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Re: Candy Caravan Chat

Posted: May 16th, '22, 09:52
by HanafuruLove
Travelling in Europe must be crazy. All those different countries with different cultures, and you can drive to them in like 2 hours.

In Canada you can drive for 2 days and it's still Canada LOL

*shivers in right-wing Alberta*

Re: Candy Caravan Chat

Posted: May 16th, '22, 09:59
by Kuuki
Canda really is huge. It's hard to imagine.

I'm French but live close enough to Germany to know people who regularly drove there for grocery shopping or even to work.
Crossing the border is so easy too, you're on a road and suddenly you realize that the language of everything has changed and that, oops, you're in another country

Re: Candy Caravan Chat

Posted: May 16th, '22, 10:32
by HanafuruLove
That's so wild LOL

I can see why something like the EU is necessary. If there were border crossings in Europe like the ones we have between Canada and The States, going anywhere would be an absolute nightmare.

Re: Candy Caravan Chat

Posted: May 16th, '22, 10:40
by Kuuki
We had for a while. It was pretty unpractical.

Re: Candy Caravan Chat

Posted: May 16th, '22, 12:00
by Amura
It takes me less than an hour getting to Portugal.
So for me it's not like going to another country, it's just another option... in which they speak a different language.

Oh, the good old customs!
How much time could you spend there? Nobody knew.
Less than one hour to Portugal, yes, but you may yet spend another hour waiting in line for police officers to check your documentation, your car's trunk or whatever.
Since we don't have them it's way easier crossing borders. You hardly even notice them anymore.

Re: Candy Caravan Chat

Posted: May 16th, '22, 12:42
by HanafuruLove
Technically we have a second official language in Canada, but from where I am you'd have to drive for like weeks to even get to where they speak it LOL. So it feels very kind of detached and like doesn't really factor into everyday life other than French showing up on packaging and stuff.

Oh man, packaging stuff to sell in Europe must be a nightmare, I just realized. Does one company have to print packages in like 20 different languages to distribute through the EU?

Re: Candy Caravan Chat

Posted: May 16th, '22, 13:13
by Kuuki
Some do. I do remember Kinder has a lot of text in so many different languages I can't even recognize them all anymore.
Some other specialize in only a few regions and thus you only have a few languages on the package.

Re: Candy Caravan Chat

Posted: May 16th, '22, 22:01
by Rubie
Well I got the item before it left. Now to do it all over again.

I find it wild how some places you can drive an hour and be in a completely different country. Where I'm at, you drive an hour and you're still in the same state with not a big difference in landscape. Maybe soybean fields instead of corn, but then again farmers rotate what they plant each year.
I went to Texas for the first time 4 years ago and was expecting desert. Was vastly disappointed to find out Texas wasn't a huge desert. haha.

I live about 3 hours away from the outskirts of the Chicago suburbs, so I'm really rural. Went to school in Chicago for a couple years and they have advertisements in Spanish.

Re: Candy Caravan Chat

Posted: May 17th, '22, 00:27
by Jessibuns
Is the short bob hair leaving this month too?
that'll suck, i want all the colors and only have the first 2 rows LMAO

Re: Candy Caravan Chat

Posted: May 17th, '22, 01:01
by Kitalpha Hart
Ugbor shirt is leaving

Headribbon on are all showing the wrong year