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Re: Quitting

Posted: Oct 27th, '16, 02:44
by LylaHayden
It doesn't matter if you think you are good. What matters is that you enjoy it. If you enjoy it, you will get better. Although honestly, all artists dislike their own work. Try looking at a piece you don't remember creating. It makes you feel like it isn't your own.

Re: Quitting

Posted: Oct 27th, '16, 19:14
by Stuart Pot
I won't quit art. It's a part of my life...
I know, I'll miss it soon and start again to draw... 'cus my soul need it to feel better and that I can relax.
I don't care if I'm good with it or not... but I enjoy it :) And that's more important for myself.

I know how it is to quit a hobby... at the beginning you can ignore it... but if you really liked it, the day will come that you'll miss it hard.. >A<'

Re: Quitting

Posted: Oct 30th, '16, 14:14
by amalath
People and their interests change. I know few artists who were really good, creating professional art and making living from it and one day they just quit. They got bored or found more interesting things to do.

Re: Quitting

Posted: Oct 31st, '16, 20:02
by Nihal
Who knows. I'm now working as sort of an artist. Well painting on Hummel figurines if that counts. xD
And it is repetitive sometimes but I am still enjoying it. Can't believe how fast the past year flew by. I am also making progress with my personal artwork and basically have fun. Even though 95% of my art are simply scetches. But sometimes If I deem it as interesting I work it out one way or another. ;)

There were phases of frustration when I would put down my pencil for months to take a breather but no, I never have thought of quitting. Only trying to figure out how to get better in my own weird way. :qcute:

Btw ama. Love it that you still have that emote in your sig. :qh:

Re: Quitting

Posted: Nov 2nd, '16, 13:20
by Limikkin
No, I don't think I will ever quit. But at the same time, I don't know what future brings.

Re: Quitting

Posted: Nov 4th, '16, 19:29
by Peparexa
I used to draw a lot and I would often draw either cats or dogs. But, then my depression came and my drawings became sad and often morbid. I would also only draw when I was sad, so now that I'm better, I don't draw. I only drew one dog about two months ago. However, I hope that I'll be able to draw again someday and that my drawings will be as cheerful as they used to be.

Re: Quitting

Posted: Nov 19th, '16, 23:55
by Fire
I've always wanted to learn how to draw. When I was in high school, I tried really hard to learn. But I was very embarrassed by how bad my art was at the beginning that I quit. I regret that decision, and am now trying to teach myself how to draw again.
I've done that a lot. With teaching myself guitar, with song writing, with poetry, with writing novels. I get embarrassed that it isn't perfect, and just scrap it, and won't return to to for many years.
But art is one of my few outlets for me to process my negative emotions, so I never leave it for long. I don't think I could ever quit completely.
Right now I'm on an upswing - I am trying to teach myself how to draw again, I'm working on teaching myself new chords, and I'm working on filling my notebooks with as many new songs as I can. I even tried my hand at writing fiction novels again! It's very liberating. Now, if only I can keep it up...

Re: Quitting

Posted: Jan 23rd, '17, 19:09
by Miky90
I think drawing is a passion above everything else, so how the hell can someone quit all together? Maybe quitting for a leaving is possible, but stating that someone will never draw again is too much for me to understand.

I don't think I could give up drawing, even if it's just for me and not to show anyone else. I even got people saying that my drawing were not good, but as long as I like them that was enought for me.

Sure I don't draw that much these days cuz of the job and lack of inspiration, but when I get inspired, I try to do my best. And I think that the fact that I have a talent makes me a bit special, even if it's not that good, so I really don't think one can give up something that inspire them to be great.

By the way Moi, I was worried that you were quitting drawing and that scared me! Please don't ever quit, cuz you really do have talent and it would be a pitty if you wouldn't embrace it.

Re: Quitting

Posted: Jul 18th, '17, 01:36
by ashabellanar
I haven't drawn in years. It's sad but when I try I just kinda .... idk... lose my drive?

Re: Quitting

Posted: Jul 30th, '17, 22:44
by Death Candy
It's an addiction for me. XD I love to express myself and my characters in art form.