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Re: CONTEST - Win a Golden Pegasus

Posted: Jul 10th, '08, 21:53
by Meepy
Ah, a contest? How fun! xDDD

I'll start soon! But I can't really think of anything ATM .__.

Re: CONTEST - Win a Golden Pegasus

Posted: Jul 10th, '08, 22:23
by Firn
Frogmyte wrote:Just five for now....would it be okay if I added more at a later date?

Of course. Take your time, the contest runs for 2 weeks.

Re: CONTEST - Win a Golden Pegasus

Posted: Jul 10th, '08, 22:50
by Kailzee
I'll sketch some ideas tonight. :qwhee:

Re: CONTEST - Win a Golden Pegasus

Posted: Jul 10th, '08, 22:59
by Kurisutsure
Question: is there anything special about the Knuffel other than it's extremely limited quantity and cuteness? Its not a food-earning knuffel is it?

Re: CONTEST - Win a Golden Pegasus

Posted: Jul 10th, '08, 23:17
by demonic queen
*runs and get a pencil and paper* :qshock:

Re: CONTEST - Win a Golden Pegasus

Posted: Jul 10th, '08, 23:20
by Ambrienne
I'm pretty sure that it isn't a food earning Knuffel. I don't think starkad has the mechanism made for that yet. Though, I could be wrong...

Anyway. Here are my four hair ideas. Please excuse the crudeness of the drawings, since I had to use Paint and a touchpad due to the lack of a scanner/other good peripherals.

This one is a simple, hair over one shoulder design. I should be a little farther over the shoulder than it is, but other than that, it gets the basic idea across.
Shoulder Hair

I've noticed that some people like to comb their hair over one eye, and that's what this style is meant to be.
HideEye Hair

I'm calling this one the Etna Hair simply because... there's a character in Disgaea with hair like this. The sides should be a bit poofier than they are, but other than that... it's okay. I made some attempt to add some conception of two toning to this (as we have this option on our avatars), so it looks a bit more detailed than the previous two. There are hair fasteners on the two side poofs, but I suppose that they could be left off.
Etna Hair

Okay, here it is... The weirdest of the weird, the strangest of the strange... It's... the Bowtie Hair! Try not to snicker at it too much. :qsml: The blue thing in the middle is a headband. It could be removed/offered as a shop item sometime later, because there may be other styles that band looks good with. I chose watermelon colors for the hair, because they show up easily (even if they are garish here). The wavy parts of the hair are supposed to be braids, but Paint was giving me a tough time just doing that much. So... excuse the craziness.
Bowtie Hair

Re: CONTEST - Win a Golden Pegasus

Posted: Jul 11th, '08, 00:13
by Ninja Ai
Ai wants to do this! Sounds so much fun! X3 -drools over golden peggy-

Re: CONTEST - Win a Golden Pegasus

Posted: Jul 11th, '08, 00:48
by demonic queen
ill put mine up when i get my printer( a few days)

Re: CONTEST - Win a Golden Pegasus

Posted: Jul 11th, '08, 01:22
by Guest
I think I'll just take some of my drawings I've done in the past as my entries. (YES THESE ARE ALL MY PICTURES, NOT JUST TAKEN OFF THE INTERNET.)


Re: CONTEST - Win a Golden Pegasus

Posted: Jul 11th, '08, 01:27
by demonic queen
we cant see the pic