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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: May 10th, '17, 19:49    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
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The captains order came just before Louis fell. Nelya tore her eyes off the scene, knowing she was useless in helping stop the fall from up where she was. She quickly surveyed the damage in the ropes. So far most of them didn't seem to be in critical condition, but there was one solar sail that was only held by few remaining pieces, most of which were on fire. She grabbed the fire extinguisher from behind her, grateful for the well-checked safety equipment of the ship. After one last look around, she jumped out from her post, using her wings to let her glide towards the worst part of the burning ropework in a gentle arc. She sprayed at the ropes as soon as she got close enough and was glad to see that they went out rather quickly. She considered inspecting the burnt pieces, but she was afraid that by touching them she might trigger them to break even faster. The damage was bad enough that she could already tell they would need to be supported somehow as soon as possible. Instead she kicked one of the nearby masts to gain some momentum towards the next nest of fire. This one proved a bit harder to put out, but Nelya was glad to see that the part of the construction most damaged here seemed to be less critical. Once she was done with this she glanced around again. The situation looked a lot better already, quite a few of the other, smaller fires were flickering out on their own, too small to actually burn through the heavy ropes. Nelya put out two more fires that looked large enough to be dangerous, but then focused her attention on deck again. There was a big flock of fiery birds around the spot where Louis must have landed. The captain was standing close by, apparently fighting the birds, trying to get to Louis. Nelya dove towards them, calling out to a nearby crew member before tossing him her fire extinguisher. "Put those birds out! Do you want to let your captain get burned?" That seemed to make the stunned man get his wits together and he caught the fire extinguisher with ease. Nelya didn't pause to look on, she hurried back to her post to grab some reserve ropes. She had to support that one sail, before the monster might do something to shake the ship again. She was fairly certain that in its current state it would fall if that happened...

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: May 12th, '17, 14:55    


Joined: May 8th, '14, 13:36
Posts: 1761
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Mood: I'm trying.
Website: http://kira-chansnewblog.weebly.com/
Location: On a rooftop somewhere
It was taking a lot of resolve on Phoenix' part to stay where she was and continue her work. Every now and then, she couldn't help looking out of the little porthole window above her workstation hoping to catch some glimpse of what was going on above, even though the window did not have a view of the deck. On top of that, the side of her abdomen was still throbbing painfully. However, she did catch a glimpse of a faint orange glow, something she knew was associated with fire. She couldn't imagine what was going on above, especially to Minny. After everything that girl had been through and with her fear of fire....

She stood back and admired her work on the cake, in spite of herself. It was completely done - icing, decorations and all - and Phoenix couldn't help feeling a little proud of herself, in spite of her worry for everyone upstairs. She smiled and put the cake in the fridge, holding the icing spatula in her hand so she'd remember to wash it.

The second she'd shut the door, however, Phoenix was startled by a sudden crash. She whirled around to see what had caused the noise - and screamed. The birds looked like they'd been pulled straight out of hell. Jet black feathers with red eyes, with wings that were somehow inexplicably on fire. How the birds hadn't been killed by the fire yet, she did not know. It was by far the scariest thing she'd seen while a part of the crew. Hell, it was probably the scariest thing she'd seen in her life.

The birds just seemed to crash around aimlessly, burning up some vegetables that Phoenix had not yet put inside, until they seemed to notice her there. Nearly petrified, she held her icing spatula in front of her, for all the good it would do, and said, "Do not come any closer." Right. As if that would be of any help.

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It's not over yet.
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You can do this :)
Leonard Snart wrote:There are only four rules you have to remember: Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.
1st fairy - June 3rd, 12:06 AM IST

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: May 17th, '17, 09:46    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
Posts: 47
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Kira was restless. The alarm was heard and the captain's orders were to remain below deck for the non-fighting crew. She had made her way to the infirmary and prepared everything. If someone were to get hurt,
she would be able to treat him immediately.

She paused to drink something when the ship was shaken violently. Kira lost her balance, only to regain it before falling down. The drink in her hand though, was spread all over her shirt. She cussed a little and made her way to the kitchen to clean it off.

There was something wrong. Loud bird noises seemed to come from the kitchen. She smiled when she remembered that a bird had once flown in her tent and had caused a ruckus. But the flashback ended abruptly by a loud scream from the kitchen. A warm glow lit up the hallway as if the kitchen was on fire. Strangely enough the bird's noise had only gotten louder.

Kira didn't hesitate and grabbed one of the nearby fire extinguishers. After that she hurried into the kitchen. There she found out that the noise and the fire were from the same source. A flock of flaming birds were storming through the kitchen. Only to organise themselves as soon as they saw Phoenix. The girl wouldn't stand a chance, so Kira grabbed the nozzle of the extinguisher, aimed for the birds and fired. A cloud of white dust appeared and engulfed the birds. The flames were gone and for a while everything was quiet. Kira made her way through the mist towards Phoenix. "Phoenix, you okay?"

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: May 17th, '17, 11:50    


Joined: May 8th, '14, 13:36
Posts: 1761
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Mood: I'm trying.
Website: http://kira-chansnewblog.weebly.com/
Location: On a rooftop somewhere
As expected, Phoenix' sweet little command did nothing to sway the birds' intentions. The birds decided to fly straight at her, and she couldn't do anything else but scream again and run out of the way, holding her icing spatula in front of her as though it would shield her from the flaming birds from hell. She hadn't been fast enough, apparently, because her right forearm came into contact with one of the birds and was burned.

Fortunately for her, the ship's doctor, Dr. Zhang, burst into the kitchen and swiftly took care of the flaming birds. She regarded the white foamy mass for a moment before sliding down the kitchen wall, eyes still on the foam as she put her good hand on her side, which was still throbbing from her fall earlier.

When the doctor approached her, Phoenix couldn't help feeling a rush of gratitude towards her. "Yeah, I- I'm okay," she said, wincing again because of the throb. "I guess I hurt myself a little, but otherwise I'm fine." She looked up at the doctor and stood up. "Thanks for helping me out. I don't know if I would have lasted much longer if it weren't for you."

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It's not over yet.
There's a lot to look forward to.
Keep going.
You can do this :)
Leonard Snart wrote:There are only four rules you have to remember: Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.
1st fairy - June 3rd, 12:06 AM IST

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: May 19th, '17, 21:01    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
Posts: 47
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Kira nodded quietly, and continued her physical examination. Both arms seemed pretty roughed up. It worried her that Phoenix only winced when her bruised arm hurt. The fact that her burnt arm didn't cause any response meant that it was at least a third degree burn, resulting in burnt up nerve ends. Luckily even that can be healed pretty easily nowadays.

"Does this hurt?" Kira asked as she pressed on Phoenix's wrist joint. "Can you move your fingers?" The burn was identified, now we needed to see if there was anything broken. Funny thing they still used that sentence. It's ages old, yet still very effective. She watched Phoenix attempt to move her fingers ((@CycloneKira; Let me know if she actually manages ;)) and got up afterwards.

"Allright, we need to take care of this back in the lab. Let me help you" Kira's grip was firm around Phoenix's upper arm, yet not too tight. She helped the girl up and together they carefully walked through the foam towards the door. The birds had been quiet so far, and Kira thanked the heavens for it.

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: May 20th, '17, 19:10    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
Posts: 242
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You have hugged Reht!

Website: http://www.squareaquarium.com
Location: England
The prey's weapon was weak, their beaks and calws were strong. Cawing with victory, the birds plunged forwards.

Flames licked at skin as the ravens were feebly batted away, gaining confidence they aimed themselves towards their prey's face - just as another figure entered the room. The birds barely had time to react before they were coated in a strange thick mist. Sorcery!
The mist knocked them out of the air and sent them tumbling to the floor, quenching their rage filled flames. Ravens spluttered in the foam, the various sodden forms calling out in distress as some choked on unnatural fumes, their breath dying in their throats and bodies becoming motionless.
Three of the ravens remained and broke of their daze, quickly shaking the strange liquid from their dark feathers and rising into the air again.

Angry at the loss of their flock, the three remaining pelted towards the attacker with renewed fury - unable to burn, but they still had beak and talon.

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
A walk-in role-play hangout - please come and join C:

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: May 21st, '17, 11:53    


Joined: May 8th, '14, 13:36
Posts: 1761
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Mood: I'm trying.
Website: http://kira-chansnewblog.weebly.com/
Location: On a rooftop somewhere
Phoenix tried to move her fingers as instructed by Dr Zhang, and found that she could. Her entire arm was more or less throbbing so she really couldn't tell whether pressing her wrist hurt or not, and she said so to the doctor. She nodded and took the doctor's arm, wincing again because of the pain in her hand as well as the side of her abdomen. She'd hit it pretty hard in the fall.

"I'm not sure if anything's broken, but I hurt this side pretty badly when I fell earlier," she said, putting her hand on the indicated side. It was hurting her to stand now, and she had to fight off the urge to collapse on the floor.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of the fiery birds from the foam. Her eyes widened in alarm as she realized that the foam hadn't completely silenced all of them. She looked around the kitchen and for the first time in her life, cursed herself for keeping the kitchen so clean. No scope for speedily grabbing a saucepan and whacking the birds with it.

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It's not over yet.
There's a lot to look forward to.
Keep going.
You can do this :)
Leonard Snart wrote:There are only four rules you have to remember: Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.
1st fairy - June 3rd, 12:06 AM IST

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: May 22nd, '17, 10:38    


Joined: Mar 9th, '17, 11:10
Posts: 47
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Kira had already crossed a few meters when she heard a cawing noise from the foam. She turned around to see three black birds emerge from the mess on the floor. Running wasn't an option with Phoenix, and the fire extinguisher was still were she left it, on the floor and a few metres away now.

"Apologies in advance" she quickly said to Phoenix as she let go of her arm. Then, in one movement, Kira took off her doctor's coat (She already had it hanging loose for there were drink stains on it) and threw it at the birds. With a little bit of luck, she would be able to use the coat as a net and capture the birds. Kira launched herself after the coat and dragged it down to the floor with her.

The landing was hard and beat all the air out of her lungs, but she managed to hold on to her coat.

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 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: May 25th, '17, 13:32    


Joined: May 8th, '14, 13:36
Posts: 1761
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Website: http://kira-chansnewblog.weebly.com/
Location: On a rooftop somewhere
Phoenix yelped a little as she was let go by Dr. Zhang, who now needed to turn her attention to the surviving birds. She couldn't help admiring the quick thinking on the doctor's part, wrapping them in her coat and trapping them. But now what? They were trapped in the coat, but how long could that hold them? Those things had sharp beaks, which could easily tear through the coat with some effort.

The answer to her question came in the form of Mitchell, Felix' apprentice, who had come bursting in through the door, apparently surprised by the events that were happening in the kitchen. But through her pain as well as the sudden excitement on seeing a potential way out, his yelp did not register in her mind.

"Mitchell, over there!" She pointed to a cupboard close to Dr. Zhang, desperately. "Grab a pan and hit the birds, please!" She looked at the man imploringly. She would have gotten up and done it herself, but she could barely stand up on her own at the moment. Grabbing a pan and swinging it down would require a lot more effort, something she wasn't up to making at all at the moment.

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It's not over yet.
There's a lot to look forward to.
Keep going.
You can do this :)
Leonard Snart wrote:There are only four rules you have to remember: Make the plan, execute the plan, expect the plan to go off the rails, throw away the plan.
1st fairy - June 3rd, 12:06 AM IST

 Post subject: Re: Crimson Sky (Industrial Fantasy, open and accepting!)
Posted: May 25th, '17, 23:25    


Joined: Oct 20th, '14, 00:58
Posts: 242
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Website: http://www.squareaquarium.com
Location: England
A sordid swirl of feathers and flame roared around Barnes and Minny. The young girl had passed out from fear and her uncle now had both feet planted firmly either side of her limp body. The burly man's face was etched with a mixture of worry and anger as he fought off the wretched animals with burnt and bloodied fists.
The adrenaline coursing through his veins made the pain bearable, almost ignorable, but as the birds grew more frenzied the heat from their flames started to become a problem. Barnes could feel his movements becoming sluggish as his powerful arms swung at his assailants, a satisfying crunch sounding as his right hook sent yet another raven sailing away and skidding across the deck - but it was quickly replaced by another, and another,
and another...

A flurry of movement by Barnes' leg caught his attention and he let out a roar of rage as he saw a raven had darted low in an attempt to attack the prone girl between his feet. The bird let out a gargled screech as the mechanic's heavy boot crashed down and ended its life - however this small victory was not without its punishment, as fire from the raven's corpse licked up Barnes' trouser leg. The other birds took advantage of Barnes switching his focus to said fire, their beaks and claws knocking off his cap and drawing blood from the back of his neck and scalp as he desperately tried to bat out the flames.
The short amount of time it had taken him to snuff the fire on his leg had been enough for the ravens to get the upper hand and overwhelm him. He threw a few more punches, knocking a couple of the bastards out of the air - but there were too many, and he was soon forced onto one knee, barely managing to protect himself with his arms. Maybe he could at least use his body to shield Minny?

The sound of the ravens around him changed and he began to notice less of the damned things attacking him. Peering up he realised that some of the other crew members had come to his rescue, slicing down birds with flashing swords. Barnes gave a silent thanks to whatever had given him such good fortune and dug his arms under Minny's light frame, grunting from pain as he proceeded to drag her across the deck, away from danger.

(( Shall post as Laslo and birds when I get home, at work atm and g2g P:


Just got another couple of spare seconds and read Nolfie's post - birds in kitchen are deffo dead, feel free to continue on without me haha ))

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▃▅▆ The Inbetween ▆▅▃
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