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Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Nov 4th, '15, 05:12
by lunar_eclipse66
I haven't read a lot recently but I have about 4 books waiting for me to finish them right now

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Nov 7th, '15, 03:37
by Appalachia
When I was little I'd read quite a lot, not so much anymore although I still like to pick up a book quite often. I have piles of them stacked in my room.

I find myself reading a lot of online articles, and I have several books downloaded on my Kindle. It's easier to pull that out and start reading than to lug a physical book around all day.

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Mar 1st, '16, 09:18
by Nagisa Furukawa
i have been trying read since i got some new manga recently :qsweat:

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Apr 13th, '16, 07:59
by savage_rose
Daily. Even if I just read a couple of minutes here and there, it feels like it reboots my brain. I love to read! I miss it when I don't.

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Apr 14th, '16, 02:44
by starcookie
It depends. I read a lot, but sometimes it's books and sometimes it's fanfiction, but mostly it's both. That and I've been known to set one book or story down for a while and come back and pick it up where I left off, while sometimes (if it's an especially good or involved story) I'll start over from the beginning and read it all over again.

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Apr 16th, '16, 09:26
by Pingbot
I haven't read as much lately because I've been working a lot, but I read a lot when I have time. ^_^; I do read a lot of fanfic on the bus or when I'm trying to fall asleep, though.

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Apr 17th, '16, 00:36
by brighnasa
I read every day. I have so so many books.

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Oct 13th, '16, 15:45
by Kipkn
I've been too busy lately to read a lot, but even when busy I manage a minimum of a book a month. Some of those months, it may be a silly romance novel, but the other months are general fiction or scifi/fantasy.

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Oct 16th, '16, 16:06
by Angel-WolfBunny
In last few months I don't have as much time to read, but 3 books a month are how much I usualy read.

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Oct 16th, '16, 18:10
by Stuart Pot
Actually super rare... >A<'
Idk why, I can't find the time to read D:
The last book I bought is two years ago... and I had read few pages of it :/