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Re: Lost Books Thread

Posted: Oct 31st, '14, 09:07
by Nin
Saloiq wrote:I got you! hell yeaah. :mccool:

The Singer of All Songs
I am super stoked to read this book again!! :qn: :qstar: :qstar: :mclove: :mclove: :mclove:

Re: Lost Books Thread

Posted: Nov 1st, '14, 06:40
by shadami
i would love some help finding this book actually. though i had said no to the poll, i realized after there is a book i'm looking for.

it's a two boook series from what i remember. about a girl who goes to her cousin julians house (who has braces i think, red hair, and freckles) they go out into the woods to explore and find "the philosopher's stone" but the real magic is when they stumble through a swamp with quick sink pits, and discover a little town on the edge of the swamp. they discover that it used to be a lake. and that people still live there.

Re: Lost Books Thread

Posted: Nov 1st, '14, 23:03
by Saloiq
@Nin - Glad I could help! :mccute:

Maybe The Rise of Majick?
Excerpt from overview:
A substance, majick, has been discovered that makes magic possible. It is a new way to mold the environment. With this golden liquid people, elves and dwarfs are learning to cast dazzles and darkles.

It's got Majick in the title, and a substance called majick is used to do magic.
But the book doesn't mention rats, a castle, a portal, a cat, or a barbarian. :< (I searched for those terms in the book on Google Books.) was published in Nov 2011, and you probably weren't in high school at 31. >_o

Maybe try posting a topic here? ... -that-book
I'll keep looking. :P

Re: Lost Books Thread

Posted: Nov 1st, '14, 23:05
by Saloiq

Gone-Away Lake
Excerpts from summary:
Julian and Portia pack a picnic lunch and set out to explore the woods. They find a giant boulder with Latin words inscribed on it. Julian translates two of the words as Philosopher's Stone and excitedly explains that such a stone was believed to turn things into gold.
They come across a swamp with a rowboat in it. Before they can figure out the mystery of who would try and boat in a place with no lake, they see a deserted row of houses. Afraid they may have stumbled on a ghost town, Portia begs to leave, but Julian calms her long enough to hear a voice from a television. They search a little longer and meet Minnehaha Cheever and her brother, Pindar Payton.

Its sequel is "Return to Gone-Away".

I haven't read either book in this series, but I found it through some googling. :D

EDIT: Glad I could help! And lol, my google-fu still has a long way to go too!

Re: Lost Books Thread

Posted: Nov 1st, '14, 23:23
by shadami
brilliant!! i could not remember the name of it. and my google seraches always failed....

Re: Lost Books Thread

Posted: Nov 2nd, '14, 00:22
by pyrakitt
Saloiq wrote:
Maybe The Rise of Majick?
Excerpt from overview:
A substance, majick, has been discovered that makes magic possible. It is a new way to mold the environment. With this golden liquid people, elves and dwarfs are learning to cast dazzles and darkles.

It's got Majick in the title, and a substance called majick is used to do magic.
But the book doesn't mention rats, a castle, a portal, a cat, or a barbarian. :< (I searched for those terms in the book on Google Books.) was published in Nov 2011, and you probably weren't in high school at 31. >_o

Maybe try posting a topic here? ... -that-book
I'll keep looking. :P
Yeah. lol. The book I'm looking for is going to have a publish date more likely between 90's to early 2000 at best. Nice try though. Been banging my head against this one for a while.
The book has a comedic tongue-in-cheek style of writing similar to Piers Anthony or Terry Pratchet's writing style so like their works may be filed under Science Fiction and Fantasy. Trying to wrack my brain for any other details... oh well the title I thought it went by and could never find it under was "Majick by Accident", but obviously have had no luck in that direction.

Good hunting!

Re: Lost Books Thread

Posted: Nov 2nd, '14, 00:28
by shadami
it does sound very piers anthony. first thing i thought of was the cameoloan magic or color of chameleon. whatever it was called. xD it was a fantastic book. (i own it i just have to find it in a box. so not looking for it right now)

edit: my brother just corrected me and said change for chameleon (if you ever wanted to read it)

Re: Lost Books Thread

Posted: Nov 2nd, '14, 00:34
by pyrakitt
Actually I can look to my left and see my Piers Anthony collection next to me on the shelf. :qsml: I love the entire series and have read it multiple times. The first book is "A Spell for Chameleon". I got hooked when I opened it and saw that he'd appropriated a map of Florida and renamed everything.

Re: Lost Books Thread

Posted: Nov 2nd, '14, 00:36
by Saloiq
Oh lol, I was looking through Piers Anthony books for any mention of a rat, but if you've got them all then no need. XD

Do you mind if I post your request around? (On Reddit/Goodreads/any other forum I can find)

Re: Lost Books Thread

Posted: Nov 2nd, '14, 00:55
by pyrakitt
Sure Saloiq, go for it. I was looking at the GoodReads link you directed me to before with intentions of posting there at least. Feel free to spread it as far as you can, I'm getting the feeling we're going to need all the help we can get! lol

Anywhere you post it let me know and I'll follow along to answer any further questions posters might have.