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 Post subject: The Magic Ring -Story
Posted: Mar 22nd, '18, 07:12    

Death Candy

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For now I'm going to just post this one chapter. I'm working on the second chapter and I don't know when I'll be done. Names may change in the future.

I suck at summaries. Humor me.

The Magic Ring is about a girl named Tereza, whose parents died and is living with her stepmother and stepsister. Tereza is abused by her stepmom and treated like a servant. Tereza has a copper ring given to her by her mother on her death bed. Unknown to her parents, but discovered by Tereza, the ring is magical. She uses the ring for small things like better food, or clean clothes, etc. But she cannot wish for big things like a clean house because she doesn't want to draw attention. She ends up working and living at the palace and becomes close with the cook. Then the king makes a proclamation that who so ever makes a dress of sunset colors for his daughter will be greatly rewarded. Tereza uses her magic ring to make the perfect dress. Causing her stepfamily to become a little suspicious. And when Tereza uses the magic ring to win over the princess her secret is on the verge of being found out.

(0) (0)
I just realized that "take out" means food, dating, and murder. And if you were a female praying mantis you'd have all three.

 Post subject: Re: The Magic Ring -Story
Posted: Mar 22nd, '18, 07:14    

Death Candy

Joined: Nov 1st, '14, 20:05
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Chapter 1:
Long ago there lived a young girl named Tereza. She had long beautiful chestnut brown hair and green eyes. Until she was five she lived with both parents in a middle class home with a dog. When her mother passed away her father married a woman named Rhiamon with her own daughter, Linda. Linda looked just like her mother; both had long black hair and blue eyes.

When Tereza was twelve her father died in an accident. No one really knew what happened, but the stepmother claimed he fell off a ladder and hit his head on a sharp edge rock. This incident devastated Tereza greatly.

It wasn't long after the passing of the father that the stepmother and stepsister took over the household. Though not ugly on the outside, they were both ugly on the inside. This was evident when Rhiamon fired the maid that they had and forced Tereza to do all the work. The house wasn't big; still it took a lot of work to clean. Tereza didn't complain at least not where her stepmother and stepsister could hear for fear of being beaten. All of Tereza's valuables; except a copper ring that Linda thought was junk, were given to her stepsister. Tereza's stepmother made her dress like a boy even having to cut her hair in an attempt to humiliate the girl. At first it worked out, but soon Tereza found being dressed like a boy to be useful. She was able to do things easier like climbing the fruit trees. And with short hair she her neck wasn't so hot and sweaty. This, of course, annoyed the stepmother and she did more and more to try and humiliate her stepdaughter.

But what really angered Rhiamon was that no matter how little food she gave Tereza, the girl seemed to be well fed. Rhiamon always checked the provisions and never came up short. So she was unable to punish her stepdaughter for stealing food. Unknown to them, the one thing of Tereza's possessions that she was allowed to keep was magical. The copper ring granted her unlimited wishes. So when alone in the kitchen supposedly waiting for the scraps of food her stepfamily would give her, Tereza would quietly wish for something better to eat. Because neither came into the kitchen, just called for her, they never knew of her large meals. Rhiamon searched everywhere for possible hidden food supplies, but found nothing. Though suspicious, Rhiamon didn't bother spying on Tereza unless she left the house without a valid reason. Tereza chuckled to herself, greatful that her stepmother and stepsister were lazy and felt they had better things to do.

"Well at least you're healthy, I suppose, and you can do proper work and not lie in bed dying," Rhiamon said in a snobbish manner as though her laying in bed dying was equal to her being lazy.

Tereza was lucky not to have been beaten into telling where she got the food. But she wasn't always lucky. At one time she was severely beaten for tearing her clothes. Alone bleeding and quietly crying in her room, Tereza actually wished for her stepmother to die a painful death. However, she found there were apparently limitations to what she could wish for as nothing happened. She then realized her stepsister would tell that since she was the one beat, she obviously killed her stepmother and she would hang for her stepmother's death. So by some grace of good, she was saved from death herself.

By the time Tereza was fifteen the money from her father's fortune was low. In order for the stepmother to keep their house and buy extravagant things she ordered her stepdaughter to seek employment.

Tereza thought about wishing for fortune, but like when she thought of wishing for the house to be clean, she was certain someone would be suspicious and learn about her magic ring. So she left the wishing to small things that wouldn't draw attention. Tereza tried seeking work in the village, but no one was hiring at the time or they needed someone with experience. When Tereza returned home, her stepmother scolded her.

"You obviously weren't trying hard enough!" Rhiamon yelled.

"I asked everyone if they had a job open and they either said "no" or that "I needed experience"." Tereza replied as calmly as possible looking down.

Her stepmother slapped her, "Don't talk back to me! You will try again tomorrow!"

"Yes, Stepmother," Tereza then went to cook supper and after serving them, she went and sat on the floor of the kitchen by the fireplace. Quietly placing down a plate and a glass. Then she quietly wished for a meal of cooked fish, vegetables, the sweetest figs and the best wine to drink.

Once she was done eating she would wish the dishes clean so her stepmother wouldn't punish her for wasting water as she was supposed to eat her scraps on their dirty dishes then clean them. She sat staring out into the cool night from the open top of the double-hung door. Tereza stared at the stars and started thinking of her parents. Soon Rhiamon yelled from the dining room and as she stood up, Tereza wiped a tear away.

Tereza cleared the dishes, placing them on the silver tray she brought in with her. She brought the dishes into the kitchen and tossed out the scraps to the dog. The stepmother thought she was always feeding the dog better than her stepdaughter; she didn't realize it was getting fat off of the scraps from Tereza's "food" too. Tereza did the dishes, then did her evening chores. After she locked up the house Tereza went to bed.

The next morning after breakfast, Tereza tried looking for work again. No matter how much she pleaded, no one was hiring at least not her. About to give up and go home, Tereza looked over at the palace and decided to try there. She knew it was a long shot, but worth a try. She went to the servant's area and into the kitchen where she begged the cook for a job.

"Well I do need someone for the evening shift. You'd be sweeping, moping, cleaning dishes, running down to the cellar and other various tasks. You probably won't be home till ten, eleven o'clock. Maybe not till later than that."

"I can do all that."

"Very well. Be here by six o'clock."

"Yes ma'am." Tereza ran home and told her stepmother that she had employment at the palace and when she'd start and her possible end time.

"Hmm...you won't be home to cook supper, but you will still do your nightly chores, I guess it'll have to do," Rhiamon said, "And I want your entire pay. If I find that you have kept anything from me, I'll beat the daylights out of you."

"Yes, ma'am."

Tereza arrived at the palace five minutes before six. She had to convince her stepmother to let her leave a few minutes early so she could arrive early and make a good impression. The cook was pleased and set her to clean the floor while she worked at getting everything for the royal family's supper.

Though stern, the cook was friendly enough and asked about Tereza. She told how her parents passed away and how she now lives with her stepmother and stepsister. When asked about the ring on her right hand, all Tereza said was it was a momento of her mother's. It was her mother's first wedding ring.

"Her first wedding ring?" The cook asked confused.

"Father, when he proposed, couldn't afford a proper wedding ring; just the one of copper. So he gave it to her until he could afford a silver one. And when that happened, she put the copper one away in safe keeping until she gave it to me upon her deathbed."

"Oh. I see."

Whenever Tereza was in the kitchen for long periods of time working the two would talk. Neither stopped work while they talked so not to get into trouble, but they learned to finish what they were talking about once they were together again. Tereza didn't stop for supper until about nine, when the cook insisted.

"Dear me, child. How will you keep up your strength if you don't take a few minutes to eat and rest?"

"I'm fine. At home I wake at dawn and clean house until eight when I make breakfast for my stepmother and stepsister. Then I eat a small breakfast and do more cleaning until noon when I make lunch. Then there's more work to be done and then it's supper time, then dishes, then my night time chores and followed by sleep."

"Goodness child! Why doesn't your stepsister do anything?" Tereza said nothing and looked away. "I see."

It was around eleven when Tereza went home with her daily pay. The others were asleep when she quietly came in. When she went upstairs her stepmother, who was either awake waiting for her or had woken up, called Tereza in and took her pay. Then she told Tereza to do her evening chores before bed. Though exhausted, Tereza obeyed. It was two thirty when Tereza was able to sleep. She was so tired she didn't even think of using her magic ring to do her chores.

The next day Tereza did her daily routine before heading off to work. As always Tereza worked hard and this pleased the cook so much and she got along so well with Tereza that she devised a plan. A few days later, after breakfast the cook arrived at Tereza' home. Tereza greeted her and allowed her entry. She then escorted the cook to the study and commenced with the introductions.

"How may I help you?" Rhiamon feigned politeness.

"I came to talk about your stepdaughter," the cook replied. "She is doing such a good job, that I want to expand her work. However she's going to have to move into the servant quarters at the palace."

"Hmm...that's a big decision. I must think it over."

"Well I'm sure the royal family will appreciate it," the cook exaggerated. "Well Tereza, I'll see you this evening." With that Tereza escorted the cook to the door.

"I don't think so," Linda sneered.

"Oh I don't know, I think it's a good idea."


"Then we'd have more money to buy you pretty things."

"Good point!"

"And I can rent out her room to a live in maid. She can live here for free and eat meals here so long as she works. Just like Tereza."

"Please stop. You're choking me with all this love," Tereza thought sarcastically as she came to the doorway.

"What do you want?" Snapped Linda.

"I just wanted to know if there was anything you needed before I went about my chores," Tereza feigned politeness; she did a better job at it than her stepmother.

"Yes," Linda quickly replied, "go into the market and get me a honey cake from the baker."

"Wouldn't you rather I just bake one?" Tereza knew her stepsister loved wasting money on foods that she could easily make.

"If I wanted you to bake me a honey cake I would have said so!" She snapped. "Make it two cakes."

"Very well. Anything else?"

Rhiamon had Tereza get her the ink pot, paper, and quill then she made a list. "Do be careful with the money. I want complete accountability of every coin spent."

"Yes ma'am," Tereza then took the list and money and put them in her pocket.

"And those cakes better be hot when you come home!"

"Yes, Linda," Tereza replied as she left.

"Ugh! That girl is so useless!" Linda snapped.

"She's not entirely." Linda looked at her mother in surprise, "She's a good servant. Even if she is an eye sore."

Tereza went to the market and bought everything she was sent for. If it wasn't already cheap she would haggle the price. She picked up her stepsister's cakes last and quietly and half subconsciously wished that the cakes tasted horrible. Once home she took everything to the kitchen. She put all the food away and brought in a honey cake and a glass of ale for her stepsister. They had moved to the dinning room so Linda could eat. Tereza than gave her stepmother the change and accounted for everything she bought.

Linda took one bite of the cake and..."Ugh! That's horrible!" She spat out the bite of cake onto the floor and immediately gulped down her ale. "What did you do?!" Her stepsister demanded.

"Nothing!" Tereza exclaimed partly feigning surprised. "How could I?"

"It's probably just a bad cake. Give it to Tereza to eat. And eat the other one," Rhiamon calmly replied to her daughter.

"Well?! Take that disgusting thing away!" Linda yelled. Tereza took the cake back to the kitchen. She immediately decided to wish that second cake to taste alright instead of horrible just to be safe. Linda took a bite of that cake. "Humph! It'll do, I guess."

"See? The baker let one bad cake slip," Rhiamon concluded and in the tone of voice she used for soothing a child. "When you have time, eat that other cake. We can't afford to waste it."

"Yes, ma'am."

While alone in the kitchen Tereza quietly wished that the honey cake was even more delicious than before. She then took a bite of the cake. She ate a couple more bites before going about her chores. Linda yelled for her stepsister, when Tereza came into the dinning room.

"I need more ale!"

"Yes, Linda." Tereza went and got her stepsister her drink. Her stepsister was just a bit curious as to why her sister easily ate the cake. She said something to her mother, who just brushed it off.

"She knows she'd get a beating if she wasted it."

"Still, I expected her to make faces of disgust."

"Oh, you over think things and you're not accustomed to doing that. Besides she's usually out of sight in the kitchen. Of course you don't see her looks of disgust. Any ways starting tonight she's going to stay at the palace and make us more money. And we'll rent out her room and not loose much money. Simple as that. Now quit thinking so much so I don't have to repeat myself."

She tried to not think about it, but something kept nagging in the back of her mind. Linda thought of how Tereza was able to eat plenty and not touch their food supply. And after the beating when she was a child, Tereza's clothes never showed any tears. In fact her clothes were always clean and we'll cared for. After seven minutes, Linda got bored and started to think of other things. Linda called for Tereza and when Tereza appeared she told her to take the rest of the cake and put it away. Tereza did as she was told. By the evening Tereza finished off her cake and then left. Rhiamon told Tereza to tell the cook she could stay at the palace, but once she had a break to bring her the money she made daily.

When Tereza arrived at the palace she told the cook the good news. The cook put Tereza in the former's own private chamber in the servant's quarters as that was all that was available. Tereza didn't mind sharing a room. She just had to really be careful of wishing. The cook also to Tereza she was not going to share her pay that it was for her living arrangements. And winked at the girl.

Tereza and the cook became close friends almost having a mother daughter relationship. Tereza was doing better as she no longer had contact with her stepfamily. After two days of not showing up at the house the stepmother went to the palace with her daughter and demanded to know why Tereza had yet to return home and give her the pay. The cook told Tereza's stepmother not to expect much if any money from her stepdaughter as Tereza had to pay for her living, food and other needs. Rhiamon became furious and demanded that Tereza return home with her immediately. The cook stepped in and told Rhiamon that Tereza would be going no where and being bigger built than the stepmother Rhiamon just glared and stormed off with Linda in tow.

Weeks passed and spring became summer. Tereza's stepmother got in a live-in-maid, though was furious that
Tereza wasn't going to give her the money.

Tereza told the cook one day that on the nineteenth it would be her birthday. To Tereza's surprise the cook told her that the princess's birthday was too June nineteenth. Tereza was even more surprised that the princess would be the same age as herself, sixteen.

The next day the cook became ill. She appointed Tereza as the temporary cook. As Tereza walked to the kitchen she became a bit distraught. She could cook, but not good enough for the royal family. Noticing she was alone Tereza decided to wish she was a fantastic cook, who made the best meals.

Tereza cooked the royal family the best breakfast they had ever ate. The princess demanded that the one who made their breakfast be presented to them. Tereza was escorted to the royal dining table. Though nervous, Tereza was able to keep herself calm and collected and bowed. She saw that the princess had black hair in a cascade halo and honey brown eyes like her parents.

"You are not the cook," the queen gasped.

"I'm afraid she has taken ill today. So I am taking her place temporarily."

"How long have you been working for us?" The king asked.

"About midweek of last month."

"How old are you, child?" The king asked.

"Next week I will be sixteen."

"When is your birthday?" The princess broke in.

"The nineteenth."

"The same as mine," the princess said casually. Whether she cared or not was unknown. "Why do you look like a boy?"

"When I lived with my stepfamily I had to do a lot of climbing, like trees to pick fruit or the roof to fix it. And boy clothes are easier to work in."

"That doesn't explain your hair, but never mind," the king replied. "That will be all," he dismissed her. Tereza bowed and walked away.

As the royal family went back to eating princess turned to her parents and suddenly said, "I decided I want a gown that matches the color of a sunset for my birthday."

The king obliged and made an announcement that whomsoever made a dress of sunset colors by the eighteenth they would be greatly rewarded. The whole town was abuzz with people trying to make a gown fit for a princess in sunset colors. One day Tereza took a break and went to the forest behind her house. She figured it was more remote and safer to make a big wish than near the palace with all the people there. First she wished for a plain box. Then she wished for the most beautiful gown of sunset red with gold and purple trim and patterns.

As Tereza rushed back to the palace, Linda saw her running with a plain box. She wondered what could be in the box when she started laughing out loud.

"What's so funny?" Asked her mother.

"Tereza was carrying a plain box."


"Don't you see Mother? She came and stole the scraps of cloth I threw out after I made my award winning gown. She probably stitched some horrid mock up of a rag dress to try to present to the princess," Linda laughed some more. "Poor delusional girl. Thinking she can compete with me."

Rhiamon started laughing with her daughter. The eighteenth came and the two left with Linda's gown. Linda was the last to present her gown to the princess, who was now sitting in her throne next to her parents. All the other gowns were either too red or too orange. Linda's was the closest to what the princess wanted. Then Tereza came in carrying the plain little box. The princess looked at the plain little box, but humored Tereza.

"What do you have there?"

"A gift for you, your majesty."

"Why thank you. You didn't have too," the princess feigned a smile; taking the box. She was going to toss it to the side, but her mother quickly told her to open it. So she did and when she removed the lid her eyes lit up. There in the plain little box was the most beautiful gown she had ever beheld and it was the perfect shade of a sunset. The top was a large gold band and there was a sheer skirt with a purple pattern. She pulled it out of the box and exclaimed, "This is gorgeous!"

"Well I think this is cause for a reward -" before the king could finish the princess broke in.

"We will celebrate our birthday together! You will wear one of my old gowns of your choice and you may wear my makeup! And for one day you will be treated as a princess! Come to my room by six tomorrow morning!"

"If that is what your majesty wishes," Tereza replied stunned.

"Yes! For what you were able to do! It's really not enough!"

Everyone else either went home or went about their work in the palace. Linda stormed home grumbling and complaining.

"How could she have possibly made a gown more beautiful than mine, if she used my cloth?!"

"I don't know," her mother replied. She was angry that Tereza won and that she had no idea how. But she was also thinking of all the strange coincidences. Tereza having plenty of food, Tereza being clean or her clothes being fine and other things that she couldn't explain.

"I should have won!" Linda fumed, "It should be me being treated like a princess for a day and not her!"

"I know. There's something fishy going on," Rhiamon remarked.

The next day at dawn the cook, who had taken over last week, was informed that Tereza would be celebrating her birthday with the princess; she had to choose someone else to help. Tereza arrived at the princess's bed chambers one minute early. As the clock chimed six she knocked and a servant girl opened the door.

"The princess told me to come here at six."

The servant girl let her in and Tereza went over to the princess's bed and bowed. The princess stood up and greeted her. Then she went into another room and bathed.

"Go ahead and pick a dress out of my closet!" the princess called.

"Umm...I...I can't."

"Why not?"

"If something goes missing I don't want to be accused of theft," Tereza replied fidgeting a bit as she stood in the princess's room.

"Oh. Well come in here." Tereza complied and entered the bathroom. "You know we haven't made formal introductions. I am Princess Nehanda."

"Oh. Um...I'm cook's assistant Tereza."

Princess Nehanda smiled at that as she washed herself. "You know you look weird with short hair."

"Huh? Oh. I guess I've gotten so used to it that I haven't let it get too long."

"Sure," Nehanda replied unconvinced. "So where did you live before coming here?"

"With my stepfamily near the forest."

"That doesn't tell me much," Nehanda laughed. "Oh well. Tell me how did you make my gown and so perfectly?"

"Umm...lot-lots of praying and good luck."

Nehanda laughed again, "Okay. It's a secret. Almost like magic when you think of it."

Tereza laughed nervously, "Ma-Magic? That's silly."

"Oh I don't think so. I believe in magic."

"Yeah, but me having magic. That's silly."


"I'm no one special."

"We're all special in our own way."

"I supposed."

After Nehanda cleaned herself she called her servants to bring her a towel and robe.

Nehanda walked into her bedroom with her servants and
Tereza following behind. Nehanda dressed in the sunset colored dress, which went down to her knees and was very flowing. Then she went over to her closet and looked for a dress for Tereza. She pulled out a strapless green dress and matching shoes. After handing the dress to Tereza she went looking for shoes to go with her dress.

"Hmmm...I should have the shoe maker make matching shoes. I know!"

When the two were dressed they headed to the ball room. There everyone gathered could see that Nehanda was barefoot and had on golden anklets. She stood by her parents and motioned Tereza to stand next to her. Tereza obliged and stood uncomfortably by the princess.

The king made the announcement that today they were not only celebrating their daughter's sixteenth birthday, but Tereza's as well. And that for this day Tereza was to be treated as a princess.

The party began and naturally Nehanda was the first asked to dance. But not long after her a boy asked Tereza to dance. The girls danced off and on for hours. Tereza's stepfamily was there and Linda was fuming. Linda wished her mother could just drag Tereza out of the palace and beat the daylights out of her. A few times when Linda was dancing Tereza would "accidently" bump or step on her stepsister's feet. She knew it was mean, but considering all Linda did to her, she felt it was justifiable. Hours later a large cake was presented to the girls. Nehanda was the first to receive a piece of the cake, but she handed it to Tereza.

"Thank you," Tereza responded in surprise."

Once Nehanda got her piece the two stood at the front enjoying their cake. The party went long into the night and by the time they went to their rooms the girls were exhausted. Both dreamed of the night.

(0) (0)
I just realized that "take out" means food, dating, and murder. And if you were a female praying mantis you'd have all three.

 Post subject: Re: The Magic Ring -Story
Posted: Mar 22nd, '18, 07:14    

Death Candy

Joined: Nov 1st, '14, 20:05
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Just in case

(0) (0)
I just realized that "take out" means food, dating, and murder. And if you were a female praying mantis you'd have all three.

 Post subject: Re: The Magic Ring -Story
Posted: Mar 22nd, '18, 07:15    

Death Candy

Joined: Nov 1st, '14, 20:05
Posts: 11855
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Mood: Forever confused
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(0) (0)
I just realized that "take out" means food, dating, and murder. And if you were a female praying mantis you'd have all three.

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