17, 06:45    

Mikael Hart

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Aha, I'm like that with my bro --but with movies and shows. If he likes something, there's a good chance I'll enjoy it too.

I've read Coraline and another illustrated book, but I don't remember what the second is. Never read a novel by him before, but an old friend of mine was a really big fan of him and his Sandman comics, and she's one of the reasons I started looking into him.

*shrugs* I have no idea. But then again, I don't really watch reality show? Closest thing I watch are game shows, and even that is pretty sporadic.

*pats* Oh, I've been fine. Busy last week and a bit busy this week (to a lesser degree), but having my plate full isn't bad. Hope you can find a way to destress. D:

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 Post subject: Re: KofK Book Club [American Gods By Neil Gaiman]
Posted: Oct 31st, '17, 06:51    


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I haven't talked to my brother in a long time but we liked a lot of the same things. I think I've read Coraline but I think. xD

I wish I could figure it out. I think talking to people helps some because I'm having problems with my relationship and we live together so it gets pretty stressful. I also have school stuff and I have to worry about getting another client for work. So I just have to make it through each day and work on it.

Do you roleplay? (I know its a random question but still xD lol)

It does help to keep busy sometimes, I liked to go to work every day because I didn't have to be around my girlfriend all the time but the last week I haven't had anything sooo I see her 24/7. I love her but we're so different and we butt heads all the time. I hope you can have some time to relax soon though! It's always good to have some time to relax.

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 Post subject: Re: KofK Book Club [American Gods By Neil Gaiman]
Posted: Oct 31st, '17, 07:23    

Mikael Hart

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Nice. My brother and I have overlapping interests. There are some things he likes that I don't and vice versa, but we tend to focus on commonalities.

Ooh, I see. May I ask what problems you have with your relationship? (It's fine if you don't want to share.) School and work can really be stressful. I hope it gets better for you.

Ah, yeah, I made a post in the RPG forum, so yeah, I do. I've never RPed here before though, but I have in most forums I frequent. I prefer GDocs (so tidy! so useful!) and messengers (I'm spoiled by instant notifications), though. Wbu?

Aye, today was relaxing for me! I found free time in the evening, so I decided to carve a small pumpkin. I remember having fake vampire teeth, so I just cut simple eyes and a hole for the mouth. Turned out pretty good. XD

Tomorrow, one of my friends is gonna host a movie marathon, and Wednesday, I'm gonna walk with my friend. Thursday is a dinner for a friend who's dropping in from out of town, Friday is Bible Study, Saturday is work, Sunday is a dinner for my pastor. Then the next time I have a full day for me again is next week. XD

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 Post subject: Re: KofK Book Club [American Gods By Neil Gaiman]
Posted: Oct 31st, '17, 07:32    


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When I talk about Renee, I get the same answers, so I don't like to talk to much about it or you know complain because I'm not doing anything to change it. But I'll just say that we're not feeling very connected and we've been fighting pretty bad. So I'm not sure if we're going to make it but we have a place together and we got a dog together so it's just kind of eh. I usually like to talk about it but it doesn't help anything if I'm not doing something about it. BUT I like to rant sometimes when I don't have anyone else to talk too.

I roleplay too, I'm on and off but I usually roleplay on here and maybe facebook messenger. But I haven't roleplayed in a while and I have a few on here I need to reply back too >.> I feel bad because it's been a little while and they've probably been waiting. I didn't get what you meant by GDocs at first but then I did. I've never done it over that so I don't know. I was just going to say I would like another roleplay partner but I don't know what kind of stuff you roleplay but I can probably go look at you're post so I might do that so I don't take up space in here.

That's good. We didn't get any pumpkins or anything so I don't think Renee and I are going to do anything really other than the stuff we do on any other day. xD That's sounds like you're pretty busy but not too much to do. I hope you have fun with everything though!

As of right now, I have a training meeting soon for work but I have to talk to my supervisor to figure out when I'm getting a new client but right now I'm only working on Saturdays but that's not going to work because it doesn't help pay the bills xD lol

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 Post subject: Re: KofK Book Club [American Gods By Neil Gaiman]
Posted: Oct 31st, '17, 07:45    

Mikael Hart

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Ah, I see. Yeah, that makes sense.

I don't mind if we chat on here; it's just us, and we'll be getting to the book club stuff soon anyways, so it's nbd. You can always chat me up in any place I post --but with that said, my hangout would probably be the best place. XD

I just got two large pumpkins on Thursday and two small ones yesterday. My friend's younger sis just came over from out of the country, and since she's unfamiliar with many American cultures, I wanted to show her a good time with some pumpkin carving. (Especially since I declined on Trick-or-Treating multiple times, despite both having her and my friend ask me.)

My friend, Kes, is older than me, but has a young daughter, and since I wanted to carve at their house, I bought a tiny pumpkin for her as well. We all had a great time yesterday. The younger sis was very polite, even though she wasn't used to the acidity of pumpkins, she seemed to like her pumpkin well enough, and the daughter, Skye, was very excited over her small pumpkin and the stickers and googly eyes I bought for her (she's too young to carve). Even my friend had a good time, taking pics of us and her family around the jack-o-lanterns. XD It was nice.

I had an extra pumpkin left over due to a sales deal, so that was what I carved today. :3

Thank you! Good luck! D:

Also, before I forget --what sort of things do you RP? Do you use premade OCs or do you make new ones for every new RP you join?

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 Post subject: Re: KofK Book Club [American Gods By Neil Gaiman]
Posted: Oct 31st, '17, 08:04    


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I might have to check out your hangout then. I think I was there once but I get nervous to jump into a new hang out but a lot of people I know already are there so I shouldn't be that nervous.

That's good and that sounds fun, showing someone else about Halloween like that I hope she has a lot of fun tomorrow! You guys too, can't leave you guys out lol. I don't think I've carved that many pumpkins >.> I remember taking out all the seeds and stuff but I would let other people carve them xD Jesus. I need to do more.

I like to roleplay with some romance in it, but I understand some people don't like to do that, so I think I've roleplayed like Assassins creed and I can do superhero ones. It just depends on what I'm into at the time, I like to try a little bit of everything but some things I'm not very good at. I make up new OCs usually. I looked at your post in the RPG forum and I noticed you only have the small group for the HP one and I'm not a big fan of Harry Potter (I've watched the movies and stuff but I've just never really gotten into things like that). So I don't know if you would want to do a 1x1 one with me or just wait until there's a group one I can join later with other people.

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 Post subject: Re: KofK Book Club [American Gods By Neil Gaiman]
Posted: Oct 31st, '17, 09:04    

Mikael Hart

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Aha, DC's the only one who regularly posts in my hangout, though recently, LittleJulez has dropped in more often. I can't wait until the CC comes next month, cause I'm planning on giving away some stuff then too. :3

Thanks! Yeah, Pearl (that's her name) is probably going to go trick-or-treating, but I did invite her to the party in case. Hope you have fun too, even if it's just chillin'. XD

Dude, you did the most unpleasant part! Cleaning out the pumpkin is my least favorite bit. This year's pumpkins were pretty basic for me, but the best pumpkin I've carved is (this one). They're my personas --a fox with an x-shaped bandage and a deer with an eyepatch. Took me a while to carve, but it was worth it!

I've often gone to a pumpkin patch when I was young to pick out a pumpkin. My uncle and aunt, who'd often take us kids, would tell us that if we could carry it ourselves, then we can take it home. XD

Doing more = time needed to do the things. I feel like an adult, now that I have to schedule everything. *facehands*

I enjoy romance as a supplementary theme, but not as a primary focus. Ideally, I'd like all my OCs to end up in romantic relationships, but admittedly, I'm fickle as a romance RPer.

Most of my RPs are geared towards fantasy (modern or otherwise), and my characters often have an underlying goal, or the story may have multiple goals, with plenty of opportunities for plot twists in between.
For example, there was a story about how my character (a witch from an alternate fantasy universe) decided to escape to the modern realm to avoid the repercussions of his society. Where he's from, witches were considered to be of high social standing, and his capricious nature had led his mentor to reconsider allowing him to debut among them. The story would've gone on to the antics he'd get caught up in after meeting a non-magic person who he'd strike a friendship with, including some misunderstandings, and an identity crisis, along with the culture-clash and personality differences. ((Thinking about it, this probably sounds a lot like Star and the Forces of Evil, though my plot was made long before the cartoon was created.))

There's also a story I made about a witch (I like witches), who finds himself in indentured servitude as a result of failing a faery bargain. When said faery had disappeared for unknown reasons, the manor they'd resided in began to warp into disrepair. The witch, being bound to the place, finds himself becoming invisible, and tends to the place for many years, until the presence of an outsider brings with them the promise of restoration and freedom.

Aaand then the one for my latest character is about a witch (I promise I have more than just witch OCs, but it seems that I work best with them). In his story, he is spirited away from his own world. After many adventures and journeys, he is still attempting to return to his original world.

Uh, anyways. The HP RP isn't so much HP itself as it is inspired by some themes. It wouldn't be set in the same world, but something like it, which I'll flesh out once I get around to world-building.

It's fine if you want to pass, though! I don't know if I have time for a 1x1 right now, but maybe if I like the plot or feel inspired enough. I've been trying to work on my character for the group RP, but I keep getting distracted (and in part, I don't feel inspired enough at the moment).

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 Post subject: Re: KofK Book Club [American Gods By Neil Gaiman]
Posted: Oct 31st, '17, 09:39    


Joined: Dec 2nd, '14, 04:07
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That's a really cool pumpkin. I dont think I would ever be able to carve a pumpkin like that even if I had the chance too.

I get that. I can always look into the group one you got going and see if I can get into it. I dont mind trying it out.
I think if I tried making my character it would take a while. Im not sure if I would have time to do a roleplay but I always like to start them and get the story going. xD lol

I think Ive done a few roleplays when I was younger with witches. Some of those plots sounded really good. I like the second one. c:

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