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Re: Anatomy

Posted: Apr 5th, '15, 01:17
by Moi

I think so 8u

I see some foot art on DA too >>

Re: Anatomy

Posted: Apr 5th, '15, 11:42
by Jessicat
They are interesting subjects.

Re: Anatomy

Posted: Apr 5th, '15, 17:15
by Moi

I find other peoples fetishes weird sometimes.
Not like mine are perfect or anything xD

Re: Anatomy

Posted: Apr 5th, '15, 18:00
by Jessicat
To be fair, there are some pretty weird fetishes out there!

Re: Anatomy

Posted: Apr 5th, '15, 18:50
by Moi

I can't think of any particularly weird ones right now though, but I've read some freaky ones xD

Re: Anatomy

Posted: May 1st, '15, 14:19
by Fuu-Chan
I would say I have improved on my anatomy
since I started drawing digitally about a year or two ago.
But I would not say I am good or above good at it.
I see a ton of room for improvement, so that's always good.

I should focus on drawing males however.
With males, I flat out can't do them.
I mainly have drawn females all of my life. :mcheh:

Re: Anatomy

Posted: Aug 22nd, '15, 12:00
by Mikael Hart
I'm awful with anatomy, but that doesn't mean that I don't try. I just don't quite have an eye for it.

My favorite part of anatomy are the hands [I also like faces, aha]. People who can draw hands and the angle of arms well really impress me --bare feet too, since that can be tough. I also like when the art is fluid [like natural or expressive poses].

Re: Anatomy

Posted: Oct 30th, '15, 16:59
by TSheena
I honestly suck very bad at it to the point I get scared to try it and just keep drawing portraits. I try to practise but nothing looks right so I quit and draw something I can and doesn't make me so frustrated :mcheh:

Re: Anatomy

Posted: Oct 20th, '16, 05:32
by AgataBr22
My anatomy is a trash :mccry: I need training more :mclol:

Re: Anatomy

Posted: Oct 23rd, '16, 03:01
by Craigosaurus
Good anatomy is the best part of any art piece imo ; v ;
Even if it's just a silly sketch, if it has good and expressive anatomy it automatically becomes A+ art to me.
I've noticed that what I appreciate the most is the slightly 'ugly' anatomy for lack of better words really, where something is realistically 'off' or doesnt look polished like anatomy you'd see in a more cartoony style, if that makes sense!