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Favorite Neon Glow Character?
Zedof  11%  [ 37 ]
Jake  11%  [ 37 ]
Chiyo  11%  [ 39 ]
Miya  14%  [ 48 ]
Chris  7%  [ 26 ]
Felisneon  47%  [ 164 ]
Total votes : 351
 Post subject: THE PIRATE SHIP!!!
Posted: Feb 6th, '10, 00:36    


Joined: Sep 12th, '08, 16:39
Posts: 23816
Hugs: 250575
Mood: I'm Blue dabadee dabadie.
Website: https://www.deviantart.com/alkseeyakc
Location: Lost out in a sea of mermen!


This be a hangout for thee non land lovers. Though we may welcome ye if ya don't mind us given' ya floaties! Har har har har! And don't pester anyone here eye-thar or we have a plank with your name on it! Sharks be always hanging around the boat. (Mer-Shark-boys ~ :qh: )

Events: Talk Like a Pirate Day - September 19th

Note! People have been thinking that you need to be accepted here first to chat at this hangout. THATS NOT CORRECT!! Its open to anyone that wishes to chat here. The forum is for people that want to join into the crew.

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 Post subject: Re: THE PIRATE SHIP!!! (DO NOT POST! Setting Up!)
Posted: Feb 6th, '10, 00:49    


Joined: Sep 12th, '08, 16:39
Posts: 23816
Hugs: 250575
Mood: I'm Blue dabadee dabadie.
Website: https://www.deviantart.com/alkseeyakc
Location: Lost out in a sea of mermen!
No real order but the first four.

CAPTAIN - Owner of the ship, do what she says, or walk the plank!

Name: AlkseeyaKC
Pirate Name: KC
Pirate Quote: Yar har har har!
Skills/Abilities: Controls an army/harem of Mermen.
Weakness: Foods that are spicy and fish (all but tuna and Krab)
Fav. things: Birds, Artichokes, and dragons.
Who's your favorite pirate: Balthier and Vaan
If not pirates, which team would you root for? Link, Pit, and Squall In bed.

First Mate - The captain's right-hand man! Don't mess with them.

Name: Hinote no Akai
Pirate Name: Hino
Pirate Quote: "I'll whip ye lazy ass!"
Skills/Abilities: whipping people, rolling around, sticking pencil into Your eye.
Weakness: chocolate, cats
Fav. things: chocolate, cats ( :mclol: )
Who's your favorite pirate: Sindbad. Handsome badass. But Jack Sparrow is always better (Johnny! :qh: ).
If not pirates, which team would you root for? shamans.

Quartermaster - Making sure all positions below are doing there jobs well. If first mate dies, you get to take there place!

Name: Yuuko
Pirate Name: Leaf
Pirate Quote: "What'd ya do this time?"
Skills/Abilities: (almost all)weapons master, doodling
Weakness: all things cute and cuddly
Fav. things: cake, cute and anything interesting
Who's your favorite pirate: Chopper (Yay One Piece~)
If not pirates, which team would you root for? Kitty pirates and ninjas~
Pirate Reference: X

Boatswain - Your not really crew, and your not really in a rank. But there important. They just need just make sure all the sails are in check and decks are swabbed. Don't want to do it? Command someone to.

Navigator - Land is important for getting the foods we need. But just don't take us into a whirlpool.... oh crap, I see one now.

Name: Meta
Pirate Name: Maho
Pirate Quote: "Ruffel my fur and you'll loose yer hand"
Skills/Abilities: navigation, sleeping also when there is lots of niose, stealing jewelery
Weakness: Fish (ehw), cold nights
Fav. things: silver jewelery, steak, dazing on deck
Who's your favorite pirate: o-o the one who feeds me steaks
If not pirates, which team would you root for? <- ha?

Linguist - We have no Idea where we will end up. Its there job to make sure we can talk to the natives.

Name: Jessicat
Pirate Name: Octopuscatattack
Pirate Quote: Nyaaarrr!
Skills/Abilities: Languages, cat taming, unicycling
Weakness: Lacks a sense of humour
Fav. things: cats, books, music, octopuses
Who's your favourite pirate: Monkey D. Luffy :3
If not pirates, which team would you root for? Angels

Carpenter - If the ship brakes, better fix it....

Surgeon - [b]Any one gets sick, this person is responsible to bring life back to people.

Cook - Pirates need there Eats!

Name: Muffin-- Err, Moi.
Pirate Name: Sukku
Pirate Quote: My blood got into the food. Oh, well!
Skills/Abilities: Cooking and kicking ass D< (he secretes poison through sweat and blood) and has super strength
Weakness: Water
Fav. things: Cutlery, gathering spices, cooking, torture ?
Who's your favorite pirate: Sanji ~ (One Piece)
If not pirates, which team would you root for? Vampires <<
Pirate Reference: X


Musician - Things can get boring in endless amounts of sea. Someone needs to entertain us.
Name: Vineda
Pirate Name: Whiskey Biscuit Grumble (don't ask. Long story)
Pirate Quote: I swear to seals, if you wake me up one last time just to show me to my cabin I swear you'll be seeing the bottom of this ship from the outside!
Skills/Abilities: Can hold her liquor, very powerful when not thinking, can walk on any slippery surface without slipping, a good ear for sounds. Just don't expect me to understand the half of what you're saying when in rowdy rooms (auditory overload and all that)
Weakness: Quiche... And a sucker for romance. I get lost inside buildings (and boat interiors), slightly off balanced and clumsy unless on slippery surfaces (see abilities), not the greatest landlegs around and definitely not a morning person...
Fav. things: Shiny stuff, felines, canines, romance, books, maps and music *looks at hoard* And maybe fluffy stuff and music boxes... (preferably the combination)
Who's your favorite pirate: Deadbeard cause he's just so damn hard to kill or defeat. Though I admit Eoleo was kinda cute when he grew up and might just change my mind if he flexes his muscles one more time...
If not pirates, which team would you root for? Hmmm... dunno... Baritone puffballs? Fluffy-eared cats? Nope... no clue.

Mage - In a land full of magical creatures, we need some way to fight back when cannons do not work.

Name: ml1201
Pirate Name: ML
Pirate Quote: Hit the deck!
Skills/Abilities: Lighting magic
Weakness: Poor swimmer
Fav. things: Talking with friends/ drawings/ playing games
Who's your favorite pirate: Jack Sparrow, someone needs to be the comedy relief. XD
If not pirates, which team would you root for? Ninajs

Crow - If they see anything on the horizon, Scream it really loud. CAW CAW!!!

Name: Hikarisoul16
Pirate Name: Soul, Crow
Pirate Quote: " 'Ey! I see somethin'! Oh wait, never mind, it's just the ghost."
Skills/Abilities: Eyes like a hawk, Fife playing, Throwing objects, People watching
Weakness: Easily distracted (though it's what makes her good at noticing things), Cute things...like shark boys...
Fav. things: Sharp things, birds, KC's mermen >>
Who's your favorite pirate: Sanji (One Piece :D), KC... If that's an applicable choice >>"
If not pirates, which team would you root for? Ninjas~ >:D
Pirate Reference: X

Cabin Boy - The servant of the ship! Do what we tell ye!

Stowaway - Hiding is half the fun. Most of it is messing around with the crew when they don't know it.

Name: x __ FRAN
Pirate Name: Fran
Pirate Quote: " I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request. " - Captain Barbossa. that is the COOLEST way to say no. :D
Skills/Abilities: Well, being the Stowaway requires severe hiding skills: the ability to fit into any compartment ( barrels and cupboards are a good fit ), being able to sneak around quietly; these are the attributes of a skilled stowaway. ;) That, and she's been training herself in the art of parkour. :DD
Weakness: Fran likes to talk. A lot. And so it often gives away her position. She can also be somewhat of a klutz if not careful, which does no good!
Fav. things: William Beckett ( those darn singing boys! ), Root Beer ( take that, rum ), String cheese ... yeah, i dunno. :I
Who's your favorite pirate: Balthier. ( lul, he's my best friend after all. get it. because i'm fran. /shot. )
If not pirates, which team would you root for? Your mother. :I NO,I'MTOTALLYKIDDING. ... I can't pick. Werewolves or vampires? Zombies? Dear goodness gracious my oh me. D:

Ghost -In the dark of night you may hear banging and creaking sounds. Things have been seen drifting across floors! .... what you mean thats normal for a ship?

Name: Lunar Night Twilight
Pirate Name: Marion Du Coudray
Pirate Quote: "...boo"
Skills/Abilities: Lurking, Stalking, disappearing and reappearing out of nowhere, and causing trouble/mischief
Weakness: Forgetting when she isn't intangible causing her to actually running into something
Fav. things: The moon and stars
Who's your favorite pirate: Jacquotte Delahaye "Back from the Dead Red"
If not pirates, which team would you root for? Them evil Faeries
Pirate Reference because i can...

-------RULES --------
1. You must come and chat here a lot BEFORE filling out the forum.
2. Positions listed are whats it. Please do not make up new ones. If someone is under the position you like please ask if there could be a new person added to that position.
3. Have fun! If people keep posting here and seem interested, I might set up a comic site were people and pose there own comics based of these things.
4. PLEASE PM the filled out forum to me. T^T

Code: Select all

[b]Pirate Name: [/b]
[b]Pirate Quote: [/b]
[b]Skills/Abilities: [/b]
[b]Weakness: [/b]
[b]Fav. things: [/b]
[b]Who's your favorite pirate: [/b]
[b]If not pirates, which team would you root for? [/b]

Available positions:
(there can be more then one of some positions. All that is available is listed here.)

Boatswain (1)
Surgeon (1)
Navigator (1)
Carpenter (3)
Surgeon (2)
Cook (1)
Cooper (1)
Musician (2)
Mage (3)
Stowaway (?)
Cabin Boy (3)
Ghost (1)

(1) (0)

 Post subject: Re: THE PIRATE SHIP!!! (DO NOT POST! Setting Up!)
Posted: Feb 6th, '10, 00:55    


Joined: Sep 12th, '08, 16:39
Posts: 23816
Hugs: 250575
Mood: I'm Blue dabadee dabadie.
Website: https://www.deviantart.com/alkseeyakc
Location: Lost out in a sea of mermen!
Something is moving below the waters of the ship! Is it a Kraken, Leviathan, or Loch Ness? No its... Mermen? o_O;

( section coming soon )

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 Post subject: Re: THE PIRATE SHIP!!! (DO NOT POST! Setting Up!)
Posted: Feb 6th, '10, 01:00    


Joined: Sep 12th, '08, 16:39
Posts: 23816
Hugs: 250575
Mood: I'm Blue dabadee dabadie.
Website: https://www.deviantart.com/alkseeyakc
Location: Lost out in a sea of mermen!
This is the list of images in my random sig to give credit to. The thumbs suck, sorry. XD

Image Commission from Ninetail-fox.
Image Image Birthday gift from M o i. <3
Image Commission from 0okamiseishin.
Image Commission from rubysama.
Image Image Image Contest art from akinei.
Image Contest art from Faewild.
Image Commission from AishaxNekox.
Image Commission from MageKnight.
Image Fan-art from MeggyC.
Image Commission from Zeamay.
Image Image Image I drew this crap.
Image Commission from someone I forgot who. (if yours let me know!)

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 Post subject: Re: THE PIRATE SHIP!!! (DO NOT POST! Setting Up!)
Posted: Feb 6th, '10, 01:05    


Joined: Sep 12th, '08, 16:39
Posts: 23816
Hugs: 250575
Mood: I'm Blue dabadee dabadie.
Website: https://www.deviantart.com/alkseeyakc
Location: Lost out in a sea of mermen!



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 Post subject: Re: THE PIRATE SHIP!!! (DO NOT POST! Setting Up!)
Posted: Feb 6th, '10, 01:06    


Joined: Sep 12th, '08, 16:39
Posts: 23816
Hugs: 250575
Mood: I'm Blue dabadee dabadie.
Website: https://www.deviantart.com/alkseeyakc
Location: Lost out in a sea of mermen!

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 Post subject: Re: THE PIRATE SHIP!!! (DO NOT POST! Setting Up!)
Posted: Feb 6th, '10, 01:07    


Joined: Sep 12th, '08, 16:39
Posts: 23816
Hugs: 250575
Mood: I'm Blue dabadee dabadie.
Website: https://www.deviantart.com/alkseeyakc
Location: Lost out in a sea of mermen!
Post: 7

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 Post subject: Re: THE PIRATE SHIP!!! (DO NOT POST! Setting Up!)
Posted: Feb 6th, '10, 01:08    


Joined: Sep 12th, '08, 16:39
Posts: 23816
Hugs: 250575
Mood: I'm Blue dabadee dabadie.
Website: https://www.deviantart.com/alkseeyakc
Location: Lost out in a sea of mermen!
Post: 8

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 Post subject: Re: THE PIRATE SHIP!!! (DO NOT POST! Setting Up!)
Posted: Feb 6th, '10, 01:10    


Joined: Sep 12th, '08, 16:39
Posts: 23816
Hugs: 250575
Mood: I'm Blue dabadee dabadie.
Website: https://www.deviantart.com/alkseeyakc
Location: Lost out in a sea of mermen!
Some Fav Avatars I've done:
Image Image Image Image Image

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 Post subject: Re: THE PIRATE SHIP!!! (DO NOT POST! Setting Up!)
Posted: Feb 6th, '10, 01:12    


Joined: Sep 12th, '08, 16:39
Posts: 23816
Hugs: 250575
Mood: I'm Blue dabadee dabadie.
Website: https://www.deviantart.com/alkseeyakc
Location: Lost out in a sea of mermen!
Image :qstar: Old School :qstar:
Image Image

:qh: Shaired Knuffles :qh:
Thanks Vin! > 3 <

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