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Re: Masquerade: The Immigration

Posted: Jan 23rd, '15, 00:30
by Lady Tatsuhiko
Oh that reminds me Reapersun has left Gaia now
she's still doing the manga but she won't be on the art team anymore
she freely left for her own reasons whatever that be

Re: Masquerade: The Immigration

Posted: Jan 23rd, '15, 02:25
by flyfari
Well she's been there for a heck of a long time, it's time for her to do something else I guess.

I kind of wish someone else would do the manga though...I still like her art, but it's always so hard to tell whats going on in her comics ._.

Re: Masquerade: The Immigration

Posted: Jan 23rd, '15, 03:43
by Lady Tatsuhiko
Well she's the only one doing it right now because nobody else wants to
as in we'd have no manga if it weren't for her which is unfortunate :/

so nobody's quite sure what's going to happen after this whole Nyx arc is done
they'll probably just move to short one page comics for everything

What's really sad is the amount of bad-mouthing of her in her goodbye thread
going as far as calling her a parasite and the worst thing to happen to Gaia
as someone there so nicely put it:
I'd hope you wouldn't write on someone's leaving work card "thanks for nothing, not sad to see you leave"

Re: Masquerade: The Immigration

Posted: Jan 23rd, '15, 04:15
by flyfari
I think the manga should just stop at this point since nothing really makes sense anymore. Though especially with their event plots (which isn't her I guess. but god, the christmas one made no sense).

And I don't really blame her for the bad plots since I know others do the writing. And doing everything in black and white and sketchy just didn't work. I know they had to do that to save time for her, but yeah. If it can't be done well...just don't do it.

and that sucks :/ people are so rude sometimes. Like...I'm still a fan, though she lost me a bit with her obsession with Sherlock. Oh well, can't help what people like haha

Re: Masquerade: The Immigration

Posted: Jan 23rd, '15, 08:54
by Lady Tatsuhiko
You mean this last Christmas one?
It was tied into the monthly CI
It's unfortunate that they didn't include the art from the CI
or a link to it in the manga section as it doesn't make a lot of sense without it :/

Yeah the Sherlock thing.....
while I don't agree with everything she was into or made
I didn't think she was that horrible either

Re: Masquerade: The Immigration

Posted: Jan 24th, '15, 01:41
by Plushie Heartless
This morning, I dreamed about malware and autocorrect. I tried to google "Shiba Inu" for Aji (because she owned one) and only received military terms for results. I woke myself up with distress. /ramble

Re: Masquerade: The Immigration

Posted: Jan 25th, '15, 03:57
by Lestrade
I hate in-character ask blogs so much >.<

also most AU fanfiction esp soulmate AUs

I feel like I'm doing fandom wrong, I just sort of write in a vacuum and barely venture to read anybody else's stuff

Re: Masquerade: The Immigration

Posted: Jan 25th, '15, 20:12
by Plushie Heartless
I liked this one ask blog one time...the format itself isn't bad, but in execution they're usually p. terrible. Is there a particular one that put you off?

I don't mind soulmate AUs, (esp. horror-ish ones~) but I do find a lot of modern AUs very...exasperating...

Re: Masquerade: The Immigration

Posted: Jan 25th, '15, 21:00
by Sinni
I like in character ask blogs
> w >

Re: Masquerade: The Immigration

Posted: Jan 25th, '15, 21:32
by Plushie Heartless
You like both cosplay ones and art ones?