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Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Oct 22nd, '16, 14:55
by Taiki
I started to read a lot during my (rather boring!) summer job since I had a lot o free time...
But now the semester started and I find myself quite busy to read as often as I'd like to. :( I'd say about two books per month.

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Oct 23rd, '16, 08:35
by Nashawryn
I read every day, sometimes for hours depending on how slow my day is going at work. Last year I participated in the reading challenge on good reads and read around 180 books if I remember correctly.

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Oct 28th, '16, 23:24
by Finx
I read as much as I can while working. Depending on the size of the books I can read one or two a week.

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Oct 30th, '16, 05:04
by Shanona
I try and read every day. I have access to a lot of books thanks to my kindle so it's never a problem to find a book I can read. Once I'm done with one I just move on to another.

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Oct 30th, '16, 21:04
by Yilara
I cannot and I won't count my books... It'll be a huge number xD
In my father's house there are two big boxes (those of washing machines) an here in my own place there are so many of them spread over all rooms and some of them in boxes, too ^^"
I definitely have too much books... But can anybody have too much books?

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Nov 1st, '16, 11:10
by Illyria
I read quite a lot but because of my job, I don't get to do it often enough. If left to my own devices I'd probably get through one a day but as it is, It's more like one a week

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Nov 16th, '16, 11:16
by PulciniVerdi
I've set my goodreads challenge on 75 for 2016, so definetly more than 1 for week. I can read 10 books in a month and only 3 the next one, last one was very hard since a bad book stunned my mind so hard that I didn't want to read for a while.

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Nov 19th, '16, 23:49
by Deja
I used to read more, but with my job's schedule I only read a few pages a day if I'm lucky.

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Jan 22nd, '17, 13:17
by Tis ti
I read at least a book a month, usually more, especially if you count all of the hort stories and fanfictions... I love reading and I try to keep up with it even if I now have a lot to study

Re: How Many Books?

Posted: Jan 23rd, '17, 02:30
by mementomori
Class alone is 4 monographs a week, and since I have papers and such, it's usually 6 a week.

This is not light reading. They are like 500 page history books, which are fun, but not quick reading. So I don't really have a lot of time for fiction at the moment. Sad.