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 Post subject: Re: [Art contest] ♥ OPEN ♥
Posted: Jan 19th, '19, 19:53    


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When it comes to the really basic furniture it really is haha
fitting those lil wooden nubs in, twisting in screws and watching a chair or closet come together is really fun and to me also partly relaxing c:

It is! I still need a few things, waiting on a long board/shelf atm which will come Tuesday, that I'm going to hang up over my dress rack. Then I can put all my lolita accessories on it and my wigs etc, exciting! cx
I love those lil decorating projects, I have so many cute lil stuff coming in from aliexpress haha to really pink up my room ~

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♥ Stefanie | 31 | infj | ace ♥
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 Post subject: Re: [Art contest] ♥ OPEN ♥
Posted: Jan 19th, '19, 20:03    


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I know exactly what you mean :)
It can get too much though - I once had to screw in every single board of the slatted frame of an ikea bed, and it was fixed to the bed (it had a part to pull out to make it a two-person bed - actually quite neat and I did love that bed), so I had to do parts of it while oddly half-kneeling, half lying under the bed... There's a funny photograph of that somewhere :D

And yay for decoration stuff coming soon! Putting all that up will be fun :)

My favourite decoration project is ever ongoing - it's the wall above my desk where I hang funny postcards and stuff like that whenever I find something I like :) Quite a lot of it is covered by now :)
Hanging other stuff on the walls is unfortunately a bit difficult in our flat - they are so hard that you can't hammer in nails (they just always bend, even the good steel ones), so you always have to drill a hole, which is work and makes a mess... Luckily I can just stick my postcards to the wall with some glue-like things.

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 Post subject: Re: [Art contest] ♥ OPEN ♥
Posted: Jan 19th, '19, 20:09    


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I have to call my dad in with his drill everytime we get something to hang up, going to be the same with my long shelf. Wsh I could just hammer but I'm afraid I'll just mess it up so I don't even try, not sure if its possible with our walls.

I have a lot of art I want to hang up but I need to find a good way to do it that doesn't involve drilling holes. Sticking it with glue or such is an option but I don't know if they'll really stick...

but I got a while to figure that out :P

a collection of funny postcards and the like sounds super cute! Have you been collecting those things for a long time?

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♥ Stefanie | 31 | infj | ace ♥
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 Post subject: Re: [Art contest] ♥ OPEN ♥
Posted: Jan 19th, '19, 20:19    


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We just kept the drill that actually belongs to my bf's mom, since we use it more often :D But she lives close by, so if she needs it for something, she can easily come by and pick it up (she also has a car and we don't, so...).

I wouldn't try hanging a shelf on nails in any case. But smaller things, like framed pictures can often be hung on a small nail, if you manage to get the nail into the wall. Also leaves a much smaller hole in the end.

I have some poster tacks from the tesa powerstrip series and those are holding up pretty well. And you're supposed to be able to remove them easily as well (in general, the tesa powerstrip stuff is pretty good, we also have some hooks in the bathroom from that line and stuff).

Yes, I've actually started that habit of collecting postcards and hanging them on the walls in my old room at home while I was still in school :)
I used to have different themes in different parts of the room... Like, I had funny ones over my desk to cheer me up while I was working. Then some vaguely beauty-themed or just plain pretty ones around my mirror. And some that I collected from our local theater over my bed - they used to make a postcard for every production they had, so I collected the postcards of everything I had seen on one side and everything I had played in on the other (I used to do some children's choir and background acting stuff).
I only took the funny ones from over my desk when I moved out and continued that collection, though, the rest is still in my old room at home.

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 Post subject: Re: [Art contest] ♥ OPEN ♥
Posted: Jan 19th, '19, 20:23    


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we did use some hooks in the bathroom to hang a towel on etc that you just stick to the wall with a glue strip and that's holding up swell. But the cute heart hooks I have that have the same principle keep falling off even with a light blouse on them :'c

Are you going to get your old collection someday and do the theme thing again in your current place? sounds super cute, I think it'd be a pity if you threw that away cause you spent so much time amassing your collection

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♥ Stefanie | 31 | infj | ace ♥
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 Post subject: Re: [Art contest] ♥ OPEN ♥
Posted: Jan 19th, '19, 20:32    


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Try some different brand of glue strips on the heart hooks? Maybe the glue is just not great. I'm sure you can find something the fits them reasonably or buy some really big ones and cut them to the right shape.

Probably not - my beauty themed collection never was very big (since the wall that the mirror hangs on just didn't have more space) and the theater cards are pretty damaged by the light shining on them already, so they don't really look all that great anymore. And the theater is not doing new ones anymore either...
But if I ever have a theater near me that does something like that, I'd probably start collecting again :D
Maybe I'll put up beauty themed ones again at some point, but in our current bedroom it wouldn't really fit all that well. And then there's also the fact that the bedroom is not just my room, so my bf would have to agree to the idea as well. The wall over my desk is just mine and I can do what I want :D (Even though it's in our living room, actually... But since he got his own room for his desk and I just got a corner of the living room, he can't really deny me the right to decorate it however I want ;))

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 Post subject: Re: [Art contest] ♥ OPEN ♥
Posted: Jan 19th, '19, 20:38    


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Yeah I'll have to look into that, just haven't gotten to it yet c':

I'm glad you have your own corner, living together is nice but having something you can really call 'yours' in terms of decorating is imo also important.

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♥ Stefanie | 31 | infj | ace ♥
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 Post subject: Re: [Art contest] ♥ OPEN ♥
Posted: Jan 19th, '19, 20:45    


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Yeah, that was one of the things that was important to us when we moved in together - we wanted to really have our desks in separate rooms that would then be like "my room". It ended up being just a corner for me, since the flat doesn't have that many rooms, but it works all the same. It basically just means I got a very big room, since my bf isn't really spending time in the living room except when we're spending it together :P

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 Post subject: Re: [Art contest] ♥ OPEN ♥
Posted: Jan 19th, '19, 20:51    


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His desk is in the bedroom then or?

the bff and I are actually waiting on two desks/workspaces being delivered on Tuesday as well and then we'll be sitting directly across from each other in the living room haha

but ofc we do have our own bedrooms

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♥ Stefanie | 31 | infj | ace ♥
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 Post subject: Re: [Art contest] ♥ OPEN ♥
Posted: Jan 19th, '19, 22:04    


Joined: May 1st, '14, 21:58
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No, he actually has a small room to himself. Which I think is like the children's room on the plan of the apartment :D
The bedroom isn't very big, no desk would fit in there.

But I'm sometimes really glad to have the big space, since my desk is kind of next to the tv, so when I put my chair away I have a big floor space in front of my desk and the tv. It's really useful, for example for laying out fabric :D
And I have the tv, so I can watch youtube from the couch when I want to :P It's nice when i want to crochet on the side, that's more comfy on the couch.

So yeah, I think we both got what we liked best out of this way of using the rooms - he has his mancave where he can close the door and be to himself, which is super important to him and I have all the space and comforts of the living room, which I find rather useful :D

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Most urgent wishes currently:

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