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Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Mar 31st, '20, 03:27
by Nankuii
Ahhhh :((( That's scary to hear, so sorry he had to go through that.
But I'm glad to hear he's better now!

Is he working from home?

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Mar 31st, '20, 20:40
by Moi

No, he works for this fertilizer place and drives a forklift.
He's really good at driving forklifts.

My dad and I get hurt all the time, so we don't always remember how.
I get bruises on me and I don't know where they came from.
He might have ran into something and just forgot about it.

I bruise easily sometimes. I was carrying groceries and since I don't like making multiple trips - I carry as much as I can.
Well, I got a big bruise on my arm from the bags xD

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Apr 13th, '20, 01:39
by Nankuii
Can he parallel park a forklift tho 8u i have no idea how forklifts work

Oh man, I wonder why? :o I know for some people that have bulimia, they bruise easily. I hope it's not anything serious :c Take care >< How's it going with the coronavirus for you?

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Apr 13th, '20, 01:59
by Moi

Hmmm, I don't really know how they work either xD
I know he said he can pick up a coin with one u8

I have an iron deficiency that's been untreated for who knows how long.
I don't know if that makes you bruise easier, though u8

We're all okay. My dad said his throat was hurting, so I'm worried about him now xD
My mom said she shouldn't have told me, but :\

How are you doing?

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Apr 13th, '20, 02:05
by Nankuii
Oh wow. That's actually very impressive lol

Who knows, you haven't been to the doc for it?

I'm well, I had some coughs and a runny nose for a week but I'm good now. It's just whenever someone brings up coughing, I have the urge to cough lol I didn't go out for a long time and then when I stepped out to do my laundry... man did that air feel so good :mcheh:

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Apr 14th, '20, 00:03
by Moi

Yeah, actually the sleep doctor discovered the iron deficiency u8
I've been taking pills for it.

I'm used to being a shut-in, so it's no difference to me 8u
But I tend to panic when my throat feels sore.
I know most likely it's just the weather.
It'll be hot one day and cold the next xD

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Apr 16th, '20, 20:34
by Eva
*slinks in* Happy birthday nanu!

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Apr 16th, '20, 23:19
by Moi



Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Apr 17th, '20, 06:18
by Nankuii
Ahaha thank you Eva and Moi!!!!!! :qh: :qh: :qh:

Eva: Long time no see :o

Moi: Well if you've been staying inside during these times, you're probably safe haha

OTC melatonin doesn't help?

Re: ł nan's one of many places to hang ł

Posted: Apr 17th, '20, 14:46
by Eva
So much purple on this page, I'm loving it.