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Re: ¥ The Bento Box ¥ Come learn Japanese

Posted: Jan 19th, '09, 05:26
by [[Ayame]]
The Bento Box is now open! x3 Feel free to post, Knufflers. <3

*cuts le ribbon*

Re: ¥ The Bento Box ¥ Come learn Japanese

Posted: Jan 19th, '09, 05:52
by Tnseukkoi
Watashi no namae wa Tnseukkoi desu.
Experience: beginner
I want to learn Japanese because I would like to learn another language, and a friend of mine started teaching me, but had to stop cause her computer died.

Ooo am I the first gakusei?

Re: ¥ The Bento Box ¥ Come learn Japanese

Posted: Jan 19th, '09, 05:54
by [[Ayame]]
Yay welcome. xD <3

Yes you are the first. ^^

Hmmm I shall have to fix the transparency on that image....

Re: ¥ The Bento Box ¥ Come learn Japanese

Posted: Jan 19th, '09, 05:58
by Tnseukkoi
:qcute: Yey!

It looks neat that way.

Re: ¥ The Bento Box ¥ Come learn Japanese

Posted: Jan 19th, '09, 06:00
by [[Ayame]]
Neat with or without the transparency? xD

Sorry to do this to you, but could you please edit your post with this image?


Code: Select all



Re: ¥ The Bento Box ¥ Come learn Japanese

Posted: Jan 19th, '09, 06:04
by Tnseukkoi
Without, but now that I look at it the transparent one is better.

Re: ¥ The Bento Box ¥ Come learn Japanese

Posted: Jan 19th, '09, 06:08
by [[Ayame]]
Glad you think so.

Thank you for 'Gakusei'. x3 I will replace 'student' with it.

So about how much Japanese do you know? :qo: Any Hiragana?

The 'week' will start tomorrow, btw. That's when I will start to teach, and hopefully we will have more members. Some of my friends want to join but they're offline.

Re: ¥ The Bento Box ¥ Come learn Japanese

Posted: Jan 19th, '09, 06:53
by Tnseukkoi


I`m still working on memorizing Hiragana. So far I know Ka`s and ga`s. also A, I, O, E, U and N. And I know basic sentence structure and Wa and Desu.

Re: ¥ The Bento Box ¥ Come learn Japanese

Posted: Jan 19th, '09, 07:12
by [[Ayame]]
*cheats with an early lesson* Your welcome = Douitashimashite
Pronouned like doh-i-tashi-mashte. I pronounced like in 'it'. I'll be more thorough in pronunciation tomorrow.

I'm still working on Hiragana too. *lazy* I know a through no; I used to know them all roughly but I forgot. <.<;; Trouble is, even tho I can recognize a-no, I can only write a-to from memeory.

Sentence structure really gets me. :/

Re: ¥ The Bento Box ¥ Come learn Japanese

Posted: Jan 19th, '09, 07:20
by Kaiyumi
I have found it! <3 *feels smart, even though all she did was click Ayame's signature* o_o'

It doesn't look too plain to me. Is there banners? So that I can spread the word of a new hangout that teaches Japanese <3?

...And would I be considered as a Beginner o_o;?