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Re: Sweeney Todd, anyone?

Posted: Mar 15th, '11, 14:20
by Miko
I absolutely LOVE Sweeney Todd.
But then again... I love pretty much everything containing Johnny Depp.

Re: Sweeney Todd, anyone?

Posted: Mar 16th, '11, 07:33
by Owl Dawn
I really loved it. Seeing this thread makes me want to watch it again right now. xD

Re: Sweeney Todd, anyone?

Posted: Apr 11th, '11, 17:44
by guzophela
I was just thinking about making a spam board where I belt the lyrics out. -listening to the CD now-
Ahaha, but yes. I didn't like the movie much since my first experience with it was basically the music. I feel like all the humor was taken out of "A Little Priest" and they took out one of the greatest songs where Johanna, Anthony, Beadle, Judge Turpin, and Sweeney all sing together ("Kiss Me 2"). The quality of singing in the movie was also a huge let down (who told Alan Rickman he was allowed to sing? They need to be slapped), but the visuals were pretty good. The picks for the actors (aside from the singing issue) were great (especially Jayne Wisener and Sacha Baron Cohen) plus I thought it was an excellent choice to make Toby younger. In the original story he was an older teen, which made his devotion to Mrs. Lovett weird, but making him younger made it a lot less creepy.

Re: Sweeney Todd, anyone?

Posted: Apr 20th, '11, 05:25
by ArtemisII
It makes me crave a meat pie now :mccry:

Re: Sweeney Todd, anyone?

Posted: May 9th, '11, 00:32
by Solarista
I thought it was and awesome film <3. i like Mrs Lovett and Sweeney. My love for Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Depp <3. Tim Burton always does amazing films.

Re: Sweeney Todd, anyone?

Posted: Jun 6th, '11, 08:37
by Sabby1300
LOVE IT! I'm always getting its songs stuck in my head. And I love Todd's line, "AT LAST! My arm is complete again." Its macabre humor's also enjoyable. Tim Burton should stick to his mature, dark films. When he did 'Alice' he lost huge points in my opinion. It had his signature elements of darkness in it, yes, but the screenplay was just....horrible. And so was the actress who played Alice. She's cute, but she cannot act worth a flip. This is all just me ranting. You don't have to take any of it seriously. I'm just in a ranting mood.

Re: Sweeney Todd, anyone?

Posted: Jun 9th, '11, 09:27
by kim01
I just LOOOVE Sweeney Todd! :mclove:
It's the best movie ever made. after I saw it the first time I was in shock for about eight hours, I saw the world from a new perspective. then the next day when I woke up, I was compeled by it. :mcshock:
But I don't like Anthony, well he's a nice guy. But he always ruins everything. he always walks though the dor when he shouldn't. but of course, if he didn't do it, the movie wouldn't be so great :mctongue:

Re: Sweeney Todd, anyone?

Posted: Jun 11th, '11, 22:44
by Roiya
it was very interesting i love the goth like feel of it

Re: Sweeney Todd, anyone?

Posted: Jun 12th, '11, 08:45
by Mirika
You certainly must love other movies of Tim Burton too, then.

Re: Sweeney Todd, anyone?

Posted: Jun 28th, '11, 23:18
by The_Fluffy_Kitten
Dude, I love this movie! ^^