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Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Feb 25th, '20, 23:51
by Rubie
YES I do not like Shallan. She grew on me though, still get annoyed when it's her turn for a narrative. I am and am not looking forward to book four since it'll mostly focus on Eshonai (if I am remembering her name correctly lol) because whenever she had a narrative in the other books I dragged my feet reading it because I rather read Kal...and Adolin...I like Adolin. I actually like the younger brother more though, tbh.
Rythm of War though is the last book I plan on reading this year and it will be my first book read in 2021 because there is no way I'll finish it in the almost month and half before the end of the year. (book 3 took forever because I kept putting it down when I got to the boring parts)

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Feb 26th, '20, 16:41
by memoriam
haha, yeah, I just tolerate Shallan XD I don't feel Adolin though, I find Renarin more interesting and it bothers me how little we know about him xD
Oh, I didn't even know the title of the next book or that it's going to focus on Eshonai :mcgasp: Well, I'm going to hate that if that's true XD Or maybe it will be focused on her sister? Or which one is which? I can't remember XD

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Feb 27th, '20, 15:56
by Rubie
That's his name. Could not recall it for my life. I knew I liked his name though!

Yeah it's confirmed that it's her (I ended up looking it up since I wanted to make sure), and the fifth book will focus more on Szeth. Hopefully Eshonai's wont be too terrible dragging. I wouldn't mind another book being focused on Kal again. But it'll be 10 different people probably.

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Feb 28th, '20, 17:33
by memoriam
Ahaha, I'm gonna start hating the series in a while xD but who knows maybe Master Branderson will make those characters worth it (idk why I mashed up his first and last name together but I did, lol)

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Feb 29th, '20, 20:17
by Sanssouci
I'm almost done with How To Capture A Countess. It's ok but definitely not great.

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Mar 1st, '20, 16:15
by jacobgrey
I have a Kindle Fire, it got so laggy and the battery slowed down so much after a couple of years that I don't even bother turning it on anymore. I have it as a backup still just in case something was to happen to all my other devices, I guess. But it's just sitting uselessly.
I do prefer reading actual books. It's taking me ages to get through anything at the moment. I kept saying last year I was going to start on rereading The Mortal Instruments and I might actually do that next. I like the books a lot so I should get through them quicker, and Cassandra Clare just put out a new series set in the past of the Shadowhunters (or at least book one of it) so this is a good excuse. Maybe I'll also pick up her other series that I haven't read inbetween. I got the Mortal Instruments as a boxset so it was really good value for all the paperbacks.

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Mar 4th, '20, 16:07
by Rubie
@Mem: I feel that. I hope it doesn't drag on and on for me with Eshonai being the main focus.

@jacob: I feel like that's how it is with most electronics though. My surface tablet I got for school that I stopped using as much when I graduated from my uni, it became a glitchy mess from lack of use, literally. I am going to use it to get borrowed ebooks through my library though if I ever get my butt up town to get a library card lol. I still prefer paper books all the way, I love that smell way too much.

I have been reading this book for almost a week and not even 100 pages in. I'm glad I borrowed it with the kindle trial because I just don't like the writing. It's overly descriptive and sometimes something happens in it and I'm like wait when did that happen? because the descriptors distract me from what I'm actually reading. (I also feel like this is a children's book, but I swear it's marketed towards older teens so maybe there will be a time skip and the characters will become older because they are kids now? Don't have a problem reading tales with the characters starting out as kids, but they seem ridiculous imo)

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Mar 4th, '20, 17:49
by memoriam
How weird is it that I've never touched anything written by Cassandra Clare and I'm not really tempted to? :mcconf:
I wanted to read the shadowhunters thing mainly because it seemed similar to my idea for a novel but urban. But then I googled it and found a lot of negative opinions and I decided against it ecause why the hell would I read something I never wanted to read in the first place and then get annoyed at it? xD

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Mar 4th, '20, 18:58
by jacobgrey
I tend not to read into reviews so much because I usually disagree with them. Some of my favourite books have awful reviews. And some that have had great reviews, I went and read them and hated them XD
I liked the film, which I only watched because an actor I like was in it. So then I read the books. And now I like the TV show too, although all three might as well be separate stories XD They change so much stuff each time.

Re: The 2020 Reading Challenge

Posted: Mar 4th, '20, 21:56
by Rubie
I try to not base my judgement on other people's ratings and reviews, but man, did I wish I read some of the lower stared reviews of this book on goodreads (tbh I would have kept to my "I'll be the judge of that" attitude towards the book until I read it). I got curious and looked it up and this one person hit the nail on the head; basically saying it felt a lot longer than the 700 pages the book is and let me tell you, that's how I feel.