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Re: KofK Book Club [Daily-ish Poll!]

Posted: Aug 23rd, '15, 03:18
by VEE
yes I like him a lot. :v I am not going to order the next one yet because they only give me two weeks and that is fine but since we are reading a chapter a day i need to get it right when we are finishing The Thief.

I like that he sort of just does what he wants. xD and messes with the magus and everyone and its so silly he makes me smile. he also seems pretty smart, i dont know.

Re: KofK Book Club [Daily-ish Poll!]

Posted: Aug 23rd, '15, 04:07
by Mikael Hart
Oh, yeah, I forgot that libraries do that. *facepalm* Shows how often I checked out books recently. XD;

Yeah, but again, I still like how he gets smacked around for acting up. And I like the variety of ages and maturity among the characters as well. :)

Re: KofK Book Club [Daily-ish Poll!]

Posted: Aug 24th, '15, 16:45
by VEE
yeah i mean it depends i think some libraries let you check out for like four weeks. :v i mean i could renew the book which i will probably do cause i will probably place the hold soon just in case they take a few days...

yes there are definitely consequences for his actions.. but he is like whatever and does stuff anyways. xP heh.

It was interesting to read the stories of the gods. I also think that I like Sophos. He is a precious child :v

but yeah i like hearing about the Sky and Earth.

Re: KofK Book Club [Daily-ish Poll!]

Posted: Aug 24th, '15, 23:09
by Mikael Hart
*nods* Makes sense. Do you have to renew "The Thief" then?

Pfft, well, if he were to hold a grudge, it may severely limit his potential, I believe [grudges can blind a person to certain aspects of others; it is better to be clear-minded, if possible].

XD I like Sophos too. Not as much as Gen, but still endearing.

I'm indifferent on the gods' tales; mostly because I want to read more about Gen. *facepalm*

Re: KofK Book Club [Daily-ish Poll!]

Posted: Aug 26th, '15, 12:34
by featherquill
I would like to join this book club, however I will not have access to any books until next month. So I'll just lurk and await a new book. XD

Re: KofK Book Club [Daily-ish Poll!]

Posted: Aug 26th, '15, 22:03
by Mikael Hart
Ooh, well, we'll see how it goes. I do want to complete the Thief series, but I also want to complete HP [I'm on the first book]. I won't be able to handle another series when this one is over because of other activities, so if we don't read the next book of the series, Veetles might have to take over and lead y'all on. XD;

Re: KofK Book Club [Daily-ish Poll!]

Posted: Aug 26th, '15, 22:30
by KimiLavender
*pokes in due to Mikael posting the link*
Interesting...I remember reading Peter and the Starcatchers back in middle school :mclaugh:

Re: KofK Book Club [Daily-ish Poll!]

Posted: Aug 27th, '15, 01:14
by Mikael Hart
Yo, Kimi! :D

Yeah, I need to read that book sometime...when I have less books to read. XD

Re: KofK Book Club [Daily-ish Poll!]

Posted: Aug 27th, '15, 12:40
by Mikael Hart
Aha, I got so into the later chapters that I read a little further ahead than the allotted chapters --more because I was absorbed than being conscious of the chapter's end. *facepalm*

I can't believe it's almost over. D:

Re: KofK Book Club [Daily-ish Poll!]

Posted: Aug 27th, '15, 16:57
by VEE
feather, please join us ! next month is coming soon and we will be done with the current book in a few days ~ do you have any suggestions for what you would like to read?

:mcblush: no way mikael i could never lead as well as you ! im quite new to reading with others... usually i very much read alone! so I feel I havent gotten the hang of discussing stuff yet :mcheh:

kimi, me too!! it was on mikael's book list and I was like, wow I remember reading this but i have NO IDEA what happened. xD my memory is broken. all I remember is that I enjoyed it hehe. but yeah you should join us maybe we will read that soon~~

yeah, I am realllly into The Thief !! glad you are still enjoying it. I got a chapter behind but caught up yesterday, and man it was so good. I am going to gather my notes and thoughts and edit or make a better post about it. I am somewhat distracted at the moment. :v but yeah i cant believe its almost over too! I just put a hold on The Queen of Attoila

but yeah sorry I havent been contributing to much interesting discussion. i have not been well emotionally, and i am used to only talking to myself in my head about books I am reading. (x but I decided to start taking note of things I found interesting or liked or wanted to think about more so that I could have something to talk about! so I will be back >D