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Information for new members
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to help new members to understand the site.  33%  [ 12 ]
I'll hopefully add more info soon.  33%  [ 12 ]
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 Post subject: FIRST STEPS - A beginners' guide to the Kingdom of Knuffel
Posted: Dec 30th, '21, 22:10    


Joined: Aug 16th, '08, 20:20
Posts: 14730
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Welcome to the Kingdom of Knuffel!

This is forum-based avatar and virtual pets site.
As a community we tend to be shy and our activity in the forums is sometimes slow - don't worry if your posts don't get an inmediate reply, we are probably doing something else (creating new avatars or playing with our pets) but you'll soon see posts popping here and there!

The best place to start is creating your own thread in the Newbies welcome forum.
Introduce yourself and get to know some of the members!

And while you wait for a reply, use this little guide to learn a bit more about the site you have just joined. Be aware that this hardly comprehends more than the basics to get started, so do not hesitate to ask any question - here or in any other subforums.
We're proud to say our memberbase is very nice, you won't get any rude reply to your questions!


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G U I D E - F O R - N E W - M E M B E R S

. A v a t a r . I t e m . G u i d e .
A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

 Post subject: Re: FIRST STEPS - A beginners' guide to the Kingdom of Knuff
Posted: Dec 30th, '21, 22:11    


Joined: Aug 16th, '08, 20:20
Posts: 14730
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We have four different currencies, which allow us to buy different kinds of items in different stores.

:food: Food Points

This is our main currency. We often call it just "food" or "FPs".

As a newbie you may earn it by posting. When you get a Knuffel, your pet will earn you some FPs as well.
This is the currency that most of the permanent shops accept. Have in mind that our permanent shops have TONS of items, so you'll always find things to buy with FPs.
You can also buy Knuffels (virtual pets) with FPs.

:fc: Fairy Coins

This is our premium currency. We often call it just "FCs".

You can buy an FC for 1.90€ or $2.50. (Link to donation page.)
If you buy several FCs within a month you may qualify to special rewards (see here).
Image Image
FCs are mainly used to buy items in the Treasure Trove (link here) in which are released sets that are only avaliable for a limited time.
Monthly Treasures (MT) are sets of 8 items which are avaliable for a month only, and other sets (usually containing 3-4 items) are avaliable for three months.

FCs are very valuable compared to FPs: Other users would buy one FC for at least 100 000 FPs !
That's a lot to get started, so consider whether that option suits you.

:ttok: Troth Tokens

This is a free currency which was added as a reward for regular members.

Every day you log in you'll be able to claim your Tokens. The longer you come to Kingdom Of Knuffel for several days in a row, the more Troth Tokens you can claim per day - going from 1 to 10 a day.
Have in mind that if you don't claim your Troth Tokens for a day your count goes back to 1 Troth Token.

Troth Tokens can be used to buy avatar items in the Troth Tent (link here).
Most of them are permanent items, but there is also one monthly limited item.

Image Frosted Donuts

This is a free currency which was added as a reward for active posters.

The Candy Caravan is a regular event shop which is only avaliable during a few days a month, and the only place in which you can spend your Donuts.

Whenever the Candy Caravan is in town each post you make gives you one Donut.
When the Candy Caravan is not in town you can still get Donuts for posting randomly.

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G U I D E - F O R - N E W - M E M B E R S

. A v a t a r . I t e m . G u i d e .
A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

 Post subject: Re: FIRST STEPS - A beginners' guide to the Kingdom of Knuff
Posted: Dec 30th, '21, 22:12    


Joined: Aug 16th, '08, 20:20
Posts: 14730
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Mood: Glad to be back! ^o^

One of the main attractives of this site is the beautiful avatars.
Do you want to create one?
Head over to your wardrobe (link here).
All the items you already own are listed there in seven different categories: Clothing, Head Stuff, Accesories, Hand Items, Body Parts, Animals and Background Stuff. The other two categories (Quest Material and Room Items) are not directly related to avatar creation and will be treated in the next sections.

You can try different items and see how it looks, then hit the Image button to make it public.
Your new avatar will show in all your posts (old and new) as well as in your profile.


As a new member you will have only a bunch of starter items.
So once you gather some currency you will want to buy new items for your avatar. Head to the shops and this is what you'll find:

To buy with FPs:
  • Bananarama is the best clothing store to get started because it has tons of items in plenty of colors at very affordable prices.
  • The other clothing store is Lunatic Fringe, which has more elaborated (and also more expensive) items.
  • Purikura is an store fully dedicated to background items.
  • The Family Jewels is an store fully dedicated to accesories.
  • Rikashitsu is an store fully dedicated to body parts. Please note that most items are removable (and will appear in your wardrobe) but skin color is not.
  • The Cutting Crew is an store fully dedicated to hairstyles. Those are not removable either, but most of them are quite affordable.
To buy with another currency:
  • Treasure Trove is an special store in which each set of items is sold for 1 FC.
  • You can use Troth Tokens to buy a variety of items from the Troth Tent.
The Living Empire is an store fully dedicated to room items, which we'll cover in the pets section.

So much stuff! What to buy?

Sometimes it's hard to choose. Despite the preview image, you may find yourself hesitating what to buy.
A good way to start is by creating a Dream Avatar (link here).

In the Dream Avatar Creator (DAC) all the items ever released are avaliable.
In order to browse all those items you can filter by color (good idea to create a new avatar just for fun, even if you can't actually wear it right away) or search those items from the stores you like and try the whole outfit before buying them.

If you have already spotted one item you like but you can't afford it right away you can add it to your wishlist (link here).
The wishlist is public so it's easy to show to other members who may want to help you in your avatar quest.

Avatar fun!

If you like avatar creation, I suggest you to check the Knuffel & Avatar subforum, in which you may find several avatar-related game threads as well as an (unofficial) weekly contest - open for everybody to join and host!

Also do not forget the monthly official contest (link here).
The reward for the best three avatars each month is a lovely medal.

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G U I D E - F O R - N E W - M E M B E R S

. A v a t a r . I t e m . G u i d e .
A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

 Post subject: Re: FIRST STEPS - A beginners' guide to the Kingdom of Knuff
Posted: Dec 30th, '21, 22:13    


Joined: Aug 16th, '08, 20:20
Posts: 14730
Hugs: 63404
Mood: Glad to be back! ^o^

Regular Knuffel

Our pets are called Knuffel. That's why this is the Kingdom of Knuffel, of course.
You can adopt one at Knufftropolis (link here) for 1900 FPs - but since you are new you can get a FREE trial knuffel now!

Have in mind that the trial knuffel will disappear right after the trial period finishes, with no warning.
If you want to keep it, make sure to buy it before the counter goes down to zero!

Make sure to feed and play with your knuffels as often as you can, since this will earn them experience (XP).
When their energy and happiness bars are grey they are ready to dig.
They dig in the Candyland Island (link here) and there they may find material (see section below), special digging items or even some FPs.

You will also earn 1000 FPs every 10 levels they reach, which means that at level 20 they have already paid off the investment you made!
If you decide you no longer want a knuffel, you can always give it up - and you will get more FPs for them.
(If you like virtual pets, don't let the price stop you because soon you'll earn it back.)

There are several strategies (to earn more XP, or more FPs, or more material) which you can read about on the Knuffel & Avatar subforum, but at this point I would encourage you to not worry much about any of them and simply learn the ropes.
There are also some props which would help them (funcional room items, daycare coupons and happy pills) which -hopefully- will be covered in this guide in the future.
If you want to learn more about Knuffel you may check the Knuffel Information Guide (link here).

NOTE: Knuffel fights have not been implemented yet, so don't overthink which fighting bonus you choose - just get one at random.

Material for the Oficial Quests

When you dig you may find some materials, which are non-wearable items stored in the Material section of your wardrobe. They are used in Official Quests.

Go to the Castle (link here) and make sure to start with one of the easiest ones (one star). An NPC will request something for you and will give you something in return.
To create whatever the NPC requests you must visit the Alchemist, who would give you a list of materials and an amount of FPs required for it.
Take your time to complete the quest and go back to the Alchemist when you have them all. Then return to the Castle for your reward.

It's important not to give up any quest unless you are sure you never intend to try it again - quests which you have given up won't appear in the Castle anymore!

If you want some tips on where to dig to find some materials check the Digging Guide (link here).
If you don't have much luck finding the materials you need try the Selling subforum. They are usually affordable and often it's easier gathering the FPs than finding the exact materials you need.
Image Image

Wild Knuffel

These are user-created Knuffel, and they are adopted in a different section (link here).
They behave in a completely different fashion: they can't dig, and you won't get any FPs when they level up - you will get unique items instead!

FP-wise they are probably not the best investment for a new user (many of the items are quite cheap nowadays) but some of them are so beautiful it might be worth for you anyway.

If you like drawing you may want to consider creating a Wild Knuffel yourself!
Not only it's very cool, creators do get a 50% share of all adoption fees collected.

Knuffel Rooms

All types of Knuffel live in cute rooms which can be decorated to your taste.
Visit the Living Empire to buy whatever items you want for each of your Knuffel rooms. Most of the have only decorative purposes, but notice the ones under the label Functional also have some sort of funcion.

There is a monthly official contest (link here) and the reward for the best three rooms each month is a lovely trophy which will give you FPs every day.

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G U I D E - F O R - N E W - M E M B E R S

. A v a t a r . I t e m . G u i d e .
A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

 Post subject: Re: FIRST STEPS - A beginners' guide to the Kingdom of Knuff
Posted: Dec 30th, '21, 22:15    


Joined: Aug 16th, '08, 20:20
Posts: 14730
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Mood: Glad to be back! ^o^
Get social

For some of us socializing does not come naturally, but in forum-based site it's the easiest way to work everything out!
Here are some tips:


If you have not done so yet, introduce yourself in the Newbies Welcome subforum.
You don't have to be very detailed, but it will help you to see which members are more active in your time zone.
We are kinda shy, so don't despair if it takes a few hours before someone actually replies!

Where to chat?

In the Chats & Discussions subforum we create threads for almost any topic, feel free to jump into any which seems interesting. Or create your own!
We also have specific subforums for certain subjects, check the main forum page to see whether any of the suit your interests.

There is another section where a lot of chatting happens: the Hangouts subforum.
Hangouts are usually run by one or a few people, in which those people talk about very random stuff. Quite like you'd do with RL people.
Most of them are public but for a new member it might be daunting to post in one without a previous invitation. Maybe someone who replied to your introduction or you've met in another subforum has a hangout? Looking for a familiar username may make things a bit easier.

Meet some kind users

I would like to say we are a very nice community, but some people are specially nice.
Head to the Charities subforum, where some of our nicest members will give you items, knuffel or FPs for free.
Isn't that the best way to get started?

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G U I D E - F O R - N E W - M E M B E R S

. A v a t a r . I t e m . G u i d e .
A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

 Post subject: Re: FIRST STEPS - A beginners' guide to the Kingdom of Knuff
Posted: Dec 30th, '21, 22:15    


Joined: Aug 16th, '08, 20:20
Posts: 14730
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Mood: Glad to be back! ^o^
Earning FPs

Because Food Points are the main currency on the site, it's of course of much interest learning about ways to earn them.


This is straightforward: every times you post you earn some FPs.
So check the different subforums, see what suits you better and post. We have subforums for several different themes.
Also for general content use the Chats & Discussions subforum.
And if you would like an ongoing conversation with a group of people, join a Hangout.

Last but not least, when everything else fails post in Spam subforum!
Everything is allowed there, even one-word posts, so it's easy to increase your FP count by posting repeteadly there.
That said, remember to keep your spam out of all the other subforums!

Regular Knuffel

Do you like our pets? Go ahead and grab your free trial knufel or adopt more for a fee of 1900 FPs. It's not only cute, it will help you earn FPs in three different ways.
  • Digging: There is a chance of finding FPs when they don't find any material.
    So less skilled knuffel are more likely to find FPs than more skilled ones.
  • Leveling up: You get 1000 FPs every 10 levels.
  • Giving up: You can give up your knuffel (which will no longer belong to you) and will receive 100 FPs per level.
    Don't give up a knuffel below level 10 (or you'll be losing FPs). It's encouraged that you wait at least until level 20 to make decent profit by giving them up.
Wild Knuffel

Are you an artist?
Then you're lucky: you can draw your own knuffel and sell them for a profit!
Read all about it here.


If you can afford to sell some of your Fairy Coins you would make the quickest profit ever.
Other than that you can try to sell your spare event items, since there are always users who don't have the time to complete their sets.
And if you are very active in the forum and manage to earn some extra Donuts, those items are usually very easy to sell too.

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G U I D E - F O R - N E W - M E M B E R S

. A v a t a r . I t e m . G u i d e .
A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

 Post subject: Re: FIRST STEPS - A beginners' guide to the Kingdom of Knuff
Posted: Dec 30th, '21, 22:17    


Joined: Aug 16th, '08, 20:20
Posts: 14730
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G U I D E - F O R - N E W - M E M B E R S

. A v a t a r . I t e m . G u i d e .
A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

 Post subject: Re: FIRST STEPS - A beginners' guide to the Kingdom of Knuff
Posted: Dec 30th, '21, 22:18    


Joined: Aug 16th, '08, 20:20
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G U I D E - F O R - N E W - M E M B E R S

. A v a t a r . I t e m . G u i d e .
A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

 Post subject: Re: FIRST STEPS - A beginners' guide to the Kingdom of Knuff
Posted: Dec 30th, '21, 22:18    


Joined: Aug 16th, '08, 20:20
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G U I D E - F O R - N E W - M E M B E R S

. A v a t a r . I t e m . G u i d e .
A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

 Post subject: Re: FIRST STEPS - A beginners' guide to the Kingdom of Knuff
Posted: Dec 30th, '21, 22:19    


Joined: Aug 16th, '08, 20:20
Posts: 14730
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Mood: Glad to be back! ^o^

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G U I D E - F O R - N E W - M E M B E R S

. A v a t a r . I t e m . G u i d e .
A work on progress, but already quite a bunch of sets to check!

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