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 Post subject: Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}
Posted: Apr 15th, '17, 07:15    

Tinker Bell

Joined: Apr 15th, '17, 06:17
Posts: 279
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You have hugged Tinker Bell!

Mood: Content
Location: New York State
Lain just shook his head and Tae felt even worse. He hadn't thought of something to do. Tae wished he hadn't been an idiot and just came up with something on his own instead of making the others do it. Well, Lain do it because his other hyungs were so not helpful. Speaking of, Ju-Kan came back and Tae felt his cheeks get warm when he acted suspicious of them. They weren't doing anything! He quickly let go of Lain's arm, his hand dropping back to his side.

Then Lain told him not to Haneul and Tae groaned inwardly. That definitely wasn't going to help the situation. Thankfully, Ju-Kan didn't really bring it up again. He gasped as Lain dragged him towards the stage. He nodded his good luck back to the older male before taking his own place on stage. He didn't have time to think as the lights came on and the cheering began.

He could hear their track start. He started to dance, but his mind was on Lain. What was he going to do? He wished he could give him an idea, but even if he had one, there would be no time to tell him. He could hear the fan chant over the music just barely, but he didn't look at the crowd. He couldn't look at them. He was too focused on trying to sing his few parts well. He messed up once, but the track covered it up.

(0) (0)
You know that place between sleep and awake? The place you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you, Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting.

 Post subject: Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}
Posted: Apr 15th, '17, 07:16    


Joined: Feb 6th, '15, 19:16
Posts: 6049
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Mood: spiritual
Location: a remote internet isle
The fans were chanting, glowsticks waving. "PeterPan! PeterPan!" Lain took a deep breath. Then the track began, and though he was still anxious, once he began it was mechanical. The opening vocals were Ju-Kan's, and when they came to Lain's verses his voice wobbled on the edge of controlled, but he thought it would've been barely noticeable.

After the intro track they performed their title track, 'Vertigo'. By now Lain had gotten into the groove a bit and he was even beginning to enjoy, just a little, the enthusiastic fan chants for the song.

They went through the few tracks on the mini album, and though he was tired out Lain thought their hard work, at least, had paid off. Their choreos had been spot on, they'd sung and performed pretty well. No major mistakes, no stage fails. The fans seemed pleased.

Except... they had to please them more.
The anchor wanted them to 'show their love for their fans'. They made little speeches and did some token aegyo. Lain had to do the Gwiyomi song.
And then the anchor announced that they'd be playing the tension escalator. He explained the game to them. They'd been lined up according to their places during the last performance, at the front of the stage, to talk to the fans. But now they lined up according to the order of the game. Lain went and stood next to Tae. Now that they'd finished performing and he'd done fine, he was panicked again because he didn't know what he was going to do.

He told himself it would be fine though. Weren't surprises being sprung on idols all the time, and they were expected to adapt? They'd dealt with unscripted surprises before. (Though nothing like this... but still...) He'd just watch the others and do what felt like a natural escalation, the first idea that came to him, once it was his turn. He might have to do the most extreme, but at least he didn't have to physically do it with one of the members as a partner. He could just look at the crowd and pretend he was doing it to thin air. Whatever it was he was doing. He told himself he was in a less embarrassing position than the others.

Ju-Kan and Haneul faced each other. Lain could only see Ju-Kan's back, but he moved slightly forward and looked at the big screen projecting close-ups above the stage. Haneul held Ju-Kan's chin with thumb and forefinger and actually stroked his thumb along his jawline before coming back to his chin and slowly tilting it up towards him. The fangirls were screaming their heads off. If Ju-Kan was surprised by the 'extra' fanservice, he did a good job of hiding it and held Haneul's gaze. It made Lain uncomfortable just watching it. He couldn't imagine how Ju-Kan was able to keep such a straight face throughout it all.

Then Ju-Kan grabbed Haneul by the hair, looking into his eyes fiercely. Haneul played along more than necessary, biting his lower lip and drooping his eyelids at Ju-Kan. The cheers turned deafening.

Now it was Tae's turn.
Lain licked his lips, mortified before it had even begun. He felt frozen. Hormones were already running high. He didn't know if what they did would satisfy the fangirls after all the unnecessary bullshit Haneul pulled. More than that, at this moment he didn't know if he could do it (even though Tae would be the one to 'do' anything.)
He swallowed.
This wasn't the time to lose his nerve when all he had to do was grit his teeth and bear it.
What they were doing wasn't even that scandalous.
But watching Ju-Kan and Haneul... what if we're not scandalous ENOUGH? The anchor would tell them if it wasn't enough, but then what would they do?

For that matter, what would he to do?

The anchor was saying something to him. Lain couldn't make out what it was, his ears were buzzing. But he thought there was only one thing that could be wanted of him, anyway.
He shut his eyes for a moment.
Then he turned to face Tae.

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Come chat with me at my hangout thread!
Stroctoperry wrote:Because KofK trumps homework, for some reason.
Death Candy wrote:I just realized that "take out" means food, dating, and murder. And if you were a female praying mantis you'd have all three.
Akili Li wrote:People talk about bravery in these super dramatic terms like it only applies to soldiers going to war, but for all that I think true courage is found in the hard every day moments of social interaction and standing up for what you believe in even when it's not life-or-death, when it's instead a matter of approval-or-ostracization among people whose opinions you care about. That's harder, to my mind. That's an ongoing, you have to live with it forever thing, instead of one single moment that's the exception instead of the rule.

First fairy found 28th May 2015
Second fairy found 11th May 2017
Third fairy found 9th Jan 2024

 Post subject: Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}
Posted: Apr 15th, '17, 07:18    

Tinker Bell

Joined: Apr 15th, '17, 06:17
Posts: 279
Hugs: 6484
Mood: Content
Location: New York State
The concert part of the show was over and Tae managed not to look winded. Although he was always out of breath when they performed. Each track, because of the concept and songs, had a dance break where Tae was always dancing. Sometimes it was with another member, but he was rarely still during the performance. It was hard. They each gave a speech and did some aegyo. Tae didn't mind this, aegyo was something he was good at and looked natural doing. He was the 'cute maknae' after all.

Then it was time for the tension escalator. Tae's stomach dropped. What if he couldn't do this? What if Haneul decided to do something totally different for a laugh? He wouldn't put that past the rapper. He watched the screen as well, dread sinking in when they had done just a little more than discussed. Did that mean his thing wouldn't be enough now? He turned to face Lain. He had to force himself to move, thinking hard so it wouldn't look mechanical. He closed his eyes for a moment. He just wanted to run off stage, but that wasn't an option. Not unless he wanted to get in trouble.

He found himself reaching out and grabbing Lain's collar, pulling him down where he rested his forehead against the taller male's. The fan's cheered, but Tae knew that it wasn't enough. Their cheers weren't as loud as they had been for Haneul and Ju-Kan. He bit his lip. He only did that when he was nervous, but the fans didn't know that. He stepped closer so their bodies were almost touching. His heart was pounding so loud he thought that Lain would be able to hear it. The fans clearly liked that, so it must have been enough.

He finally let go of Lain's collar after what felt like an eternity, but it was only a few seconds. Then he stepped back, creating the space between them once more. The fans had gone silent, waiting for Lain to do whatever he was going to do. They were sure that it was going to be good.

(0) (0)
You know that place between sleep and awake? The place you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you, Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting.

 Post subject: Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}
Posted: Apr 15th, '17, 07:20    


Joined: Feb 6th, '15, 19:16
Posts: 6049
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Mood: spiritual
Location: a remote internet isle
Lain couldn't bring himself to look at Tae.
He felt his collar being pulled and gave in to the pressure, leaning forward, and let his head loll down. Then Tae's forehead was against his, and he couldn't help but look into his eyes since their faces were so close together.

Tae bit his lip.
Lain knew then that Tae was as nervous as he felt. But maybe it was because of the way the fans were taking it, that the gesture seemed suddenly... lush. Tae's lips were pretty great...
Lain was about to shake his head vigorously at the weird train of thought his mind was taking, but he remembered just in time that he'd be shaking his head against Tae's. It'd look like he was rubbing his head against Tae's. And that wouldn't sexy or scandalous so... no.

Like he hadn't done enough to mess Lain up with that lip bite, Tae stepped closer to him so that there were literally millimetres of air separating them from touching. And Lain could swear he felt those few millimetres of air sizzling with tension. This was escalated tension, all right. His heart was drumming loudly in his ears and yet he could hear Tae's heartbeat escalate corresponding with the escalation in tension because they were so, so close...

Then Tae let go, and stepped back. Lain swayed slightly. It was like inertia on a bus. Or the ground moving beneath one's feet. He let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding.

Then it hit him: he had to do it, and he had to do it now.
The first thing that came into his head.
He turned to the front and faced the crowd. Their silent anticipation threatened to push him over the edge, but with a huge effort of will, he forced himself to think.
It couldn't be anything like skinship. He had to be sexy, and he had to be sexy alone.

He shrugged his leather jacket off his shoulders and walked a couple of steps with the sleeves starting from the crooks of his arms. Full of swag. The fans cheered. It was an anticipatory cheer. An excited for what was to come, we-want-more cheer.
He took off his jacket and threw it into the crowd. The fangirl who caught it buried her face in it and squealed, jumping on the spot.
He lifted his shirt slowly, inch by inch. He couldn't believe what he was doing but he had no other ideas. And the fans were loving it, their roar climbing in volume with every inch the hem of his shirt climbed up his torso.
He took his shirt off over his head and threw that, too, into the crowd, which went ballistic.

The anchor wound up the concert then, but time seemed to drag to the end of the concert excruciatingly slowly. he felt exposed. And insecure. No matter that the fangirls' response had been so enthusiastic. He was the flower boy. He was kind of supposed to have a washboard chest?
Not that he wasn't proud of his abs- they were just the right amount of well-defined without being hulky or overboard- but he felt conflicted somehow, like he hadn't done what he'd supposed to, or he'd revealed something other than what he was supposed to be.

(0) (0)
Come chat with me at my hangout thread!
Stroctoperry wrote:Because KofK trumps homework, for some reason.
Death Candy wrote:I just realized that "take out" means food, dating, and murder. And if you were a female praying mantis you'd have all three.
Akili Li wrote:People talk about bravery in these super dramatic terms like it only applies to soldiers going to war, but for all that I think true courage is found in the hard every day moments of social interaction and standing up for what you believe in even when it's not life-or-death, when it's instead a matter of approval-or-ostracization among people whose opinions you care about. That's harder, to my mind. That's an ongoing, you have to live with it forever thing, instead of one single moment that's the exception instead of the rule.

First fairy found 28th May 2015
Second fairy found 11th May 2017
Third fairy found 9th Jan 2024

 Post subject: Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}
Posted: Apr 15th, '17, 07:23    

Tinker Bell

Joined: Apr 15th, '17, 06:17
Posts: 279
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Mood: Content
Location: New York State
Tae couldn't watch what Lain did. His eyes were on the ground as he faced forward again. He was glad his part was over, but he couldn't help but worry about Lain. Had he thought of something to do? Had Tae done too much? What if Lain had something planned but now had to change it? The fangirls screamed and Tae had looked up to see Lain throw his jacket and then start to lift his shirt up. He blushed and looked back down.

They screamed again and Tae didn't look up this time, knowing there could only be one reason they'd screamed louder. Lain must have taken his shirt off. The show had wrapped up and the announcer told them to say goodbye. So Ju-Kan took the lead, they bowed and thanked the fans before exiting the stage. Tae relaxed when they were away from the fans.

He took off his microphone and handed it to the stagehand, bowing slightly. When he made it back to the dressing room, Ju-Kan and Haneul were there already. He had known Lain was behind him. He immediately grabbed the makeup wipes and started to remove his makeup. He could hear Haneul laughing, probably about the tension escalator, but he chose to ignore his hyung.

(0) (0)
You know that place between sleep and awake? The place you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you, Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting.

 Post subject: Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}
Posted: Apr 15th, '17, 07:25    


Joined: Feb 6th, '15, 19:16
Posts: 6049
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Mood: spiritual
Location: a remote internet isle
It was a relief to Lain when the lights finally dimmed.
He followed Tae backstage, the stylist stopping him on the way to hand him a t-shirt. He slipped it on immediately, so grateful that he gripped her shoulders. "Thanks Noona, you're a lifesaver." Leaving her to recover, he went into the dressing room.

Everyone was already there. Haneul was laughing, and when he spotted Lain he came to him and clapped a hand on his shoulder.
"We support you, man."
Lain was confused. "What?"
"In your alternative career as a stripper. We're not judgy prudes." True. You're juvenile pervs.

The manager hurried in at that moment, clasping her hands together. "You did well, boys. I was just a bit uncertain about the tension escalator, I'll admit, you all haven't had much experience."
Haneul snorted. "Yeah, the keyword here being experience."
Geez, he's obsessed with finding double entendres. Lain rolled his eyes towards the ceiling. "But you did well," she continued, "the fan cafe is exploding with comments!" She showed Ju-Kan the screen of her laptop and left. He sat down and began to scroll.

"So, they're shipping us now," he said to Haneul. "HanJu." He scrolled some more and did a double take. "Hey, they're saying you'll top me!"
That was understandable, thought Lain. Haneul had been the one making most of the moves. An enraged Ju-Kan tried to shout over Haneul's howling laughter, "There's no way you're topping me! What the hell, I'm older than you!"
"What has your age got to do with anything?" said Lain innocently. It was nice to have someone else bear the brunt of this nonsense for once. Of course it would revert to him eventually, with all the juicy new material the tension escalator had supplied.
"Age is just a number," quipped Haneul, "What you should decide by is what you fantasize about me." Ju-Kan jerked up from the chair and chased Haneul around the room, Haneul cackling all the while. When he caught up with him he smacked him across the shoulders. Haneul went, "Hyung, hit me more!" Ju-Kan cornered him and play-punched him while he was still singing, "Hyung, I've been a bad boy!"

That's when Lain noticed the stylist standing unobtrusively at the doorway, her phone in her hand, recording. And so did Haneul and Ju-Kan. They sobered up at that.

Ju-Kan sat back down, Haneul joined him and they scanned the comments for a couple of minutes, absorbed. Then Haneul said, "Hey, how come the Laintae ship is more popular than ours?"
"Well, they're each better-looking than the both of us put together," said Ju-Kan absently.
Haneul brightened. "Dude, they're all like "Omo Omo Laintae Omo Omo the height difference is getting to meeee!" He said, attempting a poor imitation of a high-pitched fangirl. Ju-Kan guffawed. Lain tried to ignore them, but then Ju-Kan said, "Haha, they're fighting about whether Lain's a seme or a power bottom!"
Lain's throat went dry. Even though they were doing a commentary for his benefit, to rile him up, he rose to the bait. "But why?"
"Well, you're taller than Tae so you should be top. And now they've seen that you have abs, you should be top. But you're girly-pretty like a uke so you should be bottom. And they haven't seen whether Tae's got abs or not so they think everyone should rest their case 'til then."
Haneul grinned, "They're fetishizing you two. The height difference is getting to meeeee!" He repeated, shrill and exaggerated. He and Ju-Kan cackled together.

"Okay, now we've gotten a general idea of the comments, let's check out all the fanfiction they're linking," said Haneul once they'd tired of that. "They all seem to be... drooling inspiration now." He smirked from Lain to Tae.
"I bet they've written plenty of hardcore explicit ones about you two," said Lain sullenly. "Especially as you went all 'extra' up on stage."
"Look who's talking."

"Urgh!" Lain couldn't stand it anymore, he stormed off to look for the manager. They were supposed to take the van back to their dorm that very night. The only point of comfort for him was that he knew that very soon, Naver and YouTube would be plastered with the 'HanJu' moment that had just gone down, thanks to the stylist. And it'd serve them right.
He'd do what they were doing now, he'd read what the fans said and make digs at those two. So he daydreamed, as he dialed the manager's number and held the phone to his ear.

(0) (0)
Come chat with me at my hangout thread!
Stroctoperry wrote:Because KofK trumps homework, for some reason.
Death Candy wrote:I just realized that "take out" means food, dating, and murder. And if you were a female praying mantis you'd have all three.
Akili Li wrote:People talk about bravery in these super dramatic terms like it only applies to soldiers going to war, but for all that I think true courage is found in the hard every day moments of social interaction and standing up for what you believe in even when it's not life-or-death, when it's instead a matter of approval-or-ostracization among people whose opinions you care about. That's harder, to my mind. That's an ongoing, you have to live with it forever thing, instead of one single moment that's the exception instead of the rule.

First fairy found 28th May 2015
Second fairy found 11th May 2017
Third fairy found 9th Jan 2024

 Post subject: Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}
Posted: Apr 15th, '17, 07:25    

Tinker Bell

Joined: Apr 15th, '17, 06:17
Posts: 279
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Mood: Content
Location: New York State
Tae managed to get the makeup off his face - three makeup wipes later - while Haneul and Ju-Kan were going back and forth about their ship and who would be the top. He didn't mind them doing that to each other as long as they left him out of it. Unfortunately they didn't. Without the makeup as protection, everyone could clearly see it when his face turned red. It was the worst when Haneul imitated a fan. Or tried to.

"Haneul-hyung!" Finally Tae spoke up when Haneul laughed about them being fetishized. Ju-Kan laughed and Tae felt even more angry. "Ju-Kan-hyung!" Couldn't they just let it go? Why did they have to make this a big deal? He wanted them to just forget about the stupid tension escalator. Although part of him was glad that the fans were happy with what he'd done. And their manager. That meant he wouldn't get a lecture about trying harder or pleasing the fans.

He did not like this whatsoever and wanted to get back to the dorm where he could go to bed and ignore Haneul and Ju-Kan the rest of the night. Being a smaller group, they only had to share a bedroom with one other person. Unlike groups who had to share with quite a few. Although Tae was no longer sure how he felt about sharing with Lain. Would it be really awkward now? Tae hoped not. Lain was the only one who didn't make fun of him mercilessly most of the time. Unlike his other hyungs.

Lain walked away when the other mentioned reading the fanfiction. Tae didn't want to hear this either. He grabbed his normal clothes and walked off to the changing area. He changed quickly, but he didn't leave the area. He hoped that his hyungs would just let it go and never talk about it again.

(0) (0)
You know that place between sleep and awake? The place you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you, Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting.

 Post subject: Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}
Posted: Apr 15th, '17, 13:57    


Joined: Feb 6th, '15, 19:16
Posts: 6049
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Mood: spiritual
Location: a remote internet isle
"Manager-nim, are we leaving for the dorm soon?"
"Ah, you guys must be tired," she said. "We should get back soon so you can have a good rest, because you have more activities lined up for tomorrow."
"Thank you for being understanding."

Lain waited on the sidewalk, hoping the night air would chase away some of the headache. The van drew up with manager shotgun. "I'll get the others," Lain told her and the driver. He braced himself for a moment about facing Haneul and Ju-Kan again before going back into the building.

He burst into the dressing-room very briefly, just long enough to see that those two were still there cackling at the computer, and barked at them, "The van is out front," before slamming the door.

He paused for a moment as he realized Tae hadn't been there. His head fell back as he groaned. He really didn't want to open this door and ask them where Tae had gone after the way he'd just behaved, he'd be embarrassing himself too much. Think. Where would it make sense for him to go?

He concluded it had to be either the bathroom or the changing room, because it wasn't likely he'd be in any of the other rooms, hobnobbing with the staff. He knew which he'd check first. He went down a couple of corridors and stood outside the changing room. As expected, the lock showed a red arc, 'engaged'. He knocked cautiously. "Tae, are you in there? The van is here."

(0) (0)
Come chat with me at my hangout thread!
Stroctoperry wrote:Because KofK trumps homework, for some reason.
Death Candy wrote:I just realized that "take out" means food, dating, and murder. And if you were a female praying mantis you'd have all three.
Akili Li wrote:People talk about bravery in these super dramatic terms like it only applies to soldiers going to war, but for all that I think true courage is found in the hard every day moments of social interaction and standing up for what you believe in even when it's not life-or-death, when it's instead a matter of approval-or-ostracization among people whose opinions you care about. That's harder, to my mind. That's an ongoing, you have to live with it forever thing, instead of one single moment that's the exception instead of the rule.

First fairy found 28th May 2015
Second fairy found 11th May 2017
Third fairy found 9th Jan 2024

 Post subject: Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}
Posted: Apr 15th, '17, 16:24    

Tinker Bell

Joined: Apr 15th, '17, 06:17
Posts: 279
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Mood: Content
Location: New York State
Tae wasn't sure how long he'd been in the changing room. However, he didn't want to leave and face Haneul and Ju-Kan alone. That would be no fun at all. How long were they going to be like this? Part of him wished that he could just laugh at it too, but it was far too embarrassing to laugh at. After all, he had never done anything like that with anyone. Now the fans said they wanted him and Lain to be a thing? No way!

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Tae gasped, standing up from the floor. Then he heard Lain's voice. Van. Good that meant they could go back and Tae could ignore Haneul and Ju-Kan the rest of the night. "Y-Yeah, hyung, I'm coming." He said. He'd already put the outfit where it was supposed to go. He unlocked the door and stepped out of the room.

Of course this caused him to be face-to-face with Lain...again. He felt his cheeks get warm when he looked up at the other. Although he quickly looked away and started for where the van usually was. He just wanted to get back to the dorm quickly.

(0) (0)
You know that place between sleep and awake? The place you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you, Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting.

 Post subject: Re: Vertigo {Tinker Bell & Ambarsariya}
Posted: Apr 15th, '17, 17:42    


Joined: Feb 6th, '15, 19:16
Posts: 6049
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Mood: spiritual
Location: a remote internet isle
"Y-yeah, hyung, I'm coming."

If Lain had noticed before, he'd never thought about it- how Tae always sounded so shy and unsure when he spoke. Just now, he had stuttered for no apparent reason...
Well actually, it could have been because of what they had to do during the tension escalator...
Lain rolled his eyes at himself. I'm seriously overthinking it. Stop being so paranoid, geez.

There was a clack as the door was unlocked, and he was face-to-face with Tae. Of course, it reminded him of the tension escalator. It didn't help that Tae blushed and looked away quickly, so that Lain remembered how easily Tae blushed.

The only reason it felt awkward, and not normal in spite of being such a common occurrence, was because he'd been avoiding looking at Tae for most of the day so he'd have missed all the moments that Tae would have inevitably and incorrigibly reddened.
Dude, it's not because of that. It's because blushing is what he does. Stop being so paranoid, geez.

When he realized that he had told himself that for the second time, which meant it probably wasn't effective, he sighed and followed Tae to the van. Haneul and Ju-Kan were in the second passenger row, and Lain got into the last one behind them. He did not need them digging their elbows into his ribs (literally and figuratively) all the way to the dorm.

That's when he remembered he shared with Tae. His stomach knotted for a moment.
Would Tae still be all blushy-blushy by the time they got back?
And what about him? How was he going to behave? He had to act normal. But he wasn't sure acting normal was something he stored up for future reference. When he tried to imagine how he was going to go about acting normal he was at a dead end.
He dragged a hand over his face. It had been a long day, and it looked like it wasn't going to be an easy night.

(0) (0)
Come chat with me at my hangout thread!
Stroctoperry wrote:Because KofK trumps homework, for some reason.
Death Candy wrote:I just realized that "take out" means food, dating, and murder. And if you were a female praying mantis you'd have all three.
Akili Li wrote:People talk about bravery in these super dramatic terms like it only applies to soldiers going to war, but for all that I think true courage is found in the hard every day moments of social interaction and standing up for what you believe in even when it's not life-or-death, when it's instead a matter of approval-or-ostracization among people whose opinions you care about. That's harder, to my mind. That's an ongoing, you have to live with it forever thing, instead of one single moment that's the exception instead of the rule.

First fairy found 28th May 2015
Second fairy found 11th May 2017
Third fairy found 9th Jan 2024

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