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Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Jan 8th, '14, 17:57
by ml1201
I love the color range I'd get breeding this guy with one of my ladies~ ... id=1886320

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Jan 8th, '14, 18:05
by pyrakitt
AlkseeyaKC wrote:Also, pyrakitt, Signups are closed right now. They are kind of still in testing phase. Some things on the site are on there but not active. Like some achievements and battle stones you equip to your dragons.

Yeah that's a bit annoying. I can understand server strain and all, they're walking a fine line between keeping advertising and interest up so the site doesn't die and annoying people who walk away and won't remember to check the site again for months when they can't sign up. I don't envy them at all. Hopefully they'll make enough money to expand their servers soon.

I'd claim one of your dragons but obviously that won't work at the moment. lol

So it's not that different from here. Get Knuffle (dragon), gather with Knuffle (dragon), sell off stuff you don't want/need, use money to purchase next Knuffle (dragon), the more you have the more you get.
If I'm understanding this right you can also sell dragons back to the site if selling them to others won't get much of a profit? Is it like here, the amount of treasure you get back based on the level of the creature?

Questions open to all:
How long does it take to get to twenty?
Could you explain a little more about exalting?
How does one get familiars? And are they able to be sold/traded as well?
Is buying from other users who have bred dragons the only way to get new ones? Or is the only other alternative a real cash shop?

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Jan 8th, '14, 18:22
by ml1201
Um...yes and no to the first paragraph. :mcheh: You don't gather with the dragons, you always have a fixed amount to gather with even when you have no dragons, so they don't affect that. There is also a limit to the number of dragons you can get, unlike with knuffel. As for the amount of treasure you get from exalting dragons (basically selling back to the site) the answer is yes, but its genes will also affect how much treasure you get from it as well. But exalting can have another advantage, helping your flight get Dominance which gives your flight (element) some perks, like getting things for cheaper in the shops on the site.

1. Depends on if you have a dragon with a high enough level to get them that high in level, my highest is currently 14 and I've been playing since October I believe.

2. Exalting is when you send your dragon off to serve the dragon god of your element, at which time the dragon your exalting 'gives you its hoard' that it had accumulated while being with you. And as mentioned before, it helps your element gain Dominance.

3. Familiars can be obtained from defeating said creature in the coli, getting it from Pinkerton (a dragon at the Trading post getting rid of his sister's, Crim's, massive hoard of items), chests, the Auction house (Market here), Treasure and Gem Market (the shops here), and some users hold events where you can win some from there.

4. You can find eggs in the coli (if I remember right) and from digging. You cannot buy more dragons from the cash shop, only genes and breed changes for the dragons. There might be another way that I don't know of, but besides the eggs (which you can also buy in the Auction House from other users) and through breeding those are the only ways I know of. But note that with breeding I'm also including events where you could win them from other users as well.

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Jan 8th, '14, 18:27
by AlkseeyaKC
ML - If you want him, how much will you give me? I don't mind if its like 4k. XD

How long does it take to get to twenty? You can only level the dragon by fighting it. It takes a while even more so when you level them oddly.

Could you explain a little more about exalting? - Exalting is when you send a dragon to your dragon god! each player gets to choose what dragon god they want. (elemental gods) The over all exalting goes to an over all element score and the winner of that week gets bonuses the next week. Like water it dominating right now so you get uped status and stuff. Its awesome. Every time you exalt a dragon you get treasure from it. Some times diamonds on rare occasions.

How does one get familiars? And are they able to be sold/traded as well? You get them in many ways, Fighting rewards, Gathering, Chests, buying from the market or from users. So the next question is a yes. LOL

Is buying from other users who have bred dragons the only way to get new ones? Or is the only other alternative a real cash shop? You can breed dragons, buy them from users. You can buy genetics and add markings to dragons you own.

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Jan 8th, '14, 18:34
by ml1201
lol, I ninja'd you KC, but you covered some things I didn't. XD And does 6k sound alright to you?

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Jan 8th, '14, 19:08
by AlkseeyaKC
That sounds good to me, I'll go fegure out how to send you it. =3

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Jan 8th, '14, 20:57
by ml1201
Sorry for the delay! :mcheh: Accepted the trade and got him next to his new mate now. XD

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Jan 8th, '14, 21:01
by AlkseeyaKC
LOL its OK Ml. Sounds like the little guy will have a nice new home. :mchappy:

Do you have any Fire Rings? X-x;

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Jan 8th, '14, 21:22
by ml1201
*cough*Iseeyoucomeaskingmefirstnow*cough* X3

And yeah, I'm trying to resist buying mates right now because I still need two of the elements dragon wise and I still need two more dragon breeds for my main collection. Then I was planing on getting mates for them. :mcheh:

Re: Flight Rising Hangout

Posted: Jan 8th, '14, 21:38
by AlkseeyaKC
You seem to always have what I need! XP Thanks ML!! If you ever need anything from me just ask.

I'm just fighting dragons and collecting stuff. I'm working on getting all the breeding achievements for genetics. I have to wait for all my dragons to be at the right age though. *sits on them waiting*

I'm excited to make a new team of fighting dragons!
This will be my next team:



