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Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Dec 6th, '13, 02:41
by OneHope
Read the book over the summer. It was great

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Dec 6th, '13, 09:33
by mina mii
i didn't read this book for school, i just read it because someone suggested it to me. i was really surprised at how much i liked it. it's a great book.

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Dec 6th, '13, 14:44
by Hamda
I haven't read it yet, it's a very famous novel that deals with race in the USA in the 1960's I believe.

I'm not amaracian so I didn't find the plot appealing, also the issues regarding slavery and such are really not among my fav. reads. it's supposed to be humorous though so I'd say keep going!

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Dec 11th, '13, 09:48
by wolfcat87
It's a good book. A lot of the classics are so depressing! At least this one had a purpose.

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Dec 18th, '13, 18:19
by Strawberry
I finished the book yesterday. "mchappy"

It was definitely something that I hadn't read before. I think towards the end all the characters were just too many for me to keep track of, so I didn't really feel like I understood everything that was happening... and the language was a bit challenging for me too, as I don't usually speak english, but it was fun.

Maybe reading the book over the summer or something is a good idea (if I ever feel like re-reading it), that way I can focus more on the story when I don't have lots of school to take care of at the same time.

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Dec 19th, '13, 00:23
by Yorusora
I've read the book and seen the film. I think they're fantastic.

It is a bit slow at the beginning, I agree, and the characters are a little confusing to get to grips with, but once you start slowly working out the story and remembering small details it get's really good!

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Sometimes, certain books need one or two read-throughs to really get the messages across, it's the same for films.


Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Dec 19th, '13, 16:50
by Arialynne
It is one of my favorite books. I read the book by myself, and then I was asked to read it for my English class. It was fantastic. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

I agree, it is a bit slow in the beginning, and the characters are hard to keep track of. I remember confusing characters the first time I read it.

I watched the movie with Gregory Peck afterwards, and that was good as well. The only thing I didn't like was that they took out some interesting scenes and characters, but that's to be expected. Gregory Peck makes a fine Atticus, though.

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Dec 22nd, '13, 06:21
by Spica
I was required to read it at some point in my life. I didn't particularly like or dislike it. Not bad for required reading, tho.

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Dec 22nd, '13, 18:24
by Yosei
As a non-American reader I think the setting seemed more alien but its an extremely well written book that has a lot to teach people

Re: To Kill A Mockingbird

Posted: Jan 25th, '14, 20:33
by Strawberry
Yosei wrote:As a non-American reader I think the setting seemed more alien but its an extremely well written book that has a lot to teach people

I agree on that!