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Re: I'm from __ of course I like __

Posted: Dec 22nd, '19, 15:35
by CycloneKira
I'm Indian, so I must like rice. Except I don't. But I'm Hyderabadi and love biryani. So there's that.

Re: I'm from __ of course I like __

Posted: Dec 25th, '19, 22:05
by Moi

That reminds me of when my dad was cooking food and asked me how much (Spanish) rice I wanted.
I told him that I don't eat rice.
He said "What kind of Mexican are you \>8U/"

Re: I'm from __ of course I like __

Posted: Aug 9th, '20, 20:35
by kitah810
I'm from Ohio, and the ongoing joke or whatever for Ohioans is that we are born walking out of a cornfield, holding a jar of Ranch dressing and saying "Ope, let me just squeeze right by ya there." I love Ranch dressing. (And also, that Ope sentence has come out of my mouth more than once)

Re: I'm from __ of course I like __

Posted: Aug 9th, '20, 20:59
by Akili Li
Our family has moved too much and has members from too many countries to have a geographic thing like that, but when I meet new people who have already encountered my family before, I often get told, "Oh, you're one of that clan? You must like reading", and that's true. We have some dyslexic relatives and even they read a fair bit compared to most people these days, it seems.

I remember once going to a house that really creeped me out. I couldn't tell what it was, just I had this overwhelming dread and sense that something was off, something was wrong. Not exactly haunted, but something really... strange...
I avoided the owners after that and kept looking through news articles waiting to hear they were serial killers or something, because I just *knew* there was something wrong there....
I told my brother about it over a holiday one year. And he decided to investigate and got himself invited over there.
He came back and told me, "There are no bookcases. There are no book-shelves. They don't even have a stack of books on a table anywhere, there's no cookbook out on the kitchen counter, no books. That's what's wrong. I don't know if they're actual dangerous people, but they aren't readers."

At least I knew what it was that was so wrong about them, lol. >.<
(So far, no serial killer news, either. I still don't trust them, though. There's just something NOT RIGHT about a house with no books.)

Re: I'm from __ of course I like __

Posted: Aug 10th, '20, 00:57
by kitah810
No do they survive? :mclaugh: I couldn't go without books.

Re: I'm from __ of course I like __

Posted: Aug 10th, '20, 07:55
by Akili Li
kitah810 wrote:No do they survive? :mclaugh: I couldn't go without books.
You get it!

(also, side note, I did not know that ranch dressing was associated with Ohioans at all. But once a friend made me a grilled cheese sandwich and she cut it up and put ranch dressing on the plate and said you ate it by dipping it in the ranch dressing. It was an interesting flavor combo - not bad, though. I'd never had it before. I liked the sort of chive flavor it had? Kind of? Does it even have chives in it? It just reminded me of chives...)

Re: I'm from __ of course I like __

Posted: Aug 12th, '20, 02:32
by kitah810
Akili Li wrote:
kitah810 wrote:No do they survive? :mclaugh: I couldn't go without books.
You get it!

(also, side note, I did not know that ranch dressing was associated with Ohioans at all. But once a friend made me a grilled cheese sandwich and she cut it up and put ranch dressing on the plate and said you ate it by dipping it in the ranch dressing. It was an interesting flavor combo - not bad, though. I'd never had it before. I liked the sort of chive flavor it had? Kind of? Does it even have chives in it? It just reminded me of chives...)[/quote

I love books. I have a built in mini bookcase on one of my walls. only 3 shelves, but still, a built in mini bookcase... As for the chive flavor, there are so many different kinds of ranch. My favorite has a cucumber flavor to it. my 2nd favorite is buttermilk ranch, i use it to dip my veggies in. (raw veggies) I have never dipped a grilled cheese in ranch, that seems weird to me. lol

Re: I'm from __ of course I like __

Posted: Sep 6th, '20, 17:08
by Koi
I'm from Canada so of course I like maple syrup and poutine o.o It's true in my case.

Can't think of any others that don't like these two things. I usually find outsiders have trouble trying poutine though! I think they believe the fries will be mushy- or they don't like gravy. I'd kinda agree with the gravy part. If it's too strong or salty (I'm looking at you, NYFries) then it's a no-go. It's why I prefer mushroom gravy!
Also the cheese- it has to be curds V:< none of that shredded cheese. That's just cheese fries, fellows.

OH-! I think a common food we have that outsiders try is... "All Dressed" flavoured potato chips? I am not a fan as I don't mix sweet and salty XD but it's a popular one.

Re: I'm from __ of course I like __

Posted: Oct 17th, '20, 02:44
by YourMajesty
I'm from North Carolina, so of course I like barbeque.

Re: I'm from __ of course I like __

Posted: Oct 17th, '20, 04:03
by dataslifeforms
I'm from Florida, so of course, I like orange juice. But I live in the panhandle and the oranges grow mostly in the peninsula.