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 Post subject: [Insert ART here] OPEN art contest ♥
Posted: Jan 14th, '19, 22:48    


Joined: Jun 18th, '08, 13:34
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This time (again) my contest will be centered around multiple art subjects c:

Some subjects will be challenging, but the prizes will match the difficulty setting, trust me

This contest will run from the 15th of June till the 15th of August
Winners drawn on the 16th

Read on if this interests you! c:

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♥ Stefanie | 31 | infj | ace ♥
♥ Talk abt Transformers | Lolita fashion with me ♥

 Post subject: Re: setting up c:
Posted: Jan 14th, '19, 22:48    


Joined: Jun 18th, '08, 13:34
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You can make as many entries as you want, there is no limit!

Please don't trace, steal bases without credit, etc

I accept all forms of art, in all styles ranging from sketches to fully coloured and lined.

You can upload your images on any preferred site.

All entries must be sent by private message

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♥ Stefanie | 31 | infj | ace ♥
♥ Talk abt Transformers | Lolita fashion with me ♥

 Post subject: Re: setting up c:
Posted: Jan 14th, '19, 22:49    


Joined: Jun 18th, '08, 13:34
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Art subjects

I have no less than 3 subjects for you to choose from ~

1. I am stilllllll working on them cute friendship books for my best friends Sarah and Alex :qh:

I have a big reference bundle >> right here << with pictures of the both of them.

I still have a few cute scenes and such in mind that I'd love drawn, to place around the photos and papercraft stuff etc I'm putting in there.

(multiple entries can be made of the same idea/scene!)

• me/Sarah/Alex holding one part of a tin can phone with a long string
>> I would love to put these on the front/back of the albums. Like me on the front with one end of the tin can phone, the string connecting alllll the way through the album and then on both books its Sarah or Alex on the back with the other can! :P

• (also separate) me/Sarah/Alex eating a slice of pizza
>> I have a cute photo of us in a circle eating pizza on one of our girl nights, so these will go on either side

• Sarah/Alex peeking out from behind a wall (so you only need to draw like half upper body and head with like an arm or sth)

• Sarah cuddling a stuffed hippo (her fav plushie)

• Alex (and I) slurping frappuccinos/Starbucks (I already have some of those but I want a full page or two to rub it in/make it over the top silly as in 'Alex you're addicted!' :'P

• Me 'dressing up' Sarah like holding a pile of clothes for her to try on, holding a dress in front of her to see how it looks or piling a tower of hats on her head
>> one page near the end of the book has a lil 'to-do list' and shopping/dressing up together is on there so :P

• Sarah/Alex and I on a lil boat, in a lil cabrio car or with suitcases and sunglasses and a flower lei around our necks etc, vacation vibes basically
>> going on a vacay together is also on the to-do list


2. So I've got this Transformers OC c':

basically been having this git in my head for over 3+ years and always cursed my inability to draw, since (understandably) a lot of artists don't want to work without a reference!

but I finally bit the bullet and got art of him from someone, who didn't really nail his design but they made enough effort for the art to hopefully serve as a starting reference for someone to tweak it into really being my oc?

I am going to dump ALL of my references that I can think off here, hopefully condensed into a coherent list.

Under that I will have a link to the only drawn ref I have, which as I said is to be seen as a ref that needs a lot of work and tweaking but it hopefully can give you a basic visual idea of what my oc looks like!

if you're in any way willing to draw my oc I would really love it if you would be willing to read the references and give it a try! ♥

Here's where the wall of text occurs, apologies in advance! c':

(Every number is a reference link)

• The base design of my oc Treak is in the genre of Deathsaurus (1. 2. 3. 4.)
• He is a beastformer, with his altmode being the shape of a white gryphon (1. 2.)
• His colouring and part of his design is also based on the thunderbird in HP (not really based on but I saw that movie and went O8 that is Treak's shade of gold and white accent colour omg so its definitely a reference! 1. 2. 3.)


• His helm/head is like Deathsaurus, it consists of a face with a set of eyes (gold colour), a nose and mouth. But on top of his regular face he has a helm that looks like a white gryphon/thunderbird, with a beak and another set of eyes (1.2.)
• The bird part of his head is all gold including the eyes, and he has at the top sides of his head two sharp featherlike horns like the Thunderbird (1.)
• The part below that is a regular face which is lighter coloured, closer to white-gold with gold eyes and a sharp nose and lines below his eyes like Deathsaurus (1. 2.)
• He has fangs, which you can see if he smiles wide/open enough (1.)
• He does not have a blocky chin like the previous Deathsaurus reference, just a regular humanoid chin.


• At the bottom of his neck he has mechanical feathers that slightly peek over his chest in sort of a ruffle (1. the reference is pretty much his altmode, only in gold and white)
• His chest is sleek, not boxy like most transformers, with a big strong chest like a buff build, with a defined waist (1. 2. )
• The general shape of his frame is that of a flyer, only he doesn't have the cockpit and turbines that Seekers do (1. 2. )
• He has lines on his torso to define his waist and separate his chest from where his waist begins (1. 2. 3. <- right purple character)
• His wings are big/long, with separate-feather plates in the gold-white colour of the thunderbird. (1. 2. )
• His shoulders have layered plates that stick out/go a bit further over his arms, again resembling feathers (1. )
• His hands have long sharp claws (1. 2. )
• He has a tail-featherskirt like a bird, a short little 'cape' that sits above and sticks out a bit from his behind. Its made up of smaller 'feathers' at the side and slightly longer in the middle. Its also coloured gold with more gold-white for the outer plates. (1. 2. )


• His legs and feet are gold coloured
• His legs are based on general birds and the gryphon and thunderbird, so bigger/wider built on top from his thigh and tapering down into a sleeker ankle (1. 2. 3.)
• He has small plates of plate-feathers right above his feet, like the gryphon again but more like armor plated boots (1.)
• His feet are like a bird, only he has 4 claws at the front and one at the back and the toes/claws are not thin and long, they're shorter and wider like Deathsaurus (1. 2.)


After all that text I hope you have an image in your head of Treak, I'll share the only art I have ever received of him just to give you an idea but note that THIS IS NOT FULLY ACCURATE WITH MY DESCRIPTIONS ABOVE

The artist really tried and I'm hoping you can just use this as a reference to work with, not as a true image of exactly what Treak looks like.


3. So I also like lolita fashion c':

And I'd like some art of my favourite lolita outfits ~
Some examples can be found on my instagram but you can also look at some cute lolita coords/outfits for inspiration and go with your own idea!

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♥ Stefanie | 31 | infj | ace ♥
♥ Talk abt Transformers | Lolita fashion with me ♥

 Post subject: Re: setting up c:
Posted: Jan 14th, '19, 22:50    


Joined: Jun 18th, '08, 13:34
Posts: 62041
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Location: Belgium
Art entries






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♥ Stefanie | 31 | infj | ace ♥
♥ Talk abt Transformers | Lolita fashion with me ♥

 Post subject: Re: setting up c:
Posted: Jan 14th, '19, 22:51    


Joined: Jun 18th, '08, 13:34
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Location: Belgium

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♥ Stefanie | 31 | infj | ace ♥
♥ Talk abt Transformers | Lolita fashion with me ♥

 Post subject: Re: setting up c:
Posted: Jan 14th, '19, 22:52    


Joined: Jun 18th, '08, 13:34
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The good part

In the art category


1st place: 3 :fc:

2nd place: 2 :fc:

3rd place: 100k :food:


1st place: 5 :fc:

2nd place: 3 :fc:

3rd place: 200k :food:


1st place: 5 :fc:

2nd place: 3 :fc:

3rd place: 200k :food:
Prizes can be added with enough entries!

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♥ Stefanie | 31 | infj | ace ♥
♥ Talk abt Transformers | Lolita fashion with me ♥

 Post subject: Re: setting up c:
Posted: Jan 14th, '19, 22:52    


Joined: Jun 18th, '08, 13:34
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Location: Belgium

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♥ Stefanie | 31 | infj | ace ♥
♥ Talk abt Transformers | Lolita fashion with me ♥

 Post subject: Re: setting up c:
Posted: Jan 14th, '19, 22:54    


Joined: Jun 18th, '08, 13:34
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♥ Stefanie | 31 | infj | ace ♥
♥ Talk abt Transformers | Lolita fashion with me ♥

 Post subject: Re: [Art contest] ♥ OPEN ♥
Posted: Jan 15th, '19, 13:42    


Joined: Jun 18th, '08, 13:34
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I have no inspiration for a title atm, but the contest is OPEN ♥

Do let me know what you think of my prizes, if they're too low or such o':

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♥ Stefanie | 31 | infj | ace ♥
♥ Talk abt Transformers | Lolita fashion with me ♥

 Post subject: Re: [Art contest] ♥ OPEN ♥
Posted: Jan 15th, '19, 16:16    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
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Yesssss! :)

Thanks for again giving us a writing category and I love the subject of it :)

At the moment I have some deadlines coming up, so I probably shouldn't start working on this right away, but you've given us plenty of time :)

One question though: Do you want us to announce here which dragon we're working on so that people can spread out a bit and you won't receive a ton of entries for the same dragon?

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My personal Quest thread:

And my buying thread!

My crafty hangout thread, where I talk about my sewing and crocheting projects and would love to hear about any kind of projects you do (or just come chat, that's fine too!):
Most urgent wishes currently:

Ehlenia Eyes (Aqua), Eyrion Fan (Claret), Jiniri Hair (Mocha), Lunar Night Banshee Hair (Blue White), Bat Momma Eyes (Ecru)

Check out jacobgrey's awesome interactive Harry Potter Fanfiction thread!

I'm on Flight Rising and Tattered Weave as well- feel free to friend me!

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