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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Mar 31st, '17, 11:47    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
Posts: 47
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"Ah yes, the islands. I still love the idea that we get to see certain things before everyone else even hears about it." Louis smiles as the captain steers the vessel down to the ground for a landing.

"well no sir, i haven't eaten yet. Maybe we can use this clearing for-" Louis cut stopped mid sentence when he remembered why they hardly ever went for a picknick in unchartered lands. Besides, they had a fine eating establishment in the bowels of the ship. He gripped the railing and swung himself over it towards the lower deck "I would always like to join you for dinner, captain" he says in a teasing tone"Let's see what the chef cooked up this time, it smells awesome"

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 1st, '17, 10:28    


Joined: May 8th, '14, 13:36
Posts: 1761
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Mood: I'm trying.
Website: http://kira-chansnewblog.weebly.com/
Location: On a rooftop somewhere
Phoenix was bustling around in her second habitat as usual, trying to whip up something nice for dinner. This wasn't one of her best days, unfortunately, for she couldn't think of anything creative. So she'd decided to stick with meatloaf, mashed potatoes and rice with broth, making a promise to herself that she'd think of something better the next day.

For now, the least she could do was make sure this dinner was great. She checked the oven once, making sure that the chocolate cake she was baking for dessert was coming out right. She opened it and pulled the cake out, sticking a fork in it to check whether it was baked through: the fork came clean out, indicating it had. So she set the cake aside to let it cool down and began cutting the meatloaf.

She put two slices of meatloaf, some mashed potatoes and some rice artistically on plates for each crew member, making a little smiley face on Minny's rice with the broth, thinking she might like it. Finally satisfied with her preparations, she went up tp the deck and yelled, "Dinner's ready!" in her most cheerful voice.

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It's not over yet.
There's a lot to look forward to.
Keep going.
You can do this :)
Leonard Snart wrote:There are only four rules you have to remember: Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.
1st fairy - June 3rd, 12:06 AM IST

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 1st, '17, 19:56    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
Posts: 242
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You have hugged Reht!

Website: http://www.squareaquarium.com
Location: England
((Hey guys, sorry, I have half a post written, was gonna finish it on my break today but the kitchen (I work in a bar/ restaurant) were super babes and upgraded my cheapo staff meal to an amazing fancy meal for free, so I've spent all of my break eating :qlov:
Will post when I get on tonight! ))

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
A walk-in role-play hangout - please come and join C:

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 1st, '17, 21:36    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
Posts: 47
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It didn't take long after Phoenix's call before before Louis' head popped around the corner. "Did i hear that right? Phoenix, your timing is impeccable as usual! The captain and i were just heading down!" Louis makes his way through the galley in a quick, yet gracious manner. As he sits down he rests his head on the back of his hands and closes his eyes as he takes a good whiff of the scents around him. "Chef, what did you cook up this time? It smells wonderful"

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 2nd, '17, 04:36    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
Posts: 242
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Website: http://www.squareaquarium.com
Location: England
Laslo nodded in response, concentrating on getting the Dusk Bringer into just the right position, hovering about 10 feet above the grass.
Tutting with approval, he locked the steering wheel in place and grabbed the intercom for the engine room.
"Barnes, we're ready for the legs!"

He waited for the crackled response and smiled, stretching his long arms behind his back and breathing the forest air in deeply. Done for the day.
The ship groaned slightly as hatches opened along the lower hull and six hefty metal legs folded outward, lowering onto the ground. They were clearly built for purpose, but still had some decorative elements- the trunks of the legs had armor like plate and the feet were four pronged, with ridges and claws like giant crows feet. The ship shuddered as the feet connected with the ground, the engines powering down as the metal talons tore into the earth and the legs took on the majority of the ship's weight.

With one last check of the control panels, Laslo leapt down onto the lower deck and followed Louis inside.


Barnes' face flushed and his eyebrows drew together, half-angry, half-embarassed. "it's Barnes." He muttered - only Aldrin got away with calling Barnes by his full name. And the one bloody time Felix had accompanied him for a parts pick-up, he'd looked like a kid in a sweet shop when he heard Aldrin use the name.
He pursed his lips and briskly grabbed the form from Felix, "Alright, but you can get me a some more hemtuft and rolling papers for the trouble too." He threw a glance over to Minny and added quietly out of the side of his mouth, "And you can add some fire whisky onto the order."

He had just finished scribbling a barely legible signature when the intercom crackled to life,
"Barnes, we're ready for the legs!"
Shoving the form into Flelix's chest, Barnes bared his teeth into a wide grin, "Now stand back, some of us have real work to get done." A small jibe in return for the quartermaster's earlier remarks.
The stocky engineer thumbed the intercom transmitter, giving the captain a quick "Aye aye" before getting to work releasing various valves and grabbing onto a large crank. His face reddened as he strained, muscles bulging under his blue shirt and the cords of his neck standing in relief, at first it seemed like the great mechanism wasn't going to budge, but something shifted and the crank started to move round, slowly gaining momentum.
Barnes let go as steam hissed out of the exhaust pipes, the crank and connecting gears now moving of their own volition. He wiped the sweat off of his brow and carefully watch the surrounding dials and gauges, making sure the legs were now lowering correctly.

"Woooo! Done for the day!"
Minny swung round from her crouched position, narrowly missing bumping her head for the second time. "I'm starving!"
She bounded up to Felix, beaming up at him, "Wanna get some grub?"

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
A walk-in role-play hangout - please come and join C:

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 2nd, '17, 10:33    


Joined: May 8th, '14, 13:36
Posts: 1761
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Mood: I'm trying.
Website: http://kira-chansnewblog.weebly.com/
Location: On a rooftop somewhere
Phoenix beamed as she saw Louis come to the dining area closely followed by the captain. "Well, it's not much tonight," she said, sheepishly. "I couldn't think of anything great, so I stuck to meatloaf, rice and potatoes. I hope you like it." She gestured towards the dining table, asking them through actions to sit. "There's chocolate cake for dessert as well, so do make sure you leave some space for that.

She looked around at the stairs leading to the deck. "Maybe I should go and find the others?" she wondered out loud. "Let them know that dinner's ready, so they can eat before it gets cold." She looked at the captain, silently asking for permission to do that.

(0) (0)
It's not over yet.
There's a lot to look forward to.
Keep going.
You can do this :)
Leonard Snart wrote:There are only four rules you have to remember: Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.
1st fairy - June 3rd, 12:06 AM IST

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 2nd, '17, 21:57    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
Posts: 47
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"Ahh the classics, nothing wrong with that my dear" Louis replies and winks at the chef. "I wish i could help you out, but some things are not meant for my touch" He smiles as he thinks of his endeavors in the kitchen.... and the smile quickly fades.

He seems to shrug it off quite easily and leans back, gesturing the captain to sit next to him.

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 9th, '17, 16:00    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
Posts: 242
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Website: http://www.squareaquarium.com
Location: England
Laslo happily returned Phoenix's smile and raised an eyebrow at Louis' comment on helping out - he had never seen his vice captain even attempt to prepare himself any food and, with this new piece of information given, had the suspicion that the man had created more kitchen fires than meals.

The captain wafted a hand at Phoenix, indicating that her self-doubt was misguided, "That sounds great, and I'm sure it'll be as lovely as ever."
He chuckled at the unasked question and nodded, "Yes, go tell the rest of the crew - I'm sure Minny will be happy to see you."


Barnes wiped the same oily rag he'd used on his hands earlier over his forehead and the back of his thick neck, simultaneously wiping away sweat and smearing more of the dark grease onto his skin.
Stuffing the cloth in the gap between his dungarees and waist, he then reached into a deep pocket and pulled out a battered tin.
"You guys head on over, I'll join you in a bit, Cap'n doesn't like me smoking in common areas." Barnes' voice had a resigned tone - this was something he regularly tried to argue with the captain, but he never got far on the issue.

The young red-head wrinkled her nose at Barnes, "Yeah,
and make sure you have a wash before getting food too, you've got more oil on you than the engine"

The engine master growled at her admonishment and paused in the lining of his cigarette to lob the oiled rag at his niece. "Go on, get away wit' ya, you little grease monkey!"

Minny dodged the projectile and giggled, joining Felix in his dramatic posing, "Yes, onwards to food and glory!", laughing once more before scampering after the quartermaster.

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
A walk-in role-play hangout - please come and join C:

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 9th, '17, 21:04    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
Posts: 47
Hugs: 2580
Louis sees his captain's raised eyebrow and starts to smile. "Oh, I never told you that story? Well, it sure is an interesting one." He removes his head from his hands and shifts into a relaxed, leaning-back pose. "Did you know i entered the royal navy as a kitchen hand?" He scoffs at the idea "but alas, i made too many mistakes. And there is only so much you can cover up with whipping crean or rose petals...."
He pauses as he grins at his own mistakes, then continues. "On the other hand though, my potato peeling duty has been the beginning of my prowess with blades!" He stands up as he elaborates his story with wild gestures, recreating epic piles of potatoes in his mind. More tales follow, and they become wilder as he continues.

((If you want your character to walk in mid-story, feel free to do so! You're allowed to make up a bit of Louis' stories. If you don't wanna, the stories will have ended conveniently before your character ends))

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: Apr 11th, '17, 13:00    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
Posts: 7506
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet

After the Dusk Bringer had landed and was resting silently on its big legs, Nelya took in their surroundings. A small clearing, there was not much to see in any direction, since large old trees were obstructing the view. With a few beats of her wings she managed to get high enough to overlook the forest that was stretching out quite far in all directions. Content, she let herself sink back down to the ship. The forest looked calm and peaceful, there were no unexpected movements, only the gentle swaying of trees in a mild evening breeze. It didn't look like there were any nasty surprises in store for the night.
"Alright, time to go see what wonderful things Phoenix is treating us to tonight!" she said to herself, heading towards the dining quarters. She smiled in anticipation. There was nothing that would make or break a journey quite like the talent of the ship's cook, and she was happy to be on this particular ship with this particular cook. She met Phoenix even before she reached the dining room. Apparently the girl was already gathering everyone for the meal. "Hello there! I was about to come to dinner! What did you make today? Yes, I know, I'll see it in a minute, but I'm curious!" She winked at the other girl.

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