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Re: KofK Book Club [Let's Pick a Book Together]

Posted: Oct 24th, '17, 08:58
by Mikael Hart
Sure thing. XD

Re: KofK Book Club [Let's Pick a Book Together]

Posted: Oct 24th, '17, 09:07
by Tora_Fujimoto
Okay. Ill probably try to work on it after work tomorrow. I get off at 4 pm. So sometime after that if I dont get to busy. I have school stuff to do but I should be able to get it to you tomorrow.

Re: KofK Book Club [Let's Pick a Book Together]

Posted: Oct 24th, '17, 09:29
by Mikael Hart
Sure. You could leave it for Wednesday, even, since I'll be busy tomorrow. Work and then stuff after work. XD; Plus, tomorrow, they want me in early. u__u UGH.

Re: KofK Book Club [Let's Pick a Book Together]

Posted: Oct 25th, '17, 01:15
by Tora_Fujimoto
Well if I dont get it all done today, I can do it tomorrow too. I didnt sleep until 4 am. I stayed up later xc so I only got 4 hours of sleep and I want to sleep all day but I cant. Dx Ughhh.

I hope youre having a good day!

Re: KofK Book Club [Let's Pick a Book Together]

Posted: Oct 25th, '17, 09:11
by Mikael Hart
Dang! I stayed up until 2-3AM myself last night. I always get caught up in reading fics before bed. XD;

Thanks, and likewise!

Re: KofK Book Club [Let's Pick a Book Together]

Posted: Oct 26th, '17, 04:27
by Tora_Fujimoto
I really like your avi. c: I get that. I do that sometimes xD What kind of fics do you read?

I haven't thought to much but I some books I would like to read are;
Red Queen(I wouldn't mind reading again, or any of the other books)
The Lunar Chronicles
The Nightshade Trilogy(there's more than 3 books now but I love this series)
The Wrath and the Dawn and The Rose and the Dagger

I know there's always more books but there's some of them xD

Re: KofK Book Club [Let's Pick a Book Together]

Posted: Oct 26th, '17, 06:16
by Mikael Hart

Aha, fanfics, mostly. Currently, I'm reading Teen Wolf FF. Which is kinda funny, since I've never seen more than a few minutes of the show.

I like YA fantasy, but not so big on YA romance. Oftentimes, I find it difficult to finish a book if I dislike the main character, and I get frustrated when a character makes a dumb decision influenced by romance (which is why I tend to avoid YA romance). I lack the patience, tbh. *facehands*

I would love to go through the works of Neil Gaiman or Terry Prachett, or try out some of HP Lovecraft's works, since I've heard of some pretty interesting concepts. I also wouldn't mind reading more Diana Wynne Jones, however, her pacing can be pretty tedious at times, and I'm not particularly impressed with most of her protagonists.

Thinking about it, I kinda want to read "The Chronicles of Amber" by Roger Zelazny. It was recced to me by someone I RPed with, and looking at the summary, I think I might like it.

Re: KofK Book Club [Let's Pick a Book Together]

Posted: Oct 26th, '17, 08:26
by Tora_Fujimoto
My sister was really into Teen Wolf so I watched plenty xD I really liked scott. Mm xD lol

I get that. I read a lot of romance books sooo yeah. But I understand why you dont. Some books can be bad because of that. I just like the relationship because I like to feel like Im that character and I have a relationship going on with the other xD lol Im weird like that.

I looked at 'The Chronicles of Amber' and it doesnt look too bad so we can always try some of those. I havent read any books by Neil Gaiman or Terry Prachett but Im willing to try out any books xD

Re: KofK Book Club [Let's Pick a Book Together]

Posted: Oct 26th, '17, 08:37
by Mikael Hart
Aha, I have a generally good impression of Scott from the fics I've read. I kinda wish people would give Peter a better voice. I see a lot of potential for a morally ambiguous character, but I guess it is easy to cast him as the villain considering that he is one --just a generally lesser evil. So much potential there, though!

Well, if you like romance, then it's awesome! I think that's how a lot of romance books and movies sell --because people like that particular brand of connection and relationship.

I'm very fussy about my romance, so I tend to reject it or be wary of it. I dropped Legend of Korra because of the teen drama, and despite how much my friends tell me that it will get better later, I can't actually sit through it without cringing. It's just not for everyone, but you know, to each their own.

If you're interested in any of those, then I can let you pick from them. Once you do, I'll place an order to buy my copy. XD

Re: KofK Book Club [Let's Pick a Book Together]

Posted: Oct 26th, '17, 08:54
by Tora_Fujimoto
Yeah I get what you mean. I havent thought about Teen Wolf in so long. I think Scott had a gf in the show and I was so mad. Then she ended up getting killed, then I was happy. xD

So I looked at some books and I kind of want to read either American Gods by Neil Gaiman, The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter. Or we can read the first book of the Chronicles of Amber. xD Do you have any books you'd want to read from them? Since youve read probably more books by the other two authora than I have.
Is there one you want to read first?

I watched a lot of LoK, but I dont think I was able to finush it either. I really liked Avatar the Last Airbender but I just couldnt keep up with Korra.