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Re: weird things you do

Posted: May 17th, '22, 21:47
by Amura
Of course, but nutritionall you would not compare carrots or sweet potatoes with leafy greens either.
And as a potluck side dish I would think any would be fine. At least to me.

Re: weird things you do

Posted: May 17th, '22, 23:12
by Akili Li
Well, yeah.
Root "veggies" are just vegetable-shaped starch, they're in with grains and other starches, not proper vegetables.

But I'm reassured. Enough positive responses means it'll probably pass standards without too much trouble.
Mushrooms it is!

Re: weird things you do

Posted: May 18th, '22, 07:40
by Rehgai
The reason I have hesitation is my sister in law made stuffed mushrooms for a dinner party that we did Pot Luck for. She made a decent amount, about 25/30 for 10 of us, and I felt bad so I tried one even though I hate mushrooms. Luckily, my husband LOVES mushrooms and DESTROYED her plate. He ate them all.

Same with a recent pizza party- 4 large pizzas, one just mushroom. My boy. He is a beautiful vacuum for the 'shrooms. But he was the only one that ate it. We got to take the left overs home because it was mostly mushroom pizza left.

Unrelated, but a weird thing. May actually prove I'm neurodivergent. But, I work as a server. And when I type orders, when I hit the space, I have to tap the bottom of the computer screen. I do not realize this habit, but a coworker snorted and started talking to me, and explained they didn't know who was beside them until I touched underneath. My Co-workers picked up this oddity. I tried to fight it. I lost.

Re: weird things you do

Posted: May 24th, '22, 18:40
by Akili Li
Mushrooms were a big hit, so that went fine.

Also, apparently it is not the usual thing to put plum sauce (the saltier, spicier kind of plum sauce, not the super-sweet plum sauce) on scrambled eggs.
But I don't see WHY, because the flavours perfectly complement each other and it is quite normal to put salty and spicy things on scrambled eggs to begin with.
So why is that particular sort of salty-spicy sauce on eggs weird?
Makes no sense.
But I have been told it is weird.
So there you go, another "weird" thing I do.

(Rehgai, it's funny how we never notice our own habits sometimes until they're pointed out! Makes me wonder what quirks I've got that no one has mentioned to me yet)

Re: weird things you do

Posted: May 26th, '22, 04:37
by Kuuki
If you ask me that kind of plum sauce is weird in itself. It is quite a peculiar taste.
Then again I have seen people mixing it with alcohol so don't worry, there's weirder than you.

Re: weird things you do

Posted: Jun 10th, '22, 02:33
by Rune
I pick the meat off of chicken wings like I was raised by wolves.

Re: weird things you do

Posted: Jun 15th, '22, 14:20
by Ririenne
I love corn on the cobs, but I like to put a bit of ketchup on as well as a ton of butter.

Also egg mayo sandwiches with ketchup too. I'm a ketchup monster.

Re: weird things you do

Posted: Jun 15th, '22, 21:44
by light_sucks
I drink buttermilk straight up. lol.
It's a country thing. Though my uncle from Saudi Arabia also likes buttermilk.

Don't try it if you do not like sour cream. They're very similar in flavor.

Re: weird things you do

Posted: Jul 23rd, '22, 10:36
by JosieQ
For Andes mints:


A full one doesn't fit nicely in the roof of my mouth, nor does half of one. The perfect size is two-thirds. So I have to eat them in pairs. I'll stack them and take a one-third bite off (giving me two thirds) to savor, then eat the remaining two-third and two-third in due time.

For Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (full size):


I'll take bites around the outside of the ring, the chocolate wall, until I have maybe 1/3rd of the rim left. Then I take a big bite of the middle peanut-butter bit, biting it right-side up but flipping it upside down on the tongue because the chocolate is thicker on the top. After that, I finish the last bit of the rim. This ritual is sometimes challenging because a Reese's, if you didn't know, tends to have a thinner side (where the peanut butter is closer to the edge so the chocolate part is thinner), and I try to eat that thinnish section first, leaving the last bite for the thickest edge. It's not always easy to divine which that is. Sometimes you can actually see a bit of thinness and peanut butter peeking through the side, and sometimes you just gotta guess.


Re: weird things you do

Posted: Jul 23rd, '22, 12:55
by Amura
Crazy, no. But hell are you complicated! :mcgrin:
It really requires a lot of planning ahead, eating one of those.