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Re: Those Old Cartoons

Posted: May 27th, '12, 14:06
by Kingsfoil
I remember Pound Puppies! And minimal pieces of He-man, She-ra, Care Bares, and My Little Pony. I think I mostly watched things like Loony Toons, Merry Melodies, Wonderful World of Disney, and stuff like that. Of course, at that time we were still watching Betamax.

Re: Those Old Cartoons

Posted: Jun 26th, '12, 09:29
by GreenPinguin
Cat´s eye, Sailor Moon, Saberrider, Gargoyles, Robin Hood (the anime), the jungle book, Powerrangers (the very first), Thundercats, Dragon Ball, Powerpuff Girls, Looney Tunes, Ducktails, Gummi Bears, Kickers, Rock´n Roll kids, Lady Oscar, Golden Boy (hrhrhrhr), Ranma 1/2, Digimon...
i guess there´re much more ^^

Re: Those Old Cartoons

Posted: Jun 29th, '12, 07:04
by Tiamatsan
Does anyone remember Freakazoid, Pinky and the Brain, the Animaniacs, the Flea?

Re: Those Old Cartoons

Posted: Jun 29th, '12, 12:20
by GreenPinguin
Tiamatsan wrote:Does anyone remember Freakazoid, Pinky and the Brain, the Animaniacs, the Flea?

i dont know The Flea but the others are awesome!

Re: Those Old Cartoons

Posted: Jul 4th, '12, 03:14
by Mikael Hart
I remember really liking Tiny Toons and Animaniacs as a kid. I used to watch a lot of TV shows (non-cartoons) too though. Three's Company, and Mr. Belvedere. There was also a show about a robot girl...

Re: Those Old Cartoons

Posted: Jul 4th, '12, 23:42
by Fortress
I grew up with the original My Little Pony show which I adored and still do. Also Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon in French and later in German. Beverly Hills Teens was really cool too! And Maple Town (Maple Monogatori), that was sooo adorable! :mclove:
There were so many great cartoons during my childhood, it's impossible to name them all.

Re: Those Old Cartoons

Posted: Jul 5th, '12, 00:45
by Lady Lissalynn
I'm prolly going to feel realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly old...but I really miss Tale Spin and the Rescue Rangers...Those were my favorites... Then the Rugrats, Rocko's Modern Life, and Ren and Stimpy lol

Re: Those Old Cartoons

Posted: Jul 5th, '12, 02:24
by blackbriar
I remember being obsessed with Scooby-doo and pokemon. I used to love powerpuff girls too. and then Kids Next door later on. ah, those were the good days.

Re: Those Old Cartoons

Posted: Jul 8th, '12, 16:41
by sheschenker
When I was a kid, Saturday morning cartoons were:
Bugs Bunny Road Runner Show
The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle
Scooby Doo Where Are You?
Josie And The Pussycats
The Jackson 5
The Osmond Brothers
The Beatles
The Wacky Racers
The Jetsons

The only anime we saw back then was Kimba the White Lion and Speed Racer. We didn't even call it anime back then.

Yeah, I'm old!

Re: Those Old Cartoons

Posted: Jul 13th, '12, 21:43
by zangetsugirl
Y'all are making me feel old. Some of these "old cartoons" you're talking about came out when I was in high school. That's not to say I didn't watch them, just that I probably wasn't the target age.

For cartoons of my childhood, there was She-Ra: Princess of Power and all those other, lesser shows. :mcwink: Nothing could top She-Ra when I was a kid, and they still haven't managed it today.
Johnny Quest
Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers
Jem and the Holograms
G.I. Joe
Tigersharks (No one remembers this one, but I swear I watched it!)
My Little Pony (the original, not the new one)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Glo-Worms (I think that was the name of this one)

Hmmm...looking back, I apparently did not watch a lot of the girly shows.