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Re: Chit Chat Chitty Chitty Chit Chat

Posted: Jan 19th, '18, 21:37
by Demareth
I totally feel that lol. Since i started at uni I've had waaaayyy less time. But i still have my pirate101 because how could I ever leave lolol
But I totally agree plus who has the funds for all of that? Not I

Re: Chit Chat Chitty Chitty Chit Chat

Posted: Jan 19th, '18, 22:06
by Her Ugliness
Yeah, when I started to go to university it was also the time when I stopped having fre etime to spare...or money. Lack of money seems to go hand in hand with going to university.
Maybe I#ll have time for online games some day...when I'll retire or something like this. Then I will be an old grumpy Final Fantasy Online-playing granny.

Re: Chit Chat Chitty Chitty Chit Chat

Posted: Jan 19th, '18, 23:04
by Demareth
We can all play video games someday on my yacht when i'm rich and famous so I don't have to do anymore work ok?
College student + artist = death

Re: Chit Chat Chitty Chitty Chit Chat

Posted: Jan 20th, '18, 05:55
by lunar_eclipse66
Part of me is so happy to be doe with college, but at the same time the real world is scary.

Re: Chit Chat Chitty Chitty Chit Chat

Posted: Jan 20th, '18, 06:13
by Demareth
Life's always scary no matter the stage... until it isnt and then it doesnt matter anymore haha. But I feel like the routine is very good for me, it keeps me from doing the whole depression sleeping all day thing which I can do when I'm left completely to my own devices. And tbh I have a lot of issues doing art on my own so I love art school for the prompts. And as an art teacher it will literally be endless prompts. And I love learning and doing new things. And the department heads are always saying that teaching is half and half and you learn just as much from your students as they do from you and that excites me SOOO much

What did you major in/did you major in college?

Re: Chit Chat Chitty Chitty Chit Chat

Posted: Jan 20th, '18, 07:17
by lunar_eclipse66
I admit the routine was nice for me as well because it kept me on track. Finding a job though is tough.

I majored in Biology. I want to work in conservation or aquaculture.

Re: Chit Chat Chitty Chitty Chit Chat

Posted: Jan 20th, '18, 10:35
by Her Ugliness
Demareth wrote:We can all play video games someday on my yacht when i'm rich and famous so I don't have to do anymore work ok?
I'd get sea-sick on a yacht, but other than that I am all game. :qg:
lunar_eclipse66 wrote:Part of me is so happy to be doe with college, but at the same time the real world is scary.
I don't miss university life at all. It was so hard and stressfull. But so seems any other part of my life too, so it doesn't seem to make much of a difference. :mcheh:

Re: Chit Chat Chitty Chitty Chit Chat

Posted: Jan 20th, '18, 19:57
by Demareth
I will have my yachy set up on land just for you then :mccool:

OO I'm definately more of a creative type but i do rly love sciency stuff too, particularly bio related. Fun fact: I am horrified by the ocean. And I know a lot of ocean facts so people are always like: "Dude you know so much about the ocean why are you so scared of it?" Because I know so much duh?
we know more about SPACE than we do the ocean
(ok thats an exaggeration because space is fairly infinite but you know what I mean)

Re: Chit Chat Chitty Chitty Chit Chat

Posted: Jan 20th, '18, 20:05
by Her Ugliness
I admit, I don't know much about the ocean, but I am still terrified by it. I won't even swim in it when we are on holidays somewhere near the sea. There is just too much stuff that freaks me out like jellyfish swimming around in it. :mcdead:

Re: Chit Chat Chitty Chitty Chit Chat

Posted: Jan 20th, '18, 20:21
by Demareth
I can swim in the ocean if its on a beach where it slopes shallowly an I can see the bottom. I cannot do anything more than chest deep though.

My parents made me snorkel on a reef one time and let me tell you the panic gotdamn.
We also swam with sharks in the same area which wasnt even remotely as nerve-racking for me? Largely because most sharks dont really scare me, particularly since they were nurse sharks and theyre one of the most docile shark species. But if youre ever god forbid in a shark attack: Bump em on the nose. If theyre coming at you theyll stop and if they've bit you they'll let go. Sharks have a thing called the ampullae de lorenzini and they're little electromagnetic sensors under their nose and theyre very very sensitive.
If youve seen that video of the aquarium diver petting the shark you can see that the gently rubs its nose and that put it into a trance like state.

See? nerd.

But i said most sharks because some are just eldritch nightmare fuel. I watched a documentary about a trench where BLUE whales (the biggest mammal ok?) and how sometimes they go down into this trench and come out with HGE bites taken out of them that the diameter is like 5 times as big as the current great white shark. So I'm like 100 percent sure that the megalodon still is alive. Because fun fact: sharks physically cannot get sick: the only way they die is from old age or they're killed. So i think its entirely possible that theres megalodons in the trench. I am horrified by the ocean. We have explored FIVE PERCENT