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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Oct 15th, '18, 16:02    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
Posts: 7506
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet
(( And now it took me ages again... Sorry! ))

Ama smiled at Nox' excitement. She couldn't wait to try the fruits that were growing in the forest. She'd always had a fondness for raspberries and hoped they grew there as well.
"These are baked potatoes. Of course they're better than the bread you were given... We usually don't eat bread just plain, it does turn delicious when it is laden with butter and ham!"
She looked at Gustavo as well. "We could pack some and take it with us, right?"
He nodded slowly, thinking. There was still time to buy a pan to take with them... He thought about how Ama would take to living on charred fish and raw vegetables alone. The girl was used to the cooking of accomplished chefs all her life. It might be a good idea to take some cooking supplies, even if it meant more luggage to carry with them. But if he was truthful to himself, he just wanted to see Nox' excited face when he would teach him to fry things in a pan. He grinned. That was as good a reason as any, wasn't it?
He stood up. "I'll go get us some cooking supplies - we can take them with us and I can show you how it's done once we are in the forest, Nox. What do you think?"

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Most urgent wishes currently:

Ehlenia Eyes (Aqua), Eyrion Fan (Claret), Jiniri Hair (Mocha), Lunar Night Banshee Hair (Blue White), Bat Momma Eyes (Ecru)

Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Oct 16th, '18, 14:13    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
Posts: 10825
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"We … We're going to make baked p'tatoes?!" Nox beamed then nodded excitedly at the promise of cooking (and eating) the strange but delicious meal he just had. "That would be nice! Then we can show it to my brothers and they could all try the baked p'tatoes and then we'd eat it every day and every night." He then remembered hearing Ama mention butter and ham that she usually eats with the bread. "Maybe … maybe we could try the butter and ham too? I've never heard of it before- but only if it's okay! It's not really that important …" His face flushed as he looked to the side, slightly embarrassed with his request.

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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Oct 16th, '18, 16:48    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
Posts: 7506
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet
Gustavo's grin grew even wider when he saw Nox' reaction and he nodded and hurried outside, off to purchase a pan, some potatoes, butter and ham.

Feeling full and satisfied, Ama looked at the rest of their meal. "Have you finished eating, Nox? We still have quite a bit left, if you don't want to eat anymore, I'll look for a way to pack it for travelling."
She turned to look at the piles on the bed and sighed. If she was going to leave her good dresses in a carriage at the side of the road somewhere, there wasn't really any reason to have them intact, right? She could take some of the fabric to wrap the potatoes in it.

She stood up and started packing her "definitely need" pile into one of the saddle bags Gustavo had brought. She was relieved to see that everything fit inside, but she wouldn't be able to put one of the blankets into it as well.
Well, they could probably put the blankets onto Nox' horse, since he had no other luggage to take.
The jewellery box didn't really have space either, though. She opened it and took out one of her necklaces. Maybe she could just wear as much of the jewellery as possible and stuff the rest into the bags without the box? It seemed better than leaving it behind...

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My personal Quest thread:

And my buying thread!

My crafty hangout thread, where I talk about my sewing and crocheting projects and would love to hear about any kind of projects you do (or just come chat, that's fine too!):
Most urgent wishes currently:

Ehlenia Eyes (Aqua), Eyrion Fan (Claret), Jiniri Hair (Mocha), Lunar Night Banshee Hair (Blue White), Bat Momma Eyes (Ecru)

Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

I'm on Flight Rising and Tattered Weave as well- feel free to friend me!

 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Oct 28th, '18, 06:34    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
Posts: 10825
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Nox nodded to Gustavo before handing him what was left of his food; the bluebird, finally having enough of the movements of his bed, flew off and onto the nearby bed post. Then, he noticed Ama packing things into a bag and looking contemplative as she was holding one of those strange shiny things that she and her family wore. A lot of people at the ball wore those shiny things to, he recalled.

With silent steps, light as a feather, he crossed the room and neared Ama, cocking his head to the side as he took a closer look at what she was holding. "What is that?" He asked her, "Do you wear it for protection?"

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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Oct 28th, '18, 16:30    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
Posts: 7506
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet
Nox' question drew Ama out of her contemplation. "Protection? No, that's not what it's there for. It is for decoration, it's there to make one look more beautiful. We call it jewellery." She thought about her words for a moment and realized that it was only part of the truth. "Actually, one major part of it is that it's worth a lot, I think. Wearing it shows that you can afford it, it gives a hint about your status in society and your wealth."
She grinned. "That's why I'm looking at it right now - since it is worth a lot, I don't want to leave it behind, it could still be useful to us for trading for other things we need."
She smiled a little sadly before she admitted to herself and to Nox that there was more to it than that. "But I also really like it and would like to keep it. This necklace was a gift from my sister, there's memories of her and memories of events I wore it to attached to it."
And the same could be said for most of the pieces in the jewellery box. She liked them, she did feel beautiful when wearing them. She did not like the thought of parting with them, if she was honest with herself. Of course, if they needed money, she would not hesitate to sell some of it, but she'd rather it didn't come to that.

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My personal Quest thread:

And my buying thread!

My crafty hangout thread, where I talk about my sewing and crocheting projects and would love to hear about any kind of projects you do (or just come chat, that's fine too!):
Most urgent wishes currently:

Ehlenia Eyes (Aqua), Eyrion Fan (Claret), Jiniri Hair (Mocha), Lunar Night Banshee Hair (Blue White), Bat Momma Eyes (Ecru)

Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

I'm on Flight Rising and Tattered Weave as well- feel free to friend me!

 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Dec 3rd, '18, 16:58    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
Posts: 10825
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(( … ehe … … sorry for poofing again :mcsweat: ))

Nox turned silent for a while, eyes darting between the pieces of cut and polished gem stones before landing on a particular piece that shone blue even without the sufficient light to shine upon it. His eyes moved from the necklace to Ama then back to the necklace as if comparing the two. And that was exactly what he was doing.

"I don't understand why they had to give those to you. You don't need those to look beautiful." He shook his head as if vexed. "But humans are strange. Maybe they're too blinded to see beauty."

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Very inactive :mccry:

 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Dec 7th, '18, 00:38    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
Posts: 7506
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet
(( Haha, don't worry, I feel much better if I'm not the only one doing it from time to time :D ;) ))

When Ama heard Nox' words, she felt intense heat creep up her face. She feared she must appear glowing red.
Oh, she had been called beautiful before, but somehow it was very different the way Nox had said it. More sincere. Less appraising or superficial. The way he said it was rather matter-of-factly - but that only made it better. He didn't say it to please her, he said it because it was the truth to him, and Nox was someone who spoke the truth. It was something she deeply admired, the honesty and courage to just say what he thought. It reminded her a little bit of her sister. Ama herself had a tendency to catch her words in her mouth, weighing them on her tongue and trying to consider them fully before speaking them. It had probably done her much good in her life already, keeping her from clashing with her parents as Cassy often had. But at times it prevented her from speaking at all, and she hated that.
Right now for instance, she did not know what to say. There were words in her mouth that would slip there automatically, yes... Thank you, you're too kind! But they did not fit. They were the polite answer to a compliment given to please. But that was not what Nox had done. There were other words in her mind, too, not thankful and proper. She looked Nox in the eyes and just let them flow out of her. "I'm glad you think that. Maybe humans are strange, when I think about it like that." She chuckled a little. "But I am human as well, and like my shiny things to play with, too."

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My personal Quest thread:

And my buying thread!

My crafty hangout thread, where I talk about my sewing and crocheting projects and would love to hear about any kind of projects you do (or just come chat, that's fine too!):
Most urgent wishes currently:

Ehlenia Eyes (Aqua), Eyrion Fan (Claret), Jiniri Hair (Mocha), Lunar Night Banshee Hair (Blue White), Bat Momma Eyes (Ecru)

Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

I'm on Flight Rising and Tattered Weave as well- feel free to friend me!

 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Feb 5th, '19, 15:46    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
Posts: 10825
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(( I'm sorry again :( ))

"My younger brothers likes shiny things too. Most newborns do." Nox chuckled as he played with a fray on his shirt. "On most days, they'd show me their little shiny things after a day of exploring. Sometimes I would find a bunch of shiny stuff that they'd hide inside trees or under the earth."

He laughed as he recalled a certain memory and looked excitedly at Ama once again. "I could let them show you the shiny things they found, if you'd like. Then you'd have more friends to play shiny things with."

(( This is so short D: ))

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 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: Mar 1st, '19, 19:09    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
Posts: 7506
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Mood: Elusive Crumpet
(( Don't worry - as you can see, I'm no better ;)
Did I tell you that I made a dream avi for Ama? I put it in my quest thread, if you wanna see: click ))

Watching Nox as he spoke of his brothers was wonderful - the love and warmth that radiated from his face were almost physical. Ama smiled at the thought of playing with the young raven boys.
"I'd love to see their shiny things and play with them! If they want to show them to me, that is. Sometimes it's nice to have ones treasures secret and hidden, I understand that."
And she would be not only a stranger to them, but a human as well - one of the very people that were taking away their brothers, hunting them... Slight worry lines appeared on her forehead as she thought about that.
"I hope they'll want to play with me... I'm a human after all. My father is one of the people responsible for you being taken from them, for so much pain and suffering..." She trailed off, unsure how to capture this feeling of guilt that was suddenly gripping her in words.

((Sorry, this didn't turn out very long either))

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My personal Quest thread:

And my buying thread!

My crafty hangout thread, where I talk about my sewing and crocheting projects and would love to hear about any kind of projects you do (or just come chat, that's fine too!):
Most urgent wishes currently:

Ehlenia Eyes (Aqua), Eyrion Fan (Claret), Jiniri Hair (Mocha), Lunar Night Banshee Hair (Blue White), Bat Momma Eyes (Ecru)

Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

I'm on Flight Rising and Tattered Weave as well- feel free to friend me!

 Post subject: Re: A Rare Collectible [Eruvandir & Chrizine]
Posted: May 14th, '19, 17:38    


Joined: Feb 15th, '09, 12:48
Posts: 10825
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(( That dream avatar looks beautiful O_O I have the Aqua Ehlenia Eyes. Would you like them?))

Nox shook his head as hard and as fast as he could. "No, no! You're different and they would know it. They'll feel that you're different just as how I knew you were." He stood and crossed his arms in front of him but later moved them to rest on both sides of his hips. "And if they don't like you, I'll throw them off a branch. Then they'll come to their senses and see the real you." He grinned confidently. He was about to say more with how wide his mouth was opening when Gustavo reentered the room with a bag of cooking supplies.

"With you two still awake, I don't think we'll be able to leave for the forest before the whole village wakes up."

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Very inactive :mccry:

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