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Women's Health is Important!
Of course it is!  58%  [ 29 ]
Women are powerful  42%  [ 21 ]
Total votes : 50
 Post subject: Women's Health
Posted: Jun 3rd, '18, 12:54    


Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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Hello all,

I recently had a discussion with a friend and wanted to bring the topic to you - to everyone.

Women's health is still seen as such a stigma in modern society and I really don't get why. Menstruation is as normal as every other bodily function and yet it's something a majority of women feel ashamed of.

There's so many things that just irk me about this subject, even though some may call me a hypocrite because I don't have periods currently (because of the birth control I'm on) I am a woman and I have a right to talk about these issues.

> In England (where I live) sanitary products are expensive!
>> And they're taxed! Condoms aren't!

> A large percentage of the male population use 'that time of the month' as a reason to insult women when arguments happen

> Homeless women and women in poverty struggle the most and yet sanitary products aren't provided for them

> Education in schools isn't as good as it could be and should be mandatory for all schools! Private, Boarding, All-girls, All-boys and religious schools - all of them should cover the topic!

> It's super important to women's health! Pay attention to your cycle!

> Don't feel ashmamed or embarassed about it. It is natural. It is normal.

If you're a woman who is struggling with their time then here are a few things I've learned over the years:

> If you suffer from a heavy flow then use double the sanitary product. I used to use a tampon and a pad.

> Always change regularly! Every hour if you have to.

> Cramps are normal - if yours are particularly bad then try these things:
>> Hot Water Bottle
>> Green/Herbal Tea
>> Exercise (running/jogging)
>> Painkillers (take them before you start if you're able to tell)
>> Marijuana/Weed (I'm not joking)

Sorry for the lengthy post. A male coworker annoyed me by accusing a female coworker for using the bathroom too much and I just -ugh!

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 Post subject: Re: Women's Health
Posted: Jun 28th, '18, 08:47    


Joined: Jan 8th, '10, 03:37
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As I'm currently on my period, this got me all riled up for exactly those reasons, pff.
It always baffles me that in many societies, menstruation is seen as a private or dirty topic.
Private, I get. But at the same time, periods affect people in significant ways.
People who menstruate have to work, go to class, and otherwise carry on their everyday tasks
without any consideration for the pain they're going through, or the mess they're dealing with.

And it always infuriates me when someone who doesn't menstruate,
and especially those who do!, get all weirded out talking about it.
I understand it's "dirty" considering it involves genitalia and blood,
but literally half the population deals with this? Why isn't it more widely accepted?
Why do people not know how it works?
It took me until a sexual health class in UNIVERSITY to fully understand the menstruation cycle and the various tools and birth control people can use.

I remember once I mentioned I was on my period casually,
probably because I was cramping or something, and a male friend got squeamish.
I made it a point to explain to him exactly what I was dealing with
and why it was ridiculous that he didn't like hearing me mention it casually like that.
I wasn't going into detail about the blood or anything, and even if I was ... ?
So what? MAN. I DON'T KNOW. I'm all worked up.
I know some of that is based on personal preference; sometimes people just don't like how unclean it can be.
I get that. But that's part of why I think pads and tampons and other tools
should be more widely accepted and DEFINITELY not taxed.
Why is it "weird" for a man to buy his girlfriend pads? It's not. Society, I swear. :qstr:

Also, I feel like I ought to mention the study done not long ago on male birth control.
And how they stopped tests on it because men were experiencing hormone changes they didn't like.
As if women don't deal with that with THEIR birth control.
I was terrified to get on BC again because of the hormonal shift I had when I first took it,
but I need to take it to regulate my period.
To be fair, I don't have a source and I'm too tired to look for one,
so my information might be a little off. But it'd be worth looking into.

My rant is over.
It's just so important to talk about these things.
And I feel it's important that people are open to these conversations.
It's not dirty. :<

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       Post subject: Re: Women's Health
      Posted: Jun 29th, '18, 21:50    


      Joined: Oct 1st, '16, 18:42
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      Exactly! Thank you so much!

      Every single biological female goes through this and yet the whole world still refuses to accept it's something natural. I was lucky that my education and school was very liberal and always taught girls safety when it came to menstruation but there are so, so many that don't and it's horrifying.

      My older sister went to a catholic school and they didn't let her use the bathroom even when she quietly told a FEMALE teacher she needed to change so she ended up humiliated and ashamed because she had blood on her skirt.

      It's as natural as any other body function!!!

      I think as a female it hits hard; especially when people are ignorant and refuse to see it as an issue. The cramps, the hormones - most side effects - are so debilitating and yet women are expected to continue like there's no issue. Some women don't get very many issues with theirs but OH BOY I DID. The cramps were almost unbearable, my cycle meant I had to change every hour almost and sometimes double on sanitary products if I knew a bathroom wasn't nearby - it's so exhausting.

      Teach your relatives and friends that it's nothing to be ashamed of!
      GIRLS - please don't put your health in danger just because you're embarrassed! We all understand the pain and suffering.

      And we definitely understand the need for chocolate~


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       Post subject: Re: Women's Health
      Posted: Jun 30th, '18, 05:32    


      Joined: Jan 8th, '10, 03:37
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      Yes! It's different for everyone, of course, but the basics are the same.
      And that's important to teach, too!
      I thought something was wrong with me because I had an irregular cycle.
      Still do, technically, but I finally saw a doctor about it and that's why I'm on BC.
      The first time I took BC was for ovarian cysts, so if this knocks those out too, I'm happy.

      That's terrible, about your sister. I can't imagine how hard that must have been.
      My older sister has an irregular period like me, except for me, I will go months
      (at one point, half a year!) without a period, and she will have a period for months at a time.
      I can't imagine being on that long. And she just had to keep doing things as if nothing had happened!

      Thankfully at school and with my jobs, I've not had issues.
      I can step off the floor when I need to and take care of things.
      Although, at my current job I have to walk around for ten hours.
      I sometimes have to take a seat because I get nauseated when I'm on my period,
      and we're not supposed to sit down ('cause it's like we're not working).
      No one's got on me for it yet, but I'm hoping "I'm nauseated bc of my period" is seen as valid.

      As an additional note, please see your doctor if you have concerns.
      I waited until I was 25 to see a doctor about my irregular period and pains.
      I avoided it because of the financial concern, and also because I didn't want bad news.
      Thankfully, it seems like I'm okay! Mostly? I don't know, they never gave me bad news, haha.
      And the birth control helps regulate my period, keeps my moods stable (unlike my old BC),
      and is perfectly timed for my current relationship, lol. So it worked out.
      BUT. I wish sometimes that I would have gone sooner, just in case something was wrong.
      Don't wait too long. And don't hesitate to ask questions!

      I'm getting over my period literally today, lol, the chocolate has been wonderful.

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           Post subject: Re: Women's Health
          Posted: Aug 16th, '18, 03:47    


          Joined: Apr 28th, '12, 07:41
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          The problem is sexism. I'm not even saying that as a joke. It's been taught that menstruation is somehow "dirty" since Biblical times. It's "unclean" in the Christian Bible, and because said book says that women are property, similar passages in the Quran, women are treated like lesser beings to men.

          I'm one of those unlucky ones who has to rely on birth control pills for hormonal regulation (otherwise I bleed like a stuck hog (In other words, I bleed heavily and risk bleeding out) and become anemic). I used to use disposable menstrual products (pads, tampons) and would have super heavy flow for most of a week. This went on from my first period until 2011. I then switched to reusable products (The DivaCup, in my case, and I'm looking for the fabric to make my own fabric pads), and my period is only heavy right during the end, for about two days.

          I still remember vividly the first period I had. I was about 11 or so, and had learned about periods beforehand, so I knew what was going on, but my mom got SO mad about it, and I still don't understand why, but that's neither here, nor there.

          If it were up to me, women would only have 2-3 days a month of having a period, and all women would have very light periods, without cramps or wild hormonal swings. They'd also have easy access to hygiene products.

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           Post subject: Re: Women's Health
          Posted: Aug 19th, '18, 21:20    


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          Everybody should be taught about about how the menstrual cycle works, and not at an age you know at least half of the girls might already have had their first.

          Tell them at a young age, normalize it. :}

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           Post subject: Re: Women's Health
          Posted: Nov 14th, '18, 03:35    


          Joined: Jan 25th, '16, 16:54
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          Ugh. Men accuse women of being too emotional, then they act like little babies about menstruation. There was no such thing as having a normal serious discussion with any dude at work about menstruation. Bring it up and the room cleared of all males.

          I ended up having my uterus and ovaries removed because my periods were becoming so painful that the pain was shooting down my legs and I coudn't even walk for a day or so in the beginning. Turned out that not only was I getting huge cysts on the ovaries that weren't going away, but one of them was gearing to turn cancerous. I was super lucky in the timing to catch it before it went full blown and hopefully none of the cells had migrated before removal.

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